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And it was soooo good ! !


I have been collecting Atari games for 10+ years and have a lot. I am proud of my collection and the latest updated total is 595 major label varioation games with 184 boxes. I am at the point where I don't get to add much to it anymore, so when I sort of crossed my fingers and asked for a boxed 2600 game from my SS I knew that there was a shot I would get a duplicate game, but I figured what the hell, right? Maybe I'd get lucky.


Well, my SS is the bomb, the stuff, this shiznit, all that and a bag of chips, the king of Atari land and my new hero. I do not get to add a new CIB game to my collection... I get to add three ! All three Mythicon games, boxes and manuals! Helllzzzz yeah ! ! ! Better yet, ALL THREE games are in WAY better condition than my loose ones, so instant upgrade. I had ZERO Mythicon boxes OR manuals, and now I have ALL of them!


I couldn't be happier. Today was my last day of work until the New Year and I already had a big grin on my face from that. Getting home and opening that box put me over the top. Thank you so much whoever you are. That was one hell of a gift. (And they threw in a bag of Peanut M&M's too... I mean... wow...)




Glad that you liked them. At least I think you did, I can't really tell. ;) You said you wanted boxes from a company other than Atari and Activision, and I figured that this was about as far out as you can get. Although I am sure that some people would be offended to get what some people believe are the 3 worst games for the system.


I would like to thank my SS, whose name I don't have handy. I was provided with a pair of complete Saturn games to add to my collection as well as 2 tins of Altoids. If you think that the original ones are strong, try the licorice flavored ones. :D




Glad they got there ok. I was worried since I could only get access to a bubble mailer. I was sure they were going to get broken. Glad you enjoyed them.



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I contacted the SS for anyone who posted on this thread as not getting something. So far I have one reply that it was sent a month ago (so maybe lost?) another that said they were sending it soon "don't worry." :? Not sure as to why, Christmas was last week :ponder: and one that hasn't logged in since November or replied yet.



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I contacted the SS for anyone who posted on this thread as not getting something. So far I have one reply that it was sent a month ago (so maybe lost?) another that said they were sending it soon "don't worry." :? Not sure as to why, Christmas was last week :ponder: and one that hasn't logged in since November or replied yet.




Thanks Ax and I don't expect anything more from you than that. I appreciate the effort to put this together and I had fun with just the giving part. It's always a crap shoot when you are dealing with real-life people, you never know what you'll get. Most everyone got nice gifts, several got over the top gifts (like cool-ass lamps) and a few got the white elephant gift (jack squat). I'm in for next year!!

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I couldn't believe what I got from my SS, an atari flashback complete! Although I already had one, I gave it to my sister!


thanks Aka!!!???


Nice, you got it! I've been worrying that the package got lost in transit (first time I've shipped out of the US and I was kind of broke and couldn't afford the faster shipping with tracking). I'm sorry that you already had a FB2 though! I will have to try harder next time.

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so is anyone left giftless?



I guess that depends on your definition. Did I get a gift from my secret santa? Absolutley not... Did the awesome people here on AA send me something to make up for it? Indeed they did! Although that doesn't excuse the fact that someone here recieved a gift from someone and sent nothing.

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so is anyone left giftless?

Well nothing yet. My wife ways she has one more Christmas present coming and I am not to check the mail or look at any packages; typical subterfuge for her, but I do wonder if she is somehow conspiratory with secret santa. I never know whats going on around here; I don't make much effort to make sense of things anymore :-)

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so is anyone left giftless?


Several of us. Me included. And although I think it is great that my s.s. Person received their gift, I think those that back out should not be allowed to participate in future years. I find it highly doubtful that 4 gifts were "lost" in the mail.


I am going to stop reading this thread now because it's a little too frustrating.

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Anyone who didn't send gifts should be publicly outed. If they are goong to rip people off in secret Santa, then they'll do it in the marketplace as well. Plus, they should be publicly shamed just on general principle.




Wholeheartedly agreed! Freeloading on a Secret Santa is just plain pathetic, if that is, in fact, the case and people didn't send anything. :|


I certainly hope there weren't any long-term standing members that did not send gifts (it does not appear to be so), as I would be very interested in never doing dealings with those individuals again.


Honestly I'm surprised at the number of people (is it 4 total people who have not received gifts or had the SS Emergency Crew send something?), I assumed it would be a single person as there's always one stinker in a secret santa but more than 1 is pretty shocking.


If you're reading this and you didn't send a gift, c'mon, fess up before we have to out you. You may have legitimate reasons such as health concerns or monetary woes or an emergency come up, but without your statement saying as such we must assume that you are freeloading!

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Of the four two said they are taking care of it. Of those two only one claimed missing, but is replacing now. The other said it would be sent soon, and kind of acted like it was silly of me to ask with an attitude of -it'll be there where it gets there- they just outright didn't do it yet.


Then one youngster said they did send in November (only other claim of non-delivery), but didn't offer to resolve the "missing" issue, they were a "kid" and this may result in a future age limit on subsequent years (I think if you can't drive yourself to buy a gift with your own money and then mail it you can't possibly play along) if you are reliant on others to get your goals completed, perhaps you should not join in the fun until you can. Sorry if that seems tough, but then you are welcome when you can meet the criteria. I hate to disclude anyone, but if you don't have the means.... I'll end that lecture there.


Then one other person just simply hasn't been online in over a month, they may be MIA, just a life thing perhaps... not intentional or ignoring the issue. I somewhat know them personally (have met a few times in person) and know what kind of person they are. They are not the kind to ignore the responsibility without a darn good reason.




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Did someone who did not get a gift, not receive their Secret Santa Emergency Response Team gift certificate?


Please PM me if you did not... I personally emailed those out, so if you did not get one, let me know your current email address. I sent them to addresses in Ax's archive. If the certificates went to the wrong address, I want to make sure they get to the right ones.


I want to make sure that everyone either received their SS gift or a Secret Santa Emergency Response Team certificate.


(**before PMing me, please check out your junk mail folder for an email from Amazon***)

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So, to change the direction of the thread a little... I'm curious, how many people know or want to know who their Secret Santa is?


I know some of those who didn't get anything are likely to say they'd like to know. :) But of the rest of us-- I'm curious who put any effort in to finding their Santa? And who didn't? And the whys.


For me, I'm VERY happy with what I got-- I had a very generous Santa, and it helped shape the holiday spirit for a 36 year old guy with no kids of his own. It's pretty easy to question your own path and place in life sometimes (never saw me NOT having kids by 30...!), and a little thing like this program can put the holidays in perspective-- at least it did for me! It actually paid off for my nieces and nephews as the generosity was paid forward very nicely I think. :)


I didn't try to seek out my Santa, just posted that I'd gotten my package... and I didn't chime in on my recipient's post, was just happy to see they seemed happy with my package to them. For me, I kind of like the mystery of NOT knowing-- helps keep me nice to EVERYONE that participated just in case they were my Santa! (As opposed to bah-humbugging those of you who didn't send me anything and only being grateful to the person who did! lol)


Anyway, Happy New Year, people! Time for me to go take more sinus meds... And yes, that gives me an out if this post seems out of left field. :)

Edited by Murph74
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So, to change the direction of the thread a little... I'm curious, how many people know or want to know who their Secret Santa is?


I know some of those who didn't get anything are likely to say they'd like to know. :) But of the rest of us-- I'm curious who put any effort in to finding their Santa? And who didn't? And the whys.

I'm curious too, especially since I received such a great gift. I'm also wanting to say who I got something for, but haven't yet. I'll wait and see what the general consensus is.


It was pretty easy to figure out what my SS wanted though - a quick forum search of his posts revealed all :)

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The gift I was going to give is in bits in the basement (a Genesis 6 button joystick). It may be a 7800 joystick eventually. The IC on it is fried. Power goes in one side but not out the other. At first I turned it into a three button stick with resistors (was up all night trying to get that sucker working) finally copped out and sent a 6 button pad and some games. Looking back (being sleepy is a waste of time when you are doing something technical) I could have taken the IC out of the pad and wired it into the joystick! I'd have really loved to fulfill his specific request.



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