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Previous 7800 HSC Rounds


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WTF, how come the scores people are getting are more then double then the last time all of a sudden?


Anyways; 65,900 for me. I played for a while, best I could do.


I had the difficulty cranked to max the last time.


*Thanks to shadow460 and Atarifever for keeping the dream alive*


Back at you, since you're doing the work this time around!

Edited by shadow460
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Mine is actually a little bit low....compared to the last time we played this in the HSC. Towards the end, I was playing like a wildman and got around 500k.

Ya know, I'm a doofus. I missread the old thread. Yeah, scores are more or less on par. ;)


I had the difficulty cranked to max the last time.

Eh? We're playing at the same difficulty as last time. :ponder:


Anywho, as I've said before, I just suck at all these games, so it don't matter anyways. :P

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Well.....it's the beginning of October now. So we'll switch competitions now........and get back to Food Fight in November.


As for final scores for this short run:

1. PressureCooker2600 - 361600 [+10]

2. Artlover - 65900 [+9]


And Dauber didn't have a concrete score, but he did get the challenge of two instant replays in a game. So, he gets a [+5].


Now....everyone have fun with the 7800 October Madness......a trio of terror: Midnight Mutants, Dark Chambers, and Galaga.

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This HSC will involve three seperate games to compete in.....all with their own rankings and such. The three games will be Midnight Mutants, Dark Chambers, and Galaga.


I can't think of any challenges for these games.....so ya'll can chime in with any challenges you see fit.


The difficulty for Galaga will be Advanced (the vegetable).

The difficulty for Dark Chambers will be whatever is the hardest......I haven't played this one before.

Midnight Mutants has no difficulty levels so we don't have to worry about that.


Let the mayhem and madness begin.......

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For Midnight Mutants, it is harder if less diamonds are picked up.

But, that can be faked by touching ghosts at the end.

So, perhaps finishing the game without the heart? I'm not sure if there's a way to track it.


There is a walkthrough that I put together years ago:




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Some more rules for Dark Chambers, before I submit my first score for it. .....man, that game is brutal.....

Set the difficulty on Advanced, and start out on Level A. Whenever you submit your score for Dark Chambers, list your score and what level you finally perished on.

Also, try not to point scum. It would be easy to just stand around a spawning point and shoot away forever.

Man....this game is hella harder than Gauntlet.

I'll let the challenge be making it to Level Z.


For Midnight Mutants, I'll let the more knowledgable on the game decide factors on scoring, etc.


My first score for Dark Chambers is 14020. I couldn't even make it to Level B.


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To Artlover.....the ProSystem Emulator seems to work fine, although I couldn't set off any bombs.

Well, that's what I mean by unplayable. I can run the game fine in any 7800 emu, but without dual fire button support, you can't use bombs, and as far as I'm concerned, that makes it unplayable. They are like magic in Gauntlet. Absolutly neccessary at times.

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Dang....I just thought I was doing something wrong. Midnight Mutants HAS to have two buttons, too. The other 7800 emulator, EMU7800, only uses one button, too. I wonder why both emulators can only utilize one button. In both configurations, you select inputs for both buttons and not just one. Hmmmm.......

Well, at least I have Galaga......and Dark Chambers is moderately playable, even though bombs are essential. :|

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Dang....I just thought I was doing something wrong. Midnight Mutants HAS to have two buttons, too. The other 7800 emulator, EMU7800, only uses one button, too. I wonder why both emulators can only utilize one button. In both configurations, you select inputs for both buttons and not just one. Hmmmm.......

I don't know if you've noticed, but they will kind of correctly recognize the #2 button if pressed first (so long as you never press button #1).


Xevious is a good example. If you start the game with button #1, you have fire & bombs on that button and button #2 does nothing. If you start the game with button #2, it fires only (no bomb) till you press button #1 which will fire and drop bomb and stop button #2 from responding anymore.


What I think it is it this. Remember how the 7800 has that check for a single button 2600 stick or dual button 7800 stick, and sets itself accordingly. It seems none of the emulators are dealing with that correctly, so the games are falling back into a single button stick mode.


My question is, where is that check. In the games or the 7800 bios or hardware level? If it's the bios, could it be hacked to remove the single button option (which I imagine would break the 2600 compatabilty).

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The two buttons worked fine on Midnight Mutants......as I just checked it out. Very weird. Good explanation, though.

Yeah, it does. This leads me to believe the controller detect is cart/rom based. Still, emulators should beable to address this better.


As you can see, the dog is humping my dead corpse because I suck at this game (first time I played it, though).



Yeah, me too. I've tried it, spend a good half hour. I just can't stop getting killed. The zombies or whatever they are are too hard to kill, and there are to many of them. By the time I get the knife, I'm like already down to 60% life. Every room I seem to get swaped with like 3 to 4 zombies at a time. Atleast the bats are easy to kill, not that they are all that threatening.

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Yeah, me too. I've tried it, spend a good half hour. I just can't stop getting killed. The zombies or whatever they are are too hard to kill, and there are to many of them. By the time I get the knife, I'm like already down to 60% life. Every room I seem to get swaped with like 3 to 4 zombies at a time. Atleast the bats are easy to kill, not that they are all that threatening.

Don't ever use the knife as a weapon. It's useless for that. I'm pretty sure I've finished the game without ever having used the knife as anything more than a door key.

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Dark Chambers: 22,730 - If I can clear out some space in my room, maybe I'll boot the actual game up so I can use bombs.


Midnight Mutants: 5,800 - Haven't played this one for awhile. Maybe I'll try to improve my score later.


Galaga: 58,250 - That's how you get the adrenaline going!

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On difficult, the challange for Dark Chambers should be getting to Z.


That is already the challenge. ;)


But thanks for thinking of one. On Advanced, it should be *almost* impossible to make it to Z.


Just to go back over the difficulties:

Dark Chambers - Advanced

Galaga - Advanced

Midnight Mutants - Default

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Midnight Mutants: 71,590. I forgot where some stuff was, so although I didn't leech for points, I backtracked more than I usually would, which increased the score more than it'd usually be. Anyone ever notice that the whole time the bosses disintegrate you keep getting points? It's a major point maker just beating the cow/ goat head.


I tried going to Dr. Evil without the heart and died when the blood gauge hit 0% (the way I usually die) right outside of where he was. Anyone know if you can get into his area without the heart anyway? I'd have made it all the way there if I hadn't chosen the blood potion instead of the gun at one point and used it by mistake when I didn't need to.

Edited by Atarifever
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  • 2 weeks later...
Haven't made much more progress with any of the games. I played Galaga a few times but didn't break my hi-score. I will probably play Midnight Mutants some more. I just wish I had Dark Chambers as a cart so I could use BOTH buttons, unlike the ROM version.

Yeah, I'd like to put more time into it too, but I'm very busy. Also, I hate posting scores with no pics, but until Christmas I have a crappy camera that can't take a picture of a TV screen.

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I know October didn't get much competition but that's all right. We'll keep on going anyway because the 7800 kicks ass!! Now an automatic no-brainer for November would be Food Fight. Anyone else have any suggestions for games to play in November?


Maybe throw a puzzle game into the mix like KLAX.

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