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For a while, I haven't been doing my comics, so the website was on a temporary pause. I'll be back at it again on April 7 and again on April 14. It makes me wonder how the cartoonists who do the comic strips think up new ideas over and over again for each day. Perhaps that's why Gary Larson quit. If you're doing a new strip each day, they can't all be good. I just drew, scanned, cleaned up and colored a couple of comic strips and if I think of any more, then that'll be great. But I've been doing this off and on since 2006, so ideas are scarce at this point. I may just quit and abandon the site.


The name of my current comic is "Igloos Ablaze." When I was a kid, I had a Mr. Potato-head. It came with all the accessories: Eyes, nose, mouths, shoes. I may be dating myself here, but along with the accessories for the plastic potato toy was a plastic green pipe. Here I drew them as I remember them: Mr. Potato-head with blue shoes, red nose, stuff like that. And if he found his pipe, it would be colored light green like I remember. I will do the strip weekly, because daily would be too hard. I did daily earlier this year, but then I ran out of ideas.


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