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Work work work!



That seems to be what I yell when I am programming Odyssey 2 games. A minor change in bank 3 of Underwear ruined the whole game. So I had to figure out what was wrong. I changed one byte and the game wouldn't work any more on a real Odyssey 2. Eventually I got the game working again.


I added another maze to the game. I also simplified the maze grid drawing code. So I don't think I should have to make any more changes to bank 3, which is good because it's been a problem program part for the past few days.


I also made it so level 4 has one enemy, level 5 has 2, and level 6 has 3. Level 7 will have one again, and it will loop that way. Right now level 7 is slow at some spots. I figure hope it's because it doesn't know what it's doing since I haven't programmed that far into the game yet. Also, my computer likes to slow things down when playing O2EM. Sometimes it takes like 10 (or more) tries to open it. I don't know why that is. I keep clicking on the game, and it either stops loading or says something wasn't found.


When you get to the last maze, I want it to loop around to the first maze again. Still not certain is the number of mazes. I'll keep adding them until I run out of room or bank 2 quits working. I've used 1,528 out of 2,048 bytes, so I have about 500 or so bytes to add in maze data. And, I don't want to add maze data in bank 3 because, as you might have guessed, it will break the game.


I need to stay up until 9 a.m. because I ordered groceries online. I usually am up all night now and go to sleep at abour 7 a.m. So we'll see how that goes. Right now it's about 10:00 p.m. I woke up at about 7 p.m. Too bad they won't deliver groceries at like 2 a.m. or something.


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