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AspeQt: Yet another SIO2PC/APE clone


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Ok guys, I have a question. What SIO device I.D s (other than standard ATARI devices of course) have already been used by various add-ons/upgrades/mods?


Do we have some sort of a semi-offical list of those devices?, how one would decide on what device I.D to use for a new SIO device?



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Did someone already mentioned that Aspeqt runs perfectly on GNU/Linux with wine?


It runs without Wine natively to, but you must compile it yourself - typing qmake in source directory, of course you have to had QT installed (I am not sure with this QT, my Linux box is not usable now).


Do we have some sort of a semi-offical list of those devices?, how one would decide on what device I.D to use for a new SIO device?

http://atariki.krap.....C4.85dze.C5.84 ?

Edited by lemiel
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Ok guys, I have a question. What SIO device I.D s (other than standard ATARI devices of course) have already been used by various add-ons/upgrades/mods?


Apart from the obvious C: D: E: K: P: S:, here some I remember:


Cn: Custom cassette driver for Turbo support (C1: C2: C3: C4:)

J: Atari "network" system using joystick ports (J-net)

N: temporary null device in Super-UnARC

M: Atari modem driver (the one that connects to the joystick port)

R: serial port (Atari 850, Black Box, MIO, R-Verter, others)

T: forgot what it did but I know it has been used (T: for (Text?)

V: voice chip (1400XL/1450XLD) and S.A.M. software

W: windows software driver (old/obsolete GUI system)

X: 80 columns display driver (col80?)

X: ram-disk (using the RAM under the o.s. as a small, one file, ram-disk)

Z: clock driver RealTime-8

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Ok guys, I have a question. What SIO device I.D s (other than standard ATARI devices of course) have already been used by various add-ons/upgrades/mods?


Apart from the obvious C: D: E: K: P: S:, here some I remember:


Cn: Custom cassette driver for Turbo support (C1: C2: C3: C4:)

J: Atari "network" system using joystick ports (J-net)

N: temporary null device in Super-UnARC

M: Atari modem driver (the one that connects to the joystick port)

R: serial port (Atari 850, Black Box, MIO, R-Verter, others)

T: forgot what it did but I know it has been used (T: for (Text?)

V: voice chip (1400XL/1450XLD) and S.A.M. software

W: windows software driver (old/obsolete GUI system)

X: 80 columns display driver (col80?)

X: ram-disk (using the RAM under the o.s. as a small, one file, ram-disk)

Z: clock driver RealTime-8

Pretty sure T: was used as a modem device in a BASIC modem prorgam.

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Generraly, looking on all open source projects, atariki won't be in English until sb in high school or in university have enough time and power to translate it. But some pages are corrected, updated in time, etc, so it never would be consistent in other language.

But I think there are full time employed engeeners at Google working on translation algorithms to be better... So our hope is in them.

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Generraly, looking on all open source projects, atariki won't be in English until sb in high school or in university have enough time and power to translate it. But some pages are corrected, updated in time, etc, so it never would be consistent in other language.

But I think there are full time employed engeeners at Google working on translation algorithms to be better... So our hope is in them.


All I really needed is the table for device ID's and the wiki page served the purpose quite well, but with the help of Google I could understand most of the rest of the document as well. Next thing for me is to read the Spartados X manual (lot of pages - lol)


Thank you for the link.

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Hi all, one of the members here told me that when he mounts a folder image (running AspeQT under Linux), all he gets is !!!!!!!!.!!! as the folder name.

!!!!!!!!.!!! was used in the code to indicate a problem determining the file/folder name. I don't have a unix setup here to test the code and duplicate the error (I couldn't duplicate it under Windows), so I am relying on your feedback to verify this problem. Did anybody else notice it. Thanks....

Edited by atari8warez
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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is an e-mail I sent to someone who asked about it 11 years ago in 1999, in case anyone else wants to save the trouble. There is other free code out there based on this code available as well. I tried to search for bits of the code in Google and Google Groups but I could not find it there. I believe it was made to compile with TASM but should work with any two pass assembler.




Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1999 14:57:21 -0500 (EST)
From: Steven Tucker <classics@nacs.net>
X-Sender: classics@steve
Subject: APETIME
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.96.990201145544.2692C-100000@steve>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Status: O
X-UID: 4654

Here is the source, enjoy and lmk if you have any questions.


;; APETIME Time Downloader
;; Uses the spartados comtab to set the time and date via the entry vectors
;;  under the OS that are installed by Spartados and Spartados X.  This
;;  should work in any version of Spartados.  Routines fot both machines
;;  with memory under the OS and those without are included.
;; The programmed time is downloaded from the attached APE software.  If APE
;;  is not present, the loader complains & exits without disturbing the time

;; compiler directives

.lsfirst				;; 6502 is little endian

;; word -> byte conversion macros in TASM c style.

#define lo(work)   (work & $00FF)
#define hi(work)   ((work & $FF00) >> 

;; program constants

ciov	.equ	$E456   ;; Legal CIO entry point
siov	.equ	$E459   ;; Legal SIO entry point
vgettd  .equ	$FFC0   ;; Routine under OS to put time/date in TIMER/DATER
vsettd  .equ	$FFC3   ;; Routine under OS to set tine/date from TIMER/DATER
comtab  .equ	$000A   ;; Spartados COMTAB location pointer
portb   .equ	$D301   ;; PIA Port B
loadadd .equ	$6000   ;; Start address of our software
loadmrk .equ	$FFFF   ;; Binary load header
dateoff .equ	$000D   ;; DATER offset
_800flg .equ	$001B   ;; _800FLG offset

	;; AtariDOS EXE load instructions.

	.org loadadd-6	 ;; Adjust required for binary load marker
	.word loadmrk	  ;; Binary load marker
	.word loadadd	  ;; Pointer to first byte of program
	.word tail-1	   ;; Pointer to last byte of program

	;; Entry point, program mainline

	jsr msg			;; display copyright message
	jsr chksd		  ;; check for spartados!
	jsr chkmod		 ;; check for xl/xe or 400/800
	bcs xlxemode	   ;; goto XL/XE routine.


	jsr get800		 ;; get time into page 7
	bmi tranerr		;; error during time download!
	jsr set800		 ;; set time 800 SDX style
	rts				;; exit program


	jsr gettime		;; get date/time
	bmi tranerr		;; errir during time download!
	jsr settime		;; set time
	rts				;; exit program.


	jsr ioerror		;; display i/o error message
	rts				;; exit program.

	;; Displays the copyright message

msg	 jsr printcr
	ldx #lo(copy1)
	ldy #hi(copy1)
	jsr print
	ldx #lo(copy2)
	ldy #hi(copy2)
	jmp print

	;; Check for Spartados signature.

chksd   lda $700
	cmp #$53
	bne notsd

notsd   jsr printcr
	ldx #lo(nosdmsg)
	ldy #hi(nosdmsg)
	jsr print


	;; Determine if SDX running on 400/800 or XL/XE w/ either
	;; Returns: C clear if 800, set if XL/XE

chkmod  ldy #$_800flg	  ;; _800FLG Offset in COMTAB
	lda (comtab),Y	 ;; Get state
	cmp #$FF		   ;; Running in 800 mode?
	bne no800		  ;; not an 800

is800   jsr printcr		;; display 800 message
	ldx #lo(a800)
	ldy #hi(a800)
	jsr print

no800   jsr printcr		;; display XL/XE message
	ldx #lo(xlxe)
	ldy #hi(xlxe)
	jsr print

	;; Attempt to download time from APE.

gettime ldx #$0B		   ;; setup the download command
setloop lda cmdtab,x	   ;;
	sta $300,x		 ;;
	dex				;;
	bpl setloop		;;

	clc				;; download directly into CONTAB.
	lda comtab		 ;; calculate destination address
	adc #dateoff	   ;;
	sta $304		   ;;
	lda comtab+1	   ;;
	adc #$00		   ;;
	sta $305		   ;;
	jmp siov		   ;; get time from APE

	;; Attempt to download time from APE in 800 system.

get800  ldx #$0B		   ;; setup the download command
getl800 lda cmdtab,x	   ;;
	sta $300,x		 ;;
	dex				;;
	bpl getl800		;;

	lda #$7B		   ;; download into page 7 time locations.
	sta $304		   ;;
	lda #$07		   ;;
	sta $305		   ;;
	jmp siov

	;; Enters spartados kernel routine to set time.

settime lda portb		  ;; get into ram portion
	pha				;;
	and #$FE		   ;;
	sta portb		  ;;
	jsr vsettd		 ;; enter spartados
	pla				;;
	sta portb		  ;; restore OS
	rts				;; exit

	;; Enters the spartados X kernel settime routine for 800 computer

set800  ldy #$65		   ;; set time command
	lda #$10		   ;; clock device
	sta $761		   ;;
	jmp $703		   ;; execute command

	;; Displays i/o error message

ioerror jsr printcr
	ldx #lo(errmsg)
	ldy #hi(errmsg)
	jmp print

	;; Prints a carrage return

printcr ldx #lo(cr)
	ldy #hi(cr)
	jmp print

	;; Print a 155 (ATASCII CR) terminated string to E:
	;; x = low begin addr
	;; y = high begin addr

print   txa
	ldx #$00
	sta $344,x
	sta $345,x
	lda #$09
	sta $342,x
	lda #$ff
	sta $348,x
	jmp ciov

	;; Program tables and messages

cmdtab  .byte $31, $01, $93, $40, $00, $00, $00, $00, $06, $00, $EE, $A0
a800	.byte "SDX 800 or 3.3a detected.", 155
xlxe	.byte "XL/XE detected.", 155
errmsg  .byte "Download failed!", 155
nosdmsg .byte "Not SpartaDOS!", 155
copy1   .byte "APE Time/Date Download Utility", 155
copy2   .byte "Copyright 1997 Steven J Tucker"
cr	  .byte 155

	;; Load run address locations.

tail	.word loadmrk
	.word $02E0
	.word $02E1
	.word loadadd



* * *  Author of Imagic and APE - The Atari Peripheral Emulator!  * * *
* * *	  Turn your 8-bit Atari into a powerhouse with APE!	  * * *
  *  *  *		Ape Homepage: http://www.nacs.net/~classics		*  *  *
*	*	*********************************************************	*	*
!! Request my *FOR SALE* LISTING OF CLASSIC VIDEO GAME STUFF -- 2000+ Items !!




Anyone who is interested with the above code should know that it will compile but not work as intended.


The line:


cmdtab .byte $31, $01, $93, $40, $00, $00, $00, $00, $06, $00, $EE, $A0


should have read:


cmdtab .byte $45, $01, $93, $40, $00, $00, $00, $00, $06, $00, $EE, $A0


for the code to work.


$45 is the device ID for Apetime, whereas $31 is Atari drive#1.


Code compiled without changing this value will fail at runtime giving a NAK error on D1.

Edited by atari8warez
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Anyone who is interested with the above code should know that it will compile but not work as intended.


The line:


cmdtab .byte $31, $01, $93, $40, $00, $00, $00, $00, $06, $00, $EE, $A0


should have read:


cmdtab .byte $45, $01, $93, $40, $00, $00, $00, $00, $06, $00, $EE, $A0


for the code to work.


$45 is the device ID for Apetime, whereas $31 is Atari drive#1.


Code compiled without changing this value will fail at runtime giving a NAK error on D1.


It looks like this is the mail Steven (also?) sent to me. I used the info to make a tiny APETIME version for my BBS.


IIRC, both the $31 and $45 ID's should work on stock systems. The first version of APE_D only accepted $31 which gave some troubles when a black box was connected. The black box intercepts/redirects communication to drive ID's so the call to $31 would never reach the sio bus in some cases. This is at least true when US Doubler emulation is enabled.


Some later Steven added the $45 feature to both APE_D and APETIME.COM and the problem was solved.

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Great, thanks for clarifying that... AspeQt monitors for device id $45, so it won't work with $31.....


I will soon post a new Date/Time downloader for the AspeQt. Even though Apetime works great, the AspeQt version will add a few more options and it will be open source like AspeQt itself. Also it is being written with SDX in mind.

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I will soon post a new Date/Time downloader for the AspeQt. Even though Apetime works great, the AspeQt version will add a few more options


I wrote a new version with MAC/65 by taking the disassembly of APETIME.COM as an example (it made more sense to me then the source code in the mail did) to make it useable with Pro!-BBS. The only thing I added was a "retry" routine in case the host fell asleep or something like that. Can't think of more improvements so I'm curious about yours.



( Source added for educational use. It can't be compiled without my custom libraries and you need Pro!-BBS to run it anyways :-) )


10 PROASM =  $7000
20 VSETTD =  $FFC3   ; Sparta-Dos
30 ;			 Set Time/Date vector
40 ;
50	   .OPT NO LIST
80 ;
90 ; ------------------------------
0100 ;
0110 ;   Disassembled and Modified
0120 ;		  APETIME.COM
0130 ;	   Fox-1, 09-Mar-2004
0140 ;
0150 ; ------------------------------
0160 ;
0170	 *=  PROASM
0180 ;
0190	 JMP STARTCODE ; Skip header
0200 ;
0210	 .BYTE $02   ; Version (0.2)
0220	 .BYTE 3	 ; March
0230	 .BYTE 9	 ; 9th
0240	 .BYTE 4	 ; 2004
0250 ;
0260 RETRY .BYTE 3
0270 ;
0290 ;
0300	 CLD
0310	 LDA DOS
0340 ;
0350	 LDY #$1B
0360	 LDA (COMTAB),Y
0370	 CMP #$FF
0390 ;
0420	 .BYTE EOL,"  Not an XL/XE computer or wrong DOS.",EOL,$FF
0430	 RTS		 ; Exit to CP
0440 ;
0450 ;
0500	 LDA PIA
0510	 PHA
0520	 AND #$FE
0530	 STA PIA	 ; Enable OS RAM
0540	 JSR VSETTD  ; Set Time/Date
0550	 PLA
0560	 STA PIA	 ; Restore OS RAM
0570	 RTS
0580 ;
0600	 CLC
0620	 ADC #$2F
0630	 STA TRY
0650	 .BYTE "* SIO error.  Retry: "
0660 TRY .BYTE " ",EOL,$FF
0670	 LDA #50	 ; Wait 1 second
0710	 CMP #0
0730	 RTS		 ; Return to CP
0740 ;
0760	 LDX #$0B    ; OffSet
0800	 DEX
0820	 CLC
0830	 LDA COMTAB  ; COMTAB+13 is
0840 ;				 Time/Date loc.
0850	 ADC #$0D    ;  (3 bytes)
0860 ;				   DD/MM/YY
0880	 LDA COMTAB+1
0890	 ADC #$00
0910	 JMP SIOV    ; and RTS
0920 ;
0930 ;
0950	 .BYTE $45   ; DDEVIC
0960	 .BYTE $01   ; DUNIT
0970	 .BYTE $93   ; DCOMND
0980	 .BYTE $40   ; DSTATS
0990	 .BYTE $00   ; DBUFLO
1000	 .BYTE $00   ; DBUFHI
1010	 .BYTE $00   ; DTIMLO
1020	 .BYTE $00   ; DUNUSE
1030	 .BYTE $06   ; DBYTLO
1040	 .BYTE $00   ; DBYTHI
1050	 .BYTE $EE   ; DAUX1
1060	 .BYTE $A0   ; DAUX2

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I did the same thing. Disassembled the .com file and figured it all out AND THEN I found Steve's post on this thread (too much to read here in Atariage) ;-)

Well basically I am enhancing the existing logic, adding some command line switches and thinking about downloading some other bits of info from the PC.

I am not quite sure about those bits though. I am currently busy building hardware, so will start thinking about AspeQt and Date/Time downloader after I finish the hw work.

Edited by atari8warez
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It runs without Wine natively to, but you must compile it yourself - typing qmake in source directory, of course you have to had QT installed (I am not sure with this QT, my Linux box is not usable now).


I'll give it a try ... may be (cuz I have wine installed anyway) ... can I compile it on Mac OS X aswell (I got QT4 SDK installed)?

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Well basically I am enhancing the existing logic, adding some command line switches and thinking about downloading some other bits of info from the PC.


More info as in "non-TD-related" info? Could be useful. In theory you can pass the whole PC config info to the 8-bit :-)


A while ago I wrote in another topic something about the 850 emulation. It would be nice to have an R: handler which is not using the R:. That way it's possible to use both AspeQt and another real R: device (like a black box or MIO) at the same time. I know there's probably no software to support it right now but existing ones can be patched, however there are probably very little people who're ever going to use such a feature.


Same with the D: handler. In a few cases it'd be nice if an image could be accessed by using a different "non-D:" ID (non-bootable of course). Haven't thought about how to do it on the 8-bit side yet :-)

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Well basically I am enhancing the existing logic, adding some command line switches and thinking about downloading some other bits of info from the PC.


More info as in "non-TD-related" info? Could be useful.....


That's exactly what I am thinking about, non-TD related info, there isn't much left to do with the date/time I suppose ;).

Those bits and pieces of info would come from the internet through AspeQt, so in fact the piece running on Atari would be a general purpose "client" and AspeQt is the "server".


About the enhancements to TD:


Apetime is checking for the existance of Spartados first, if the DOS is not Sparta it exits without setting the TD, if it is Sparta, then it checks for Atari 800 flag (which is only available with SDX) and according to the results of this check it determines that it's running under SDX. Then decides which jump vectors it should use when setting the clock.


- If it's an 800 it sets the clock by jumping to the SDX kernel vectors

- if it's not an 800 then it assumes the computer must be an XL/XE and sets the TD by jumping to the COMTAB vectors under the OS Rom.


This behaviour of Aptime is possibly incompatible with future versions of SDX, and currently incompatible with BASICXE and Turbo Basic XL (and with any other software that uses RAM under the OS). Simply put, the jump vectors under the OS ROM may not be there at all, or destroyed by software using the same area for its own purpose, and Apetime does not check for the vector's existance. Also, the BANKED (versus OSRAM) option of SDX would probably halt Apetime in its tracks (I have to check that later as I don't have a SDX cart yet and have to do it with Altirra).


With the emergence of SDX 4.4x (and up), the right way to set the TD is by checking the DOS version and if SDX is found, setting the clock through Kernel vectors no matter which computer the software is running on. If the DOS version is SpartaDos 2.5 or higher but not SDX, then the use of OSRAM vectors is mandatory and the computer that's running the software must be an XL/XE as those versions of SD does not run on Atari 800.


Wow!!, that was hard to explain, but that's basically the enhancement I am making.... As for command line switches, I'll leave those as a surprise for the first release :grin:

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Apetime is checking for the existance of Spartados first, if the DOS is not Sparta it exits without setting the TD, if it is Sparta, then it checks for Atari 800 flag


That's another thing I changed (simplified) in my version since it only runs within the BBS environment which requires Sparta-Dos 3.x anyways so no need to extensively check for Sparta or 800.



Wow!!, that was hard to explain, but that's basically the enhancement I am making....


You could've said:


If sparta>2.4 and <X then use routine1

else routine2



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You could've said:


If sparta>2.4 and <X then use routine1

else routine2




Right.. computerese is easier :)


One question.... do you know if BASICXE works under SDX 4.45 (with proper config.sys of course) using Altirra 2.0


I attach BASICXE 4.1 cartridge image on top of SDX4.45 (using "Attach Secondary" and selecting 'M091') but the system crashes when I enter BASICXE from SDX command line. My config.sys file has USE BANKED line and I am emulating a 800XL with 128K (130XE mode)


According to SDX manual this config should work, however I was not able to do it with Altirra...

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One question.... do you know if BASICXE works under SDX 4.45 (with proper config.sys of course) using Altirra 2.0


I'll pass on this one. I don't use BasicXE, nor Sparta-Dos-X and don't do emulators either :-)



I attach BASICXE 4.1 cartridge image on top of SDX4.45 (using "Attach Secondary" and selecting 'M091') but the system crashes when I enter BASICXE from SDX command line. My config.sys file has USE BANKED line and I am emulating a 800XL with 128K (130XE mode)


According to SDX manual this config should work, however I was not able to do it with Altirra...


As long SDX is not using the RAM under the OS and the extended RAM is XE compatible this would work on real hardware. Could be a corrupted dump or an altered one.



edit: typo

Edited by Fox-1 / mnx
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