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New GUI for the Atari 8-bit


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@flashjazzcat: Have you seen this? https://plus.google.com/+AlanCoxLinux/posts/a2jAP7Pz1gj


It's a post on Fuzix by Alan Cox, a kind of unix for 8-bit systems that runs in as little as 32K ram/32K rom.

Thanks - someone else put me onto that the other day. It's written in C and doesn't have a GUI. Interesting, but Lunix is similar and written in assembler and also 'Unix-like'. Fuzix appears to score with banked memory support, which of course we already have. I'm quite interested in studying the file system, though.

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Thanks - someone else put me onto that the other day. It's written in C and doesn't have a GUI.

That was my thought... it doesn't have a GUI, and here you have a GUI. :)



Interesting, but Lunix is similar and written in assembler and also 'Unix-like'. Fuzix appears to score with banked memory support, which of course we already have. I'm quite interested in studying the file system, though.

It's always good to look over things like this. Even if you can't use it, you may get ideas on making your own stuff better.

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They already had a discussion about an A8 port here at




Kevin Ogden
How hard would porting the 6502 code to the Atari 8-bit be? I have an 800XL w/ 64K base RAM and 512K extended in 16K banks LOL?

Alan Cox
+Kevin Ogden not an off the shelf 800XL then 8) - can you map banks into any of the 64K range ??

Kevin Ogden
+Alan Cox With most Atari 8-bit RAM upgrades, 16K extended banks get mapped into $4000 to $7FFF. Same scheme as the Atari 130XE which made it the defacto standard. PORTB is used on the PIA for bankswitching. Upgrades from 128K to 1MB are pretty easy to pull off on the 600XL/800XL and XE series. Most common are 256K extensions which yield a total of 320K RAM. Upgraded Atari machines are far more common that folks with REU's for their C64. My upgrade board gives me a total of 576K and has several switchable modes for things like supporting ANTIC banking, etc. I also have a PBI bus IDE controller that is well integrated with ROM OS.?

Alan Cox
+Kevin Ogden so no way to bank zero page and stack or to get 32K of banked space - I don't think it's going to work that well then. You'd have to copy chunks around same as you would with a C64 REU. Single user might work but I imagine anything running in the background and it would suck rocks.?


Kevin Ogden
+Alan Cox A RAM expansion could be built that does 32K banks but it would be "non-standard" and not supported by the existing software that can use extended RAM. Someone is working on a full GUI-based OS using the standard banking scheme. Even does preemptive multitasking. He's making good progress so far. Also remember the A8 has a 70%+ clock speed advantage over C64 so it wouldn't be quite as painful but I see your point, it would be a bit messy.?

Fuzix requires 32K mapping (like Uzix already did) to run in a good way, so that will be an issue for the A8. Currently he is working on the MSX version.

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That was my thought... it doesn't have a GUI, and here you have a GUI. :)

Yes, but I also have a kernel which I spent the past six months or so writing in assembler. I'll be far more inclined to think about porting the GUI to another OS when I'm not so preoccupied with getting the thing running on the original target system. FUZIX isn't the first small 8-bit Unix-like implementation (it simply appears to be the most current and potentially more useful than others because of its ability to use extended RAM), and Lunix and Geck/OS are already written and working, and coded in assembler.


It's always good to look over things like this. Even if you can't use it, you may get ideas on making your own stuff better.

I agree, and that's why I already studied Unix architecture, the Minix book, Geck/OS, LNG, and why I rewrote the entire system as an approximate re-implementation of SymbOS. As said: there's doubtless great stuff to study here, but what's holding this project up is not a lack of ideas but the time it takes a single pair of hands to write assembly language. If I had written the A8 GUI/OS in C, it would probably be approaching completion already, unless the size of the object code generated by CC65 had already caused me to throw in the towel. As Prodatron says above: the A8 has especially limiting RAM banking, and a CPU not well suited to running C compiler generated code. Believe me, my head is heavy with derived ideas. :)

Edited by flashjazzcat
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Yes fine young GUI coder, back into the dungeon now... you are wasting precious cycles... typing this gibberish and interacting with the fleshy meatbags made of mostly water!

You must code now... code now.... code.....

| :) :jango: :evil: :!: :arrow: :rolling: :skull:


Food, water, code... repeat..... until passed out.....


Where are those jolting energy drinks hiding?

Edited by _The Doctor__
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  • 4 weeks later...

A little intermediate update while I work on getting something downloadable completed before Christmas.



For a while the fact the software blitter worked on byte boundaries had been bugging me. The blitter is used to move the front window place to place when it's fully visible, and it'll soon be used to blit the partially visible area of an off-screen window too (only the newly revealed area being redrawn). But it'll also be used to help scroll list boxes, consoles, text editor windows, and other scrollable content too. So last Thursday I decided to alleviate the byte-bound limitation and write a new blitter which works at the bit level. I expected this to take a day or two, but I only got the bugs out of it today. The reasons for this turned out to be manifold (bugs in other places, for one), but now the thing works properly it's really freed things up. Windows don't have to be on byte boundaries any more... indeed, nothing does.


I did a bit of searching around the Net prior to writing the new blitter, but I couldn't find anything pre-written. It's quite an interesting undertaking in its own right. Aside from the normal positional considerations which dictate the direction of the copy (top to bottom, bottom to top, left to right, right to left), the pixel-precise blitter also has to account for the differential in bit offset between the source and destination copy, and approach the line copy accordingly. The bit rotation is accomplished using the 2KB look-up-table (with left shifts accomplished by moving right 8-n places), but one or two teething problems took me several hours to fix. Vertical copies at the same x-coordinate are of course especially fast (since no shifting is required), and this is what we'll use for scrolling up and down in multi-line text controls.

Edited by flashjazzcat
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Now even pixel based, very cool!! :lust: :)

I like the concept to have an universal blitter routine!

Now you brought me to the fantastic idea of scrolling the content of a background window, when this is overlapped by several other windows! :) This is currently not possible in SymbOS, but I just recognized that it's so simple, when you already have the dirty-rectangle algorithm. It will just be used for doing several mini-scrolls in the sub-rectangles.

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Now you brought me to the fantastic idea of scrolling the content of a background window, when this is overlapped by several other windows! :) This is currently not possible in SymbOS, but I just recognized that it's so simple, when you already have the dirty-rectangle algorithm. It will just be used for doing several mini-scrolls in the sub-rectangles.

That's plain spooky. I had exactly the same thought last night about twenty minutes after I made the video. The console will look really cool scrolling a directory listing when behind other windows! I had previously intended to just do full redraw once the prompt reappeared if the console was partially obscured, but scrolling the sub-rectangles will be far preferable. :)




(Real)-Page 52


Edit: Works via separate buffer and not screen-to-screen.

Thanks nevertheless for taking the trouble to dig that out. It looks pretty long-winded, and isn't screen-to-screen as you say. The most complicated part of my routine is the code which sets up all the offsets, clipping masks, etc. Thereafter, the loops are pretty simple:


//	Copy Blitted line data from left to right (when dest < source)
//	And destination pixel offset is lower than the source pixel offset

	.local BlitLineFromStart
	ldy #0
	sty tmp1
	lda (ptr1),y
	and SourceMask,y
	lda (ShiftPtr),y
	and RMask
	sta tmp3
	ldx tmp5
	ldy tmp1
	lda (ptr1),y		; get source data
	and SourceMask,y	; mask out background (SourceMask is a foreground mask)
	lda (ShiftPtr),y	; get shifted bits
	pha			; store for later
	and LMask		; get leftmost bits
	ora tmp3
	sta tmp2
	ldy tmp1
	lda (ptr2),y		; get byte at destination
	and DestMask,y		; mask out foreground (DestMask is a background mask)
	ora tmp2		; OR in bits
	sta (ptr2),y
	and RMask
	sta tmp3

	inc tmp1
	bpl Loop1

There are six routines to handle the different shifting/directional combinations (two are fast "no shift" copies). I think the 2KB right-shift LUT has proved the most useful thing of all with regard to graphics.

Edited by flashjazzcat
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	and SourceMask,y	; mask out background (SourceMask is a foreground mask)
	lda (ShiftPtr),y	; get shifted bits
	pha			; store for later
	and LMask		; get leftmost bits
	ora tmp3
	sta tmp2
	ldy tmp1
	lda (ptr2),y		; get byte at destination
	and DestMask,y		; mask out foreground (DestMask is a background mask)
	ora tmp2		; OR in bits
	sta (ptr2),y
	and RMask
	sta tmp3



	and SourceMask,y	; mask out background (SourceMask is a foreground mask)
	lda (ShiftPtr),y 	; get shifted bits
        tay                           ; store for later
	and LMask		; get leftmost bits
	ora tmp3
	sta tmp2
        and RMask
        sta tmp3	

	ldy tmp1
	lda (ptr2),y		; get byte at destination
	and DestMask,y		; mask out foreground (DestMask is a background mask)
	ora tmp2		; OR in bits
	sta (ptr2),y

I try to avoid PHA/PLA, they are slow and not really needed in non-concurrent cases.

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	and SourceMask,y	; mask out background (SourceMask is a foreground mask)
	lda (ShiftPtr),y 	; get shifted bits
        tay                           ; store for later
	and LMask		; get leftmost bits
	ora tmp3
	sta tmp2
        and RMask
        sta tmp3	

	ldy tmp1
	lda (ptr2),y		; get byte at destination
	and DestMask,y		; mask out foreground (DestMask is a background mask)
	ora tmp2		; OR in bits
	sta (ptr2),y
I try to avoid PHA/PLA, they are slow and not really needed in non-concurrent cases.


Nice touch - thanks! :)

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Thanks! And it's just a little over six years since I joined this forum too. Here's to another six years of productivity! :)


BTW: there's a yellow button on my website intended for those readers genuinely interested in modern gifting.

Edited by flashjazzcat
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Welcome! What was the original comment? "Nice new thread!"? :D


Hi and thanks for the welcome. I responded to the OP and gave my opinion on trying to make a GUI for the A8. To summarize, I said that for my mileage, no need to bother, but if it is a personal passion or challenge, go for it. I can be much more productive on modern systems. It is the nostalgia of doing the old things that I value most about the A8 now. That's just my feedback. Obviously, time has passed and it has been started, so there no point in saying not to bother now. :-o

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OK - thanks. :) I appreciate that point of view, but as you observe, the project is well advanced now. Of only all commentators shared your succinctness. :D



Is this still going to fit into the GUI bank of the ultimate and is there a key press or screen selection to activate it. While I am waiting for the GUI I am wondering if I could use this bank for something else in the meantime (like) an older SDX121 or other 64k rom....



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Is this still going to fit into the GUI bank of the ultimate and is there a key press or screen selection to activate it. While I am waiting for the GUI I am wondering if I could use this bank for something else in the meantime (like) an older SDX121 or other 64k rom....

It should still fit into the 64KB slot, but there's currently no way to make that slot bootable. Candle assures me there will be at some point in the future. Since the first bank of that 64KB block is never present on powerup, I'm not sure what else you could do with it, but if you can figure something out, go for it. I'll probably test by replacing SDX with the GUI in the meantime: that's bootable and offers plenty of space for the ROM disk. :)

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List control with column headings is nearly done:




Content will be sortable in ascending/descending order on any column (click header, as per Windows). Here the list is sorted on process name. This is one of the more complicated UI controls, so I'll be pleased to get it out of the way.

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This is the list sorting in action.



It's a little unclear in the video, but I'm clicking the column headers to sort columns or reverse the sort order if the list is already sorted on said column. The list also updates periodically anyway, and it would be nice to set the delay to the next automatic update from the time of the last click. In addition, the whole list control is currently redrawn by the periodic refresh, when just the content (not the header) should redraw.


Anyway: it's gradually getting there; just the scroll bar and list clicks to sort out, plus a few more bugs to iron out and then I'll release it. Obviously some of the things I wanted to put in will have to be left out because they just won't be completed within the next fortnight. :(

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