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ABBUC Software Contest 2007


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BTW: I will also release ECKN for everyone after the contest (with some glitches removed)...


Here comes the original distribution I've sent to ABBUC.

Have fun!


To Marius: My wife (the little 'guy' in the left corner... :D ) is very happy with the music

(she said it's not so typically computer squeaky and supports the feeling that you have to hurry).

You can switch the ingame music off if you don't like it. I think after playing a game

2 days without a break, every song becomes boring.

The only thing I can imagine is a background music selection for songs ECKN finds on the disk.

But there is also a memory constraint and (if you like to have the selection sound effects) the restriction

for max. 3 channels...

Anyhow - it's not worth to put any more work into this 5th place - sorry.


To Mathy: Yes, this would be nice and I tought about it before starting ECKN too. But my kind of solution looks

different. Maybe you will see a result of my efforts in the next contest...

I think I've catched the drawback of keyboard & joystick operation quite good by selecting only two corners

instead of four comparing to 'Znax'. I'm not sure if this was communicated by ABBUC but you can use

the keyboard not only by using the cursor keys, but also with the more PC-compatible cursor key layout

on the right hand side of the XL keyboard (cannot test it here yet - think it was ',' '.' '/' ';').





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Are these results official? It's hard to comment about them without knowing for sure.


Anyway, we have also released Yoomp!. You can download it from http://yoomp.atari.pl


Wow, congratulations, this is such a great game and all-around accomplished product :lust:

And an excellent promotion site! :thumbsup:


Would love to see it released as a boxed 5200 game!

This game oozes quality and would really fit smoothly into the 5200 library.

I could imagine it achieving similar success as Adventure II ...

Would be great to see it appear in the AtariAge store!


Cheers, Eric

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Made it to the Kindergarten (5) level. Those sideways pushing blocks are a bit tricky.


Like how it checkpoints as you go along so you don't have to redo the entire level.


Needs a better "dying" sequence though, even if it were just the ball fading to black so you could see where you went wrong.


Sound/music even good running in monaural.

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Did you know you can hear your ball bouncing left, center or right side of the tube when in stereo setup?

Also the control of the game is very good, you you loose a ball, you never feel like its the games fault.


Congrats for 1st place, the other entrys are very good too, some are even great. "Yoomp!" is outstanding.

That would have sold very good back in the days....


I'd appreciate a retail box of that game, too. A cart would be great.

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Hello folks,

yes - the results posted by Emkay here are correct (I visited the Abbuc meeting, thus I know for sure). So: Congratulations to the authors of Yoomp!


I guess / hope Bunsen will not only present the places, but also the points each program reached in the Abbuc software contest (afaik the first 2-3 places had scored more than 400 points)...


And finally, I do hope that all authors who took part at this contest make their programs freely available (here or elsewhere) for download... Last not least, there will be another Abbuc Software Contest in 2008... so all authors who did or could not take part in 2007 will get another chance... greetings, Andreas Koch.

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Hi all,


Thanks for many nice words about Yoomp!


For those that haven't seen it yet, I'm happy to announce that it will become publicly available right after ABBUC meeting, which is this weekend.

We wait with the release, as we believe that ABBUC members deserve the right to enjoy the competition entries first.


Another thing is that the current version will not work on NTSC machines. I'm curious if there is a serious interest in such a version. If so, we will try to make it.


Check http://yoomp.atari.pl/ for updates :P

(I know, I know, I'm teasing you:))

Eru, please, please, please, please complete the NTSC version of Yoomp!


Pretty please, with sugar on top. :ponder:


- Steve

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Anyhow - it's not worth to put any more work into this 5th place - sorry.


Irgendwer, I thought ECKN was an awesome piece of work. It is extremely polished and well embellished. I especially liked the fonts you used for the credits, titles, etc. And I found the Joystick interface to be very responsive and adequate to control the game.


I'm sorry that it didnt place in the top 3 because I can definitely appreciate the amount of work you must have put into it.


In fact, I'm almost sure that the other games which placed higher did so because of GENRE, and not necessarily because of superior quality.


I have seen the same type of thing at CLASSIC CAR SHOWS. Most of the time, there will be several entries of the same car. Both really nice. Maybe one guy has REALLY outdone himself, and gotten every last detail of his car perfect, down to polishing the head of each and every bolt. This is the car that I feel should win, because he has done the best job meticulously restoring everyhting to prestine condition. But often times, its not this car that wins. Its the car that has the rare-assed 500 horsepower "big block" factory engine (that is nice,. but not nearly as prestinely restored as the other guys car) that gets the most votes. This is a phenomena known as the "peoples choice".. They prefer seeing that massively huge engine under the hood, and will overlook alot because of it.


I think that ECKN deserves higher than 5th place, but the people chose the "ACTION" games because that is what they like.


That said, I imagine there are plenty of people like myself who would love to see further development from you in the future, whether it be on ECKN, or future software titles.


You did a Great Job.

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I agree for 100% with metalguy.


It is almost a week further now for me, and I have to say ECKN is the game I pick the most.


Metalguy is right, and I think you should not think in places. 5th place sounds disappointing for you, but your game is very challenging.


I feel a little sorry it took a little time for me to get into the game. I had already post my votes (7 points out of 10) for it, I would certainly give 8 or 9 points now.


But ok. You REALLY should be proud. It is a wonderfull game, and I love the saving of the High Score on disk too.




p.s. I understand what you mean about tunes get boring after 2 days... you're right. But I'm a real computer-game-music lover, and the music in your game was the only thing I did not like :)) The offer still stays, and if you are going to make another game, I'm still offering to compose/write music for you.

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Irgendwer, I thought ECKN was an awesome piece of work. It is extremely polished and well embellished. I especially liked the fonts you used for the credits, titles, etc. And I found the Joystick interface to be very responsive and adequate to control the game.



Thank you for your consolatory words. I am very pleased that you discover major parts of my work: The 'from scratch' designed font and the

joystick interface which I overhauled/improved twice. Thanks to you remarks, I know now, that my efforts are noticeable.


I'm a little bit crestfallen, but this maybe changes if I have access to/played all entries of the contest. Of course I'm also glad about every new

good game for the 8-bit-machines (and 'YOOMP!' is definite a good one! (The poor guys have to devide the trophy by four!)).



That said, I imagine there are plenty of people like myself who would love to see further development from you in the future, whether it be on ECKN, or future software titles.


You did a Great Job.


Thanks again for your supportive words. We will see what the future brings...




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I must to say that Crownland is all that I could expected. Even, I didn't notice the 32 wide bytes changed. It's a avalanche of good graphics in his different levels. Never before seen something as Crownland, good graphics, parallax scrolling, many color on screen, multiplexed multicolored sprites, 50fps, good music, transparency, good fonts.... really a gem. (... did I mention the final chief??? )


I can't compare technically to Yoomp!, because I don't understand very well the technical programming of Yoomp!. But, I suspect, Crownland programming takes a more long and hard work. Sure Crownland deserve a place in the 10 best games on Atari 8bit computer, as well Yoomp! too.

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:-o Truely the best work I've seen on the A8. Very polished and extremely well done in every respect. I'm beyond happy to see Crownland, personally I would put it before Yoomp but words cannot describe how good both of these are. I hope these guys were rewarded well at abbuc!
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:-o Truely the best work I've seen on the A8. Very polished and extremely well done in every respect. I'm beyond happy to see Crownland, personally I would put it before Yoomp but words cannot describe how good both of these are. I hope these guys were rewarded well at abbuc!


Crownland doesn't look finished. And, when the developers want, they can make a "Crownland Gold" ;-) .... with real fullscreen, additional levels loading from Disk and less flicker ... and put it onto the next ABBUC contest.

Well, even if looking not finished, crownland made it to the 2nd place.


BTW: In the 2nd level of Crownland, I was a bit astonished by the monkeys there. But the levelgraphics haven't kept the "quality" of the 1st level.

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It's a pity Crowland and Eckn doesn't work well on NTSC systems. Maybe, on the future could be launched a NTSC version, as Yoomp! authors promised.


Actually, I really hope they do not waste their time with NTSC versions and build further good stuff, taking advantage of all available for creating such stuff on PAL machines. In "history" nearly all Games on the A8 are "optimized" for NTSC. The fact of having 50 instead of 60 pictures per second and having a lot more cycles per frame was 99% dropped by all developers.

F.E. Rescue on Fractalus could be up to 30% faster (or even with more details) on PAL machines and "Seawolf" was playable crap due to the slowness. Popeye and Salmon Run are also suffering by timing issues when playing at 50Hz.... and so on...

Vice versa: If people use all available cpu time for creating games on PAL machines, they must reduce "features" to make it run on NTSC machines.

You can vaquely say: Games like Crownland never were done before in that quality, because, there weren't enough "PAL" developers.

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I hope crownland will be as good as the demo they released earlier.


On that demo there is no flicker at all. Full screen does not matter for me. In fact I like that narrow screen too.


I asked my wife (she has always bright ideas about 'game-concept') why Yoomp was endend #1 and crownland on #2.


She said, and she has a point, Yoomp has a very original game-concept, a complete NEW game, which everybody is curious about, because it is not familiar with something we've already seen.


Crownland looks cool, and has everything a nice and good game has, but it is not original. It is a Mario-land clone, so it makes the atari owners happy we have finally a real Mario-land-like-clone, but it is not that original.


I think she has a point.


By the way. Crownland is definately not the first Mario-land clone for a8 ofcourse. One of my favorites is still Wlockzikij (could me misspelled). Anyone who does not know that game: you really should give it a try. The control of your player is a little bit 'strange' and it is sometimes very hard to do, but it is so cool.


The only option you'll miss is save your level. But when you play on Emulator you could save state ofcourse.


I've played it till the end, and I must say: it is a real thrill. A little too hard perhaps. But with emulator you can train your skills and then play it on the real thing till the end. I love the graphics of Level 2 and Level 5 most.




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