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yeah, I did vault 112 yesterday--what a blast. Actually I did it twice, once the easy way, and once the hard way. Betty sounds a lot like Klaus from family guy. I guess all stereotypical german accents sound about alike.


then I did tenpenny ghoul mission, the diplomatic way.

explored the robot factory (a must for energy weapon users)

and took out everybody in the raider factory/town


just outside the factory (down the tracks) was a loose super-mutant behemoth. Turns out a few things still can kill me. ...with one hit... Next time I see him, he'll be looking at a nuke. I've been dying for a chance to light one off

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finished cleansing Fort Barrister of its Talon Company infestation and killed their Commander with a couple shotgun blasts to the face.


now...ive been trying to figure a way into the BoS Citadel and I'm guessing the only way in is to continue with the main quest......and getting the BoS back involved with the Purity Project.

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Loved the mission where you went into Vault 112 to look for your dad. :D :evil:

So did I. That was just too cool. :cool:



Though even the 'good' ending was a bit tough, figured there would be a way to rescue those poor folks. The evil stuff was hilarious.



then I did tenpenny ghoul mission, the diplomatic way.

I tried to help everyone out too.



And then was massively pissed off at what happened after I left. I knew something was wrong when nobody answered the gate buzzer when I came back. Karma rating be damned I went in and killed those ghoul f*ckers after what they did. Awesome mission design afterthought though.


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Finally got Power Armor training.......shoulda kept some of that Enclave armor.


Did the 'Trouble on the Homefront' mission where I went back to Vault 101 and finished it. After I left, I had a moment of clarity. When the door was shutting behind me.....I was just like 'That BITCH!!!!!' I knew I shoulda slaughtered the whole lot of 'em. Oh well.....there's always next time.


Man....is it just me or do the shotguns and assault rifles seem to do a lot more damage than miniguns, etc. It took me FOREVER to kill a Super Mutant with my Minigun. After that, I was like ' Fuck it' and went back to using my baby, the Combat Shotgun. I haven't taken time to use any energy weapons so I don't know what to make of them and if they are any good. I never used them that much in the original Fallouts, either. But I know one thing, the Miniguns in the old Fallouts ripped muthafuckas to shreds, unlike in this one.

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then I did tenpenny ghoul mission, the diplomatic way.

I tried to help everyone out too.



And then was massively pissed off at what happened after I left. I knew something was wrong when nobody answered the gate buzzer when I came back. Karma rating be damned I went in and killed those ghoul f*ckers after what they did. Awesome mission design afterthought though.


freaking 'A.' I just heard about it on the radio. The hell with trying to 'get along,' it's time to purify the human race by exterminating all of those freaking double-crossing, brain-eating zombies. Shotgun to the head, just like in the movies. Only good ghoul's a dead one and I'm starting with Gob's mom. I just wish they screamed more.


Oh, and President Eaton totally has my vote because of this. Who knows what else he's right about?

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freaking 'A.' I just heard about it on the radio. The hell with trying to 'get along,' it's time to purify the human race by exterminating all of those freaking double-crossing, brain-eating zombies. Shotgun to the head, just like in the movies. Only good ghoul's a dead one and I'm starting with Gob's mom. I just wish they screamed more.

So what happens? I'll never get this unless I start yet another game. :ponder:


Oh, and President Eaton totally has my vote because of this. Who knows what else he's right about?


Going for a super bad ending, huh? :P


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Finally got Power Armor training.......shoulda kept some of that Enclave armor.

Luckily I had a fully repaired set (thanks to all the dead Enclave donors!) by the time I got the training. Charon didn't seem to mind carrying another set, and he sure liked the other set I gave him. :)


Man....is it just me or do the shotguns and assault rifles seem to do a lot more damage than miniguns, etc. It took me FOREVER to kill a Super Mutant with my Minigun.

In VATS I seem to do better with the AK and combat shotguns for sure. However in 'real time' combat I've had absolutely devastating results hosing crowds off with the minigun.

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freaking 'A.' I just heard about it on the radio. The hell with trying to 'get along,' it's time to purify the human race by exterminating all of those freaking double-crossing, brain-eating zombies. Shotgun to the head, just like in the movies. Only good ghoul's a dead one and I'm starting with Gob's mom. I just wish they screamed more.

So what happens? I'll never get this unless I start yet another game. :ponder:



I spent over an hour total on this mess. First making friends with the ghouls outside tenpenny tower. Even let them call me a bigot like half a dozen times--let them live because I'm trying to help out. Then I talked to and convinced like *HALF* that building that they'll be okay living there and everybody came around. Let them all live, also because I'm helping out. After I finished playing errand boy, I go back to the tower and find out the new ghouls killed tenpenny and took over his suite. Not cool, but no big loss, because everybody else was alive and hopeful. Next day on the radio I hear three dog talking about how the intelligent ghouls I vouched for and got accepted into the building slaughtered every human in the place.



and that's why those *things* have to go, ethnic cleansing style.

there were also a few more minor issues I encountered in ghoul city--mainly because I'm no longer in the mood to put up with their kind.


I do love the game, what other plotline takes the 'good karma' path and totally drags it through this kind of filth until it's perfectly sensible to follow the worst path in terms of karma? I forget which forum I heard it on but I totally agree--I hope nobody who's playing this game is still in the process of developing their moral compass...

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About 70 hours in and I just met the President. That was unexpected to say the least.


Now I have Fawkes as a companion. He's fantastic but it's a bit disconcerting to turn around to tell him something, and be speaking to his chest. He's my favorite companion by far. He's just so enthusiastic. :D



And seeing him mowing down the bad guys with glee with his gatling laser, as I escaped the exploding Raven Rock facility was just too f*ing cool.


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I'm too evil to have Star Paladin Cross as a companion.....oh well.......i'll get her next time through.


always like the Brotherhood NPCs


about 40 hours in and still exploring......only 10 locations left......i've found most of them.....the rest are probably in the immediate DC area.


I've yet to find this Ghoul Town ya'll are referring to....unless ya'll mean the underground ghoul lair that I let destroy Tenpenny Towers. :D


I'll have to look into it. The sucky thing about the Enclave vertibird fly-ins isn't the Enclave. Every once in a while, they'll have a trained Deathclaw with them. :( I found out the hard way (and didn't die at least). I walked straight up to the Vertibird as it flew in to give them a "welcoming party" and guess what comes out right in front of me. Deathclaw!!!! I almost shat myself trying to run and gun.

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Sucky thing is CoD: World at War came out today........I'm still playing Fallout so I'll have to figure out some way to fit some quality time in.


I'm just ecstatic about this CoD. Finally, for the first time since Rising Sun, there will be a CoD game where you fight on the Pacific front against the Japs. Too few WWII shooters address this issue. It's always 'Nazis = the whole war'. I hate how everyone "forgets" this other brutal side of the war that took more American lives than on the European front.

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I spent over an hour total on this mess. First making friends with the ghouls outside tenpenny tower. Even let them call me a bigot like half a dozen times--let them live because I'm trying to help out. Then I talked to and convinced like *HALF* that building that they'll be okay living there and everybody came around. Let them all live, also because I'm helping out. After I finished playing errand boy, I go back to the tower and find out the new ghouls killed tenpenny and took over his suite. Not cool, but no big loss, because everybody else was alive and hopeful. Next day on the radio I hear three dog talking about how the intelligent ghouls I vouched for and got accepted into the building slaughtered every human in the place.



and that's why those *things* have to go, ethnic cleansing style.

there were also a few more minor issues I encountered in ghoul city--mainly because I'm no longer in the mood to put up with their kind.

Yeah, what do you expect. The humans are nothing but a bunch of ghoul hating scum.


I do love the game, what other plotline takes the 'good karma' path and totally drags it through this kind of filth until it's perfectly sensible to follow the worst path in terms of karma? I forget which forum I heard it on but I totally agree--I hope nobody who's playing this game is still in the process of developing their moral compass...

Bah, I finished the game twice. Both as Very Good and Very Evil. Lets just say, I didn't actually expect the outcome of the Very Evil ending.


All I can say is, always save before you go off on the last battle so you can go back after the fact and mend your ways before trying again. :cool:

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All I can say is, always save before you go off on the last battle so you can go back after the fact and mend your ways before trying again. :cool:

Finished Fallout 3 at about 80 hours in. The main storyline is a bit blah, but that last battle is so priceless in many ways it's worth the whole thing.


What an incredible experience this game has been. Lived up to nearly every expectation I had and exceeded in many ways. And after 10 years of waiting, let's just say I had some really high expectations. It's a supreme testament to the legendary greatness that is this game, that at 80 hours I still had none of the 'hurry up and wrap this up' urge.



Liberty Prime kicks ass!! All that shouting about the Chinese and him throwing nukes from his hip was just too f*ing cool for words!


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Realisim. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not, sometimes it's confusing.


Why is it a bottle of soda adds 1 weight to me, but I can carry 1000's and 1000's of rounds of various ammo/energy cells for all my different weapons, and it doesn't add anything?


I also hate stuff that is not inside containers. Ok, some things are easier to find then others, like Radaway. But you can sure miss a Stimpak real easy - even pencils stand out more. Then there are other odds and ends. Some scrap pieces of paper you see all over are actual items you can pick up. 99% of them aren't, but a couple are. It forces you to take for ever everywhere because you have to meticuliously look at everything, even if it's just a background texture, because it "might" be something. Not that it's neccessarly bad. It's realistic. But not quite. If I can pick up papers, then I should beable to pick up all papers then have to read them to determin if they are junk or an item. Only letting me pick up some is confusing, especialy when you don't make it obvious. I'd kinda like to see a Resident Evil type thing here. Make all items you can pickup have a shimmer of gleem or something, to let me know it's there. Sorry, yes, I need that. I'm not going to notice the footlocker burried under two tipped over shelves in a dark corner otherwise. Ok, actually I will eventualy. Like after I've walked past the thing 35+ times.


I also keep forgetting about manhole covers and sewer grates. Some of them are real and go somewhere. Real pisser about these is that they don't have their own permenent map markers. Which really makes navigating the whole downtown DC area a complete nightmare. Took me hours to get into the ruins of the White House last night. :x I'm also starting to get tired of the forced direction around the DC area. So it's a pile of rubble, why can I just climb over it. Worse, why can I climb almost to the top, and look over it, but hit that invisible wall that stops me from taking that last step. Right, you want me to have to screw around in the subway and sewer tunnels. Grrrrrrr. It's not an issue of fighting. I've got the best weapons to be had and ass loads of ammo for all, besides, I already killed just about everyone/everything in the game so I'm not doing much fighting anymore. It's just a damned confusing waste of time now.


Actually, there are a lot of places that don't have map markers. Special places you can "discover" and earn points or whatever for, but no marker. Then there are more places that exist that are undiscoverable. You can go into them, find enemies, find supplies, sleep - but just doesn't exist. No map marker, no discovery unlock. And it's not an issue of finding that magic small "tigger point" to discovery either . Even with the discoveries perk or looking at 100% maps online, these places just don't exist period as far as the game is concerned. Odd. If it's a physcial place you can go and do something in, it should have a discovery and a marker.


And to touch on trigger points. I hate these. If I'm there, I discovered it. Why do I need to cross a "specific place" for you to see it. I explored most of Minefield city and only discovered it when I was leaving. Whym because I didn't come in on the main road, I came in the back side over the mountains, but left via the main road. If I had left the same way I came, I still wouldn't have "discovered" it, and wouldn't have been able to quick-travel there. Vault 87 seems to be like that too. Because it's impossible to go in the front door, it's impossible to "discover", despite the fact you can still get into the freaking place and rummage around. If I'm there, I'm there; mark it discovered, f--kers!


Right now I'm stuck with several quests I can't finish. Ghoul quest. Already killed everyone on his his hit list, only I don't have two of the keys. Damned if I know where they are because I take all keys from everyone I kill on the spot. Also found Crazy Wolfgang's safe. Again, no key. Well, Mr Crazy wasn't carring his key when I killed him long ago, so now what the hell am I supposed to do. Comb the wastelands, looking at every square inch of rubble, rock, dirt across all for corners of the map trying to spot it. Why the hell can't I just pick the lock.


Little things annoy me. :P

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Finished Lost Oddyssey....alomost. (All achievements but that damn find all treasure chests one)

Popped in Fallout 3 and so far so good.

Very well done.

Kinda reminds me of Bio Shock in a way. The way they have the sealed off society, the retro design of certain things. I'm sure once I grow up that opinion will change since I'm guessing I wont be so cramped later on. ;)

Really liking the begining though.

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Ok, this "key" issue is really starting to grind my gears.


So I completed the Nuka Cola Quantum mission. Finally. Killed her, and then tried to open the machine to get them all back. Once again, told the lock can't be picked and I need the key. Only when I searched her, she didn't have the key. :? She has to of had the key, she just opened the freaking machine to put the last of the NCQ in there.


WTF! :x


Again, why can I just pick the lock, or take a tireiron to it - Like I'd beable to do in real life. Grrrrrrr. :|

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I started this up last night. WOW!

I'm hooked.

I only play the 360 for about 2-3 hours at a time (to save a bit on wear and tear) and I was biting my fingernails waiting to get back in there to play some more.


I've found out that I'm TOOOOOO 'safe' in these type of games. I talk to EVERYONE, I open EVERYTHING, etc. I'm too afraid to miss things. Yet I always do. lol I haven't got too far yet. I got out of the vault, and before saving I fell near a boat and into the water. Could not get out whatsoever. Needless to say, Radiation poisoning. So I restarted and realized I need to save more often. I'm at Megaton or something like that. I just did something there...not sure if it is a spolier so I won't say. But I think it may either help me out or screw me over quite a bit.


Oh... and I paid to sleep with a chick there. She didn't sleep with me though. I feel like I got screwed (not like that though).


Fun game thus far. I kinda wish I would have got it for the PS3 instead of the 360.

Oh well.

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well I'm slowing down. things I'm finding just aren't interesting anymore. I think the 'wow' factor I had been seriously hit by has started to fade.


  • paradise falls was pretty boring
  • republic of dave was boring
  • vault 92 was boring
  • I'm in canterbury commons now--maybe it will be better


maybe I should just finish the main quest and roll up a new character.


Fun game thus far. I kinda wish I would have got it for the PS3 instead of the 360.

Oh well.

maybe from a reliability standpoint, but as far as looks the 360 is a bit better with it's anti aliasing. Don't forget the upcomming downloadable content m$ paid for. The ps3 also has some weird vats engine logic bugs that the other systems don't have.

that said, the ps3 version is pretty stable overall and I must have spent 6 hours on it yesterday alone. (one freeze)

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Man.....Fawkes is a badass......especially when he came to the "rescue". Too bad my karma is 'Very Evil'. :(


My problem is there can never be too many lockpicks.....but I always run out and there never seems to be a common place for them to be at except random places. Anyone found a spot with a lotta bobby pins? If they sold them at the stores, I'd have a field day buying 'em up. I've only found one trader with any.


And do you know if you can have 2 NPCs if you don't have Dogmeat?


My 'wow' factor is still up and pumping. But that's because I've been a Fallout junkie since the first one and now I'm utterly obsessed with this one.


Republic of Dave? Hmmmmm......I've yet to find that place. I'm currently at 95 locations found.......and I didn't even need the Explorer perk. :D


While I was wandering around, I actually completed a mission without doing any objectives prior to it. I just stumbled upon Vault 87 and went in and 'BOOP'....I beat the mission that had to do with finding the G.E.C.K.


I finally have a reason why I want to kill kids in this now. Those punk ass kids at Lamplight!!!! They pissed me off....talking all bad ass and stuff to me when i'm standing there in front of them with friggin Tesla Armor and a fully repaired Combat Shotgun. They have some damn nerve. I wanted to blow that Mayor puke's little head off. I wonder what happens if I try to engage any of them in combat. Do they go into unconsciousness like some NPCs and then wake back up? What happens if I talked back to them and they decided to attack.....how can I defend myself???


This game rocks!!!!! Still!!!!!!!!


I met the President and I'm at a crossroads now on whether to help him or the Brotherhood.....it's kinda a toughie. I figured I'd eventually help the President and help the Brotherhood on the next playthrough.

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