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Pac-Line for Intellivision



So the past couple of days I began work on a version of Pac-Line for the Intellivision.


Yesterday my eye hurt really bad, yet I still went to the used game store. I walked out with Blues Brothers 2000 for the N64 because I didn't see anything else to catch my eye and I wanted to support. I saw the first issue of Nintendo Power in there. Too bad they wanted $200 for it! They also had some Fun Club News issues, the cheapest one being $40. And then I went to Popeye's and got some delicious chicken nuggets even though the guy had a hard time understanding me. I think they should fire him and replace him with a different, non-ditzy guy, And since my eye hurt, I went to bed at about 2 p.m. yesterday. I woke up at about 6 a.m., getting my usual 16 hours of sleep.


So that's what I've been doing the second half of this week: Working on a game, sleep, repeat.


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