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I kept my repair down and used most of my points on small guns and lockpicking.


I get shafted by most of the shop repairers.....charging me an arm and a leg to fix my Chinese Assault Rifle. my barter isnt that high at all, either....so I still have to pay uber prices.

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anybody been to the satcom tower in the north--there are a few, but one's almost operational.

Nope. "in the north" is kinda vague to give me the slightest idea where it is. :P

yeah, it's pretty vast 'up north', but you'll know it when you get there. it's all by itself unlike most of the satcom towers, and it's got a talon merc with a rocket launcher on the balcony--you'll notice.


I hear the story ending is a bit of a letdown compared to the rest of the game--so it's probably a good thing I'm having so much fun just screwing around. I really want to start a new character. is anybody an evil character? Do raiders attack evil folks too? Seems like there's a good chance of life being actually a lot more friendly to an evil sort of character.

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I kept my repair down and used most of my points on small guns and lockpicking.

I specialized in small guns, lock picking, science and repair. At level 14 I've got 65 in small guns and I can't see any more need to add points. My guy is deadly in VATS combat with tons of one shot kills.


Great thing about repair is not only do you not have to pay exorbitant rates to have others repair your stuff, but you can gather up and repair all the weapons you find and sell them for a real good buck. ;)

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is anybody an evil character? Do raiders attack evil folks too? Seems like there's a good chance of life being actually a lot more friendly to an evil sort of character.

Haven't read all the replies yet, eh. :P ;)


Yes, I'm playing an evil character. After I finished once already as a good one, I figured I try it again from the other side.


Currently have the rank of Very Evil - Defiler.


You can make alot more money and get better weapons early in the game, which makes it easier to go exploring and level up at first. But you'll still be attacked by all the usual enemies.





Stealing, if you're seen/caught, results in everyone where you are trying to kill you. It's not possible to murder everyone. Anyone that has some signifigant story influence can't be killed. You just piss everyone off if you try. Rivet city is a bad place to try. Ain't going to happen. I don't even dare try to kill anyone in the Botherhood of Steel. the good thing tho is if you can just go somewhere else and hide out for a few days, all seems to be forgotten.


Some of the lesser 2ndary quests will be eliminated. Tho there are some 2ndary quests that revolve around you being evil, so it's a trade off. The big problem with being too evil like me is that it seems the engine isn't quite 100% at linking everything, and you can end up with active quests that are impossible to complete. I killed everyone in tenpenny towers - Quest told me to see some mutant about letting the mutants move in. I went into the tunnels near by and killed all the mutants - Quest told me to speak to someone in tenpenny towers about eliminating the mutant problem. Only I can't because it looks like I killed the guy in tenpenny towers that I needed to speak to. :?


You also get a burn notice put out on you. You can get one of these being good too, but that is harder to do and invovles invoking a converstation with a particular person. Might even beable to not get one at all by being good/nutural, but you absolutely get one for being evil regardless.


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for some reason they put children in the game and made both annoying and invincible. I'm not sure I'd ever mouth off to a man with a combat shotgun in his hands but I guess if I grew up on radioactive breakfast cereal I might just be that stupid... sure, the entire game revolves around killing weaker people and taking their clothes, but somehow not kids. Guess there's some kind of "moral line" there or something. So why are they even in the game?


...and then like all of rivet city started attacking me. "Look, nobody's hurt, we's just playing..." But soon I found out that like *half* of them are invincible too. Needed for the main quest or something. This game just doesn't understand how little I care about completing the main story. Why can't they at least stay down for more than a second or two?

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Where the hell is the cave north of Canterbery Commons? I went straight north from there all the way to the top of the freaking map. Yes, I dilly dallied E & W a bit too. Grrrrrr.


The cave is the lair of the AntAgonizer.....it's a teensy bit north of Canterbery. I went in there expecting to blow her away but I accidently said something that made her change her super-villain career. :x


Raiders attack no matter what. When you're evil....not only do you get the Talon mercs on your ass....but also the Regulators who are almost as tough and numerous. People tend to hear about you more when you're evil. The slavers practically gave me the "key to the city" when I arrived at Paradise Falls.


One thing thats pissing me off is this.....how did ya'll handle this, for those who finished it? All last night I was trying to get to the GNR building and I kept getting my ass mowed down eventually by the hordes of Muties. Is there any other way to get to the GNR building that I am missing? My current path is this....I come out of Chevy Chase East metro station and eventually end up at a huge building I have to go through to reach GNR. The problem is....it is filled to the brim with Super Muties on every floor shooting at you. I don't have enough Stimpaks to survive the assault and each time I tried...I died. Once I actually reached the GNR building, I think. There was someone fighting some Mutants but I didn't have time to see who because I was splattered everywhere. So.......is there any other metro junction I may be missing or something....that'll lead me straight to the GNR building?


Oh yea.....that slave I bought for a NPC didn't last long, either. She couldn't keep up with me and got ripped to shreds by some of those Mirelurk Hunters. Too bad........i guess.

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for some reason they put children in the game and made both annoying and invincible. I'm not sure I'd ever mouth off to a man with a combat shotgun in his hands but I guess if I grew up on radioactive breakfast cereal I might just be that stupid... sure, the entire game revolves around killing weaker people and taking their clothes, but somehow not kids. Guess there's some kind of "moral line" there or something. So why are they even in the game?


...and then like all of rivet city started attacking me. "Look, nobody's hurt, we's just playing..." But soon I found out that like *half* of them are invincible too. Needed for the main quest or something. This game just doesn't understand how little I care about completing the main story. Why can't they at least stay down for more than a second or two?


In the original Fallouts, you could kill the kids....but Bethseda decided to take that out for obvious reasons and problems with the ESRB.


I remember in the original Fallout, a kid attacked me with a stone, so I beat him to death with my Super Sledgehammer.

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for some reason they put children in the game and made both annoying and invincible. I'm not sure I'd ever mouth off to a man with a combat shotgun in his hands but I guess if I grew up on radioactive breakfast cereal I might just be that stupid... sure, the entire game revolves around killing weaker people and taking their clothes, but somehow not kids. Guess there's some kind of "moral line" there or something. So why are they even in the game?


...and then like all of rivet city started attacking me. "Look, nobody's hurt, we's just playing..." But soon I found out that like *half* of them are invincible too. Needed for the main quest or something. This game just doesn't understand how little I care about completing the main story. Why can't they at least stay down for more than a second or two?


In the original Fallouts, you could kill the kids....but Bethseda decided to take that out for obvious reasons and problems with the ESRB.


I remember in the original Fallout, a kid attacked me with a stone, so I beat him to death with my Super Sledgehammer.


Yeah I remember in one of the originals one of the pick pocketing kids had stolen something from me so I tried to steal it back and got caught. The kid started attacking me. I though I was close enough to the edge of town to just escape combat but I wasn't and my NPC wasted him with a SMG after I ran out of AP...... :x




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Do you mean 'preservation'?


Persistence - The action or fact of persisting

Persisting - To remain unchanged or fixed in a specified character, condition, or position.


Where as;

Preservation - to keep safe from injury, harm, or destruction - to keep alive, intact, or free from decay - to keep up and reserve for personal or special use.


I noticed that if you rob a corpse of just one thing.....the corpse will eventually disappear. But if you leave the corpse unmolested, it will remain there until you decide to rob it.

Hmmm. Odd because many of my corpses are empty and still exist. I rob everyone I kill right then and there.

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The cave is the lair of the AntAgonizer.....it's a teensy bit north of Canterbery.



Is there any other way to get to the GNR building that I am missing? My current path is this....I come out of Chevy Chase East metro station and eventually end up at a huge building I have to go through to reach GNR.

Chevy Chase East? Hmm, I haven't found that one yet.



You want Chevy Chase North metro station. You'll meet up with the BoS who will escort you there.



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So.......is there any other metro junction I may be missing or something....that'll lead me straight to the GNR building?


You need to get an escort from the BOS. Make your way into Farragut West Metro, and then to the Tenleytown/Friendship station area. From there look for GNR graffiti that will point out the way. Flaming barrels also tend to point out the correct path.


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The cave is the lair of the AntAgonizer.....it's a teensy bit north of Canterbery.


Actually, it's to the NW. And yeah, teensy is right. Like two steps outside. I wasn't expecting it to be THAT close, which is why I didn't find it for so long. :dunce:



Well, shit! Somehow I gained karma. I'm only "evil" now, not "very evil". :( I gotta start killing some more innocent people. :P


Anywho.... God damn some of these enemies I'm running into are tough.

Deathclaws.... Mother f--kers boy. Even using missiles takes 3 shots! :x

Tho I'm kicking myself in the ass. Kept forgetting I got the

Alien Gun

.. Well, not really. Just saving it because there is only so much ammo for it, ever! But damn it if it ain't awesome as hell! :cool:

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Game saves: It's gotta be unlimited. I've got like a 100 of them, and it still keeps letting me add more without purging the old ones. Really pretty sweet. Really gives you the chance to do anything you want, and can always go back and redo stuff, or change your style, and just generaly jump around toying with different things.


Besides, with as often as the game locks up, it's not a bad idea to just save constantly anyways.


Bugs? I was in the bomb storage area, leveled up to 17, but it never went to the stats modifiation menu. :ponder:


Glitches? There are issues here and there. You can get your character stuck. I was in one place, fell through a hole in the floor, but the hole wasn't big enough for me to fall though, and I couldn't do anything. I could turn, that was is. Couldn't jump or move or nothing. Like I said above, save often. Another time I tried walking up a set of steps in the lab on Rivet city. Fell through into the sky (all blue around with clouds) then back in the middle of the lab in front of Dr. Li. :ponder: Weird.


anybody been to the satcom tower in the north--there are a few, but one's almost operational. the official guide's no help, but is there something *useful* I can do with my orbital nuke platform, or not really? Aside from raining fiery atomic death upon my immediate area, that is...
Nope. "in the north" is kinda vague to give me the slightest idea where it is. :P
yeah, it's pretty vast 'up north', but you'll know it when you get there. it's all by itself unlike most of the satcom towers, and it's got a talon merc with a rocket launcher on the balcony--you'll notice.

Finally found it. In retro spect, it makes sense they are where they are. :P Luckily, I found the nearly operational first. Activated it too! :cool: The other two seemed to be wanna-be death traps. I ended up not even exploring them much at all. Tho I really do want to get into that basement door of the base near one of the other ones. Didn't find the key tho (like I said, didn't explore much).


I hear the story ending is a bit of a letdown compared to the rest of the game--so it's probably a good thing I'm having so much fun just screwing around.


Isn't that how the endings of most games are? :(


It's nothing spectatular, mostly the same each time, but it does vary depending on how you played and what you did.



It does have replay value either way. There are just a shit load of quests, many of which have multitudes of ways to go about completing them. Not even from a good/bad karma perspective either - just different ways to approach them. Since some things cancel other things out, it's impossible to ever get or do EVERYTHING in one game. Not even two or three. You could play it a 100 times with each one being a little different along the way and in the end. All in all, it's really a very well done game with an amazing amount of content. If only you couild kill childeren, it would be close to perfect. :evil:

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just got to vault 112 (actually cleared it but going back for more fun/better ending)

I'm up to level 10 now, which means few things scare me.


  • my small arms skill is maxed, so supermutants (up through brute level) aren't much of a threat unless there's more than 2.
  • animals don't attack thanks to a perk--which really makes wandering outside a breeze.
  • ammo scarcity isn't an issue (again thanks to a perk)


and on the official fallout 3 forum, I *STILL* hear people complaining about the level-20 cap. I'm only halfway there and I'm feeling overpowered. I miss being low on ammo and scared of raiders. (though oddly raiders and their numbers are about all that still threatens me)


I'm sure there are places I could go and easily die--maybe I should head for one.

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I decided to try one more time to get to the GNR building.....and whadduya know, I friggin' dominate the Muties and the Behemoth guarding the building (with a little help from the Behemoth :D ). Didn't have any help from the BoS, either. I don't know where that escort was but it certainly wasn't with me.


I was so ready to bust up Three Dog but I'll wait till I know I'm close to the end before taking his life. I'll be saying 'aaooooooohhhhh' while I put a Super Sledge through his skull.......damn annoying hippie.


I still am getting mad that I can't enter the Citadel.....I need some power armor, dammit. I'm assuming theres some mission I need to trigger to access the BoS base. I thought after helping the BoS at GNR would let me have access but that was a big 'no'.


Currently making my way towards Oasis....to see what awaits there. I'm also a contract killer......the problem is, wheres my contracts? I'm assuming it will let me know when one appears. Littleton didnt really tell me shit.


One thing I miss from the original Fallouts is Rotgut..............they replaced the Wasteland's best brew. :(

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I'm sure there are places I could go and easily die--maybe I should head for one.


go up to the northwest.........there's a town of deathclaws that'll wipe you out in one-two hits.

when I took the animal friend perk, I thought deathclaws were animals.

further research shows they're not :ponder:


yep, that'd kill me.

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I don't know where that escort was but it certainly wasn't with me.

Again, not at the Chevy Chase East metro station. :P


Honestly, I didn't even realise that is was possible to get to GNR any other way since the place seems to be sealed off all around. :ponder:

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Honestly, I didn't even realise that is was possible to get to GNR any other way since the place seems to be sealed off all around. :ponder:


It was possible.....but hard as @#*$


If you took the long way like me, be prepared to fight at least 25 Super Mutants at minimum.

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33 hours into the game and I'm currently exploring Fort Barrister.....it appears to be where the Talon Mercs operate out of so far. I'm STILL using the same fucking armour I was wearing at lvl 5.......waiting to get my hands on the BoS armor but I need to find a way to get into the Citadel.


Seeing Harold was a delightful return to the Fallouts of old........though what you had to do was sad......or at least just the way I did it. :evil:


Starting to work my skills in Big Guns up now that Lockpick and Small guns are maxed out. Also trying to max out repair, speech, and science.


Loved the mission where you went into Vault 112 to look for your dad. :D :evil:

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