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Boring antics



So I have this skin tag under my eye. I got some skin tag remover to try and freeze it off. I used it this morning for the second time and nothing happened. It's still there, hanging on. Whenever I use that stuff the skin tag begins hurting. So perhaps it's not really a skin tag, even though my doctor said that's what it was? It tells you not to use it on your face, but I have to because that's where it is and it's kind of disgusting to look at so I'd much prefer it not be there.


Since I was bored, I took a look at Frank the Fruit Fly 2. I discovered something about the snake tongue. Only touching the tip of it hurt Frank. Well, I thought, it should probably be touching any part of the tongue would hurt him. So I went to work on that. As it turned out, I had to delete a little bit of code to get my desired effect. How about that.


I am completely out of my mind bored. I guess I'll go try and think up of some more FtFF2 screen ideas. I don't know why I work on them when hardly anything I want gets released in some form. I have more than a few projects I want to be released, but nobody wants to.

  • Flying Burgers (Game Gear)
  • Frank the Fruit Fly (Game Boy)
  • Stupidman (NES)
  • Uncle Hairy's Nosehair (Atari 2600)
  • Ugly Uppity Umpire (Game Boy)
  • X Vs. O (Odyssey²)

A lot of stuff. I'm probably forgetting a few.


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