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SUNday? I don't think so.



If the sun does decide to come out, it will still be below freezing anyway. I'm still prepared, taking a flashlight with me at night where ever I go. Right now it's 17 degrees and a little after 8 a.m. here. It looks like even Tuesday now will be below freezing so that's an extra day to wait. Hopefully Wednesday will be the day to get rid of all the ice. I'm so sleepy. I woke up at 3:30 a.m. and found the power still on after my 15-hour nap. I'm still working on stuff, but will avoid anything that needs the power to be on, like loading Everdrives with Game Gear game ROMs for the time being.


Watching the local news. There's trees down all over the place up north, but not here. The good news is there's not supposed to be any precipitation today. They want to put freezing rain on Tuesday with it being 28. But then 45 the next day. So we're not out of the woods quite yet. I can't remember a time where it's been this cold this long. It being this below freezing for half a week is just crazy here.




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