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eBay craziness / a question



So I went to eBay and clicked on Make Offer. This thing that never came up before told me I had to use my bank account for further Make Offers/Auctions. I clicked OK even though I didn't want to use my bank account and it said I could change it in settings. So I went to find settings on both PayPal and eBay and couldn't find it, although I did find a Payment settings on eBay. So I clicked on it. It said I am currently using my PayPal account for Make offers/auction. Plus what makes things weirder is I got an e-mail saying I had chosen my PayPal account for Make Offers/Auctions. WHICH I HAD DONE BEFORE. What is going on here? Is this some new thing on eBay? Why Why Why? And they make it so confusing. Why say I needed to use my bank account for Make Offers/Auctions when I didn't really need to in the first place?

Please help me.


EDIT: I think I may have found the way to make PayPal my preferred method of payments. The accepted offer I made it says it was paid by my bank account which I didn't want to do in the first place. I tried making another offer just to see if I could and it let me without that weird message. Why would it want me to switch to my bank account to pay for stuff when I had been using PayPal for decades?


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