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More ice



So apparently mid day tomorrow we'll get some more ice. But there is hope. Wednesday's high is supposed to be 50. So even if the power does go out, we'll have at most two days with it being below freezing while huddling close to the fireplace playing Game Boy and Pokemon Mini games. Last time I checked it was 19 and it's a little after 7 a.m. I usually get up at about 3:30a.m. and go to sleep at around noon for now.


While the power is on still, I took some time to work on Pokemon Mini programming. I got four foods. Each one can travel at different speeds.


This seems like a good stopping point, so I will. I'll pick back up on it on Wednesday if we still have power then. I'll also test it on a real Pokemon Mini just to see what the graphics look like. The candy is W&W's, a play on M&M's. A little candy with a w printed on it.


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