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Atari Chat Mondays from 8-10pm Eastern... Home on AA!

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Emergency family situation and flying out Friday and coming back Tuesday. I don't know what internet I'll have or where I will be. I will do my best for Monday but can't promise anything. Just wanted to let you guys know. Sorry. At this point I am just happy I found a flight.

Sorry to hear that, i hope everything will go well!

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I just was able to set up a wireless internet network today.


On top of everything here, Bean has become very ill and now may require an ER trip at some point. She's been puking, coughing, and choking for the last 3 days and I have been doing everything possible and been in contact with her doctor back home. The insurance company is being an "insurance company" (fill in any expletive of your choice) and won't let me go anywhere but an ER out here.

She hasn't been able to hold down food last 3 days but has now finally been holding down liquids almost consistantly and I FINALLY was able to get medicine into her today after several exausting nights. *If* I can stay awake (since I'm working on since I got here without sleep) and she either remains stable or a little better I'll be there in the chat at least back and forth.


Southwest airlines have been angels seriously. Although I had bought non-refundable tickets, they have switched my flight TWICE now WITHOUT a price increase or extra fees, or hassles of any kind and I will be leaving on Friday. If anyone needs to fly, please support them since they have always been awesome to me especially this time and have been the cheapest. I truly can't thank Southwest enough for everything since I have also been worried about my "kids" back home. - It's a 3 hr drive to the airport, plus getting there 2 hrs early, plus a couple hr flight which obviously won't be good for her if she's sick so I have to stick it out here.


I'll do my best and again thanks for your support too.

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God, Anna:


I just decided to jump on here while waiting for something to compile and got caught up only to read this. :(

I hope both you and Bean feel better, and I will be praying for you both.


Is there anything you need that I can send to you?


Once I get home later on tonight I will keep my cell with me (haven't been carrying it around lately). Give a call when you can.


You both are in my thoughts and prayers,


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Thank you guys for the well wishes. Here's a bit more info since a few asked -


Some kind of cold or flu. No test results to find out what kind yet and they think it's from the plane flight because of when it started. Southwest has been awesome about this too.


When she tries to say 'Mama/Mommy' she's so hoarse from coughing and throwing up so much. Her "nosey" also has an "icky" according to her.

But, She hasn't thrown up yet since early AM and has been able to drink without too many problems. *crossing fingers* Next I will be trying baby cereal and babyfood to see if she can hold that down tonight, after that will be cheerios and plain chicken tomorrow.


Today was definitely the pivotal "make or break day" and the Doctor has put off the ER visit after talking to them just now and hearing her again since she's been able to drink juice too. The medicine seems to be kicking in so she also is more active and trying to do things she's not supposed to. We'll see what happens at bedtime which is the next big test. But in the last 3 hours there has been a big improvement. *crossing fingers again*


We aren't allowed out of the house and no one can come in which makes it difficult but Tato/Dad has been out here and he took our laundry to wash, went to the store 2 days ago to buy a humidifier, some kids books, and coloring books and crayons for Bean, and again yesterday to get food and the pharmacy to buy medicine for Bean. He also went out and bought everything I need for DSL and to set up a network.


It definitely helped and I am so happy I'm not 100% alone because there is now way I could have run all those errands. I do wish I could have a babysitter though so I could sleep. :)

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Awww man, i really hope you and Bean will feel better soon!

It's good to know Bean's already getting a little better and i agree with the other guys: take the night off to take care of the little one and you and try to get some rest!


Best wishes to you both!

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Bean was doing better today but this afternoon started coughing and choking worse. So, I have to take her to hospital for the first time. I will let you guys know.


Sorry to hear that! Poor little beanie, i hope she's ok! Get well soon you both and take care!

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Just got home and settled.


Basically her xray was clear, her ears were clear, and she wasn't dehydrated. All they did was look in her ears and listen to her chest. They said checking her nose and throat wasn't important. Also, they won't give cough medicine to kids under 3 yrs old because of the CDC/FDA ruling last year and gave me a ton of crap because her pediatrician said to try it as well as the emergency pediatrician on call back home. :x


The Physicians assistant saw her gagging and choking till she almost puked and all he did was say she's cute and took several steps back in case she did barf.


I then went for a second opinion and the same thing happened. Unless she aspirates the puke or gets pneumonia they aren't going to do shit. Anyone who has heard her cough and choke knows how god awful it sounds and there isn't a damn thing I can do.


When we got back I tried to give her food and drink like they told me and she coughed and choked till it came right back up. They said to keep going at it and in between coughing and choking force more liquids down her throat and hope she doesn't puke it back up.


She's lost 3 lbs already but because she was interacting with them and very active, she's fine.


It's cost a lot of money but I have the number of one more pediatrician. I was told if she's not better by friday I can find a doctor and check in then or "if I have to because it's short notice" go back to the emergency room but I was told " it's just the ER so they aren't going to do a full work up like a regular physician." Oh, and if I am moving out here I should "find another doctor". No shit asshole.

I am so fucking sick and coughing too, exhausted, frustrated, pissed, and upset. But, what can I do? :x

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She fell asleep in my arms because she couldn't lay down from all the choking and coughing but I shouldn't worry because she was wimpering and had tears streaming down her cheeks and [stupid comment from idiot at hosp.] tears mean she's not dehydrated [/stupid comment from idiot at hosp.]. So, I'm going to sit as long as I can like this and cross my fingers when I try to put her in her playpen. :(

Thank you though for all the well wishes, thoughts, and prayers.


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"if I have to because it's short notice" go back to the emergency room but I was told " it's just the ER so they aren't going to do a full work up like a regular physician."


Seems to me like a regular physician and a full work up is needed.


I have heard stories about an ER at the local hosp. where I live and their not pretty either.


What a cutie pie too :)

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