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Atari Chat Mondays from 8-10pm Eastern... Home on AA!

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I might as well announce here as well as well as the Game Core thread, that after long careful consideration and deliberation, I will be selling off a distinct majority of my collection for just about every system asap.

Some may know that in total, it is a massive amount and will be difficult to even inventory it all at one time and that what will be left will probably be quite a bit still.


I don't know if I will have anything cataloged and priced out by the time the Game Core show happens, but I hope to make a start with CTCW's permission at the booth there with system packages. I am not sure what I will do with the very rare games yet because of Bean's love of gaming. Members here will be notified first however in the likelihood that those are being sold off. I am keeping kiosks, demos, homebrews, betas, prototypes, repros, and multicarts for each system if possible as well as not parting with anything that was a gift whether it is a system, accessory, or a game.


The main catalyst for this is the fact that I have a lot of expenses right now especially for health reasons and Bean has only ever played on a swing set twice in her life by the age of 2 1/2 since there is no safe park within easy distance of here. I want to give her somewhere she can have fun, play and climb. She also loves sandboxes and I woudl like a place to sit near her and enjoy the outdoors as well. I have priced those out and am looking for a good sturdy safe one that can grow with her ie. overpriced as all hell. If you are ready for some sticker shock I would like to get something like this (not necessarily this one) - http://www.toysrus.c...oductId=2993240 if there is enough room in the yard. With all the features it can even provide her a quiet place to do homework or have a camp out. I still even have a place I go to be alone and think and always wanted a fort or tree house growing up. I very much want this for her and watching her play those two time know she is going to love it.


Very few if any games are worth my daughter being able to have fun, be safe, and just be a child. I also have to recoup the cost of the hotel room I am going to have to rent first and foremost so she does not have to be stressed out from all the travel and activity. There are also a couple personal issues which some of you may be aware of.

I look forward to seeing hopefully a lot of you at the show!

Thank you very much!

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I just got a PM from JBoy guys! :D

He's home safe and sound even if he's a bit tired. I'm so relieved and wanted to share the good news he also thanked us for the well wishes. I wish him the quickest recovery from all of us and I know the Mrs will take good care of him. They are two really great people and I consider ourselves lucky to have them around!


I'm sure he'll post as well at some point I just am that happy he's ok given the situation. :love:

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Thanks for the warm wishes. Definitely a good time but reminds me of how damn old all of us are getting. Scuttlebutt is this is their last big tour. As it is, Brian Johnson lives in Fort Lauderdale Florida and while a cliché reminds me besides looking at them, of how effing old they are by looking at them, holy crud.


I didn't realize just how close to the stage I would be but if you go past the white rink divider and count 11 steps up if you can pause it, lol, I'm the end seat first on the right. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dedtwB95zuc . Yes that's a guy on a full ventilator paralyzed God Bless Him, in the vid. Five rows behind me on the left was a guy with full leg braces and ya know what - they were having as good of a time as everyone else. The woman directly behind me was 46 I think she said and going to her first concert. Here is the intro they used with song (despite the different venue)

and it was funnier watching her expression since she's never been to a rock concert and seemed a bit umm uptight then watching the intro itself. The look of stunned surprise on her face while the fooling around was going on, was priceless. The explosions and everything was louder then anything and I could feel the floor shaking the entire concert.

But in front of me four rows up was a Mom with 4 kids ages just turned 4, 5, 8, and 11 all with custom AC/DC ear protectors. I've never been to a friendlier concert though and I am hoping the guy who was recording next to me will send me pics since I gave him my email.


Bean did not want to be with her daddy and was crying for me on and off all night so in between favorite familiar songs, I was on the cell phone with her and it ate my battery. I got 3 quick songs on my cell phone - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, Hells Bells, and Back in Black. I missed the first part of Thunderstruck and that was Emmie's other very favorite but she wanted Mommy and that was more important. I felt guilty.

They also played Highway to Hell and For those About to Rock -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVvxnPPO_ik, opened with Rock and Roll Train, and played - The Jack, War Machine, Whole Lotta Rosie, Shoot to Thrill, TNT, 2 others I missed off newest album, You Shook Me All Night Long, and Let There Be Rock. They payed just over 2 hours and The band "The Answer" opened for them btw.


They had the same set as the 11/17/08 show and here are various videos (Ahh the age of youtube) -



Someone behind me was smoking to all hell and it was awfully skunky. :ponder: And I had a choice between $9 beers or $6 for food so if I had $29 to spend, bet you can guess which 3 things I chose. :ponder: again.


And there you have my first night out (guilt included at no extra charge) in 1 1/2 yrs with the only other time before that a Wine Tasting at World Café also in the City. :lust:

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Yep. It's the "retirement or bust tour".

But, it's also why I really wanted to see them.


When I saw Angus I was like 'well they sing about hell all the time and he looks like a cross between death and satan with a bit of skeletor thrown in for good measure'. He's definitely slowing down as they all are big time but it's not a surprise considering the beating they have put on their bodies. The music still from venue to venue is beyond compare and has a continuity that a lot of the newer/younger bands can't match. It was a hell of a lot louder but it sounds like the CD/DVD's only better. The guitar playing was stellar and with my love of bass and electric is the first reason why I wanted to attend.


Yikes, the AC/DC-guys really look damn old on those videos! :-o :D

But from what i saw on the videos it was an awesome show and those old farts still rock! :thumbsup:

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