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Atari 8-bit related BBS(s)


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I used to run System Reset! BBS In Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and was running Express Pro....I think node x_59 if I remember correctly....


I had a friend write a PC Dos term program called Genterm that did Atascii graphics.


It was never released to the general public, but if there is some interest I might be able to get a copy of it somewhere...

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I also have a PC-based ATASCII terminal program for accessing internet-based ATASCII BBSes like mine. It's called AT_Telnet. It is just a terminal - no file transfers available in it. It was originally written by Tom Hunt and I took it over around 2000. You can download it at my website below. It is tested under Windows XP only.



Edited by bf2k+
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I used to run System Reset! BBS In Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and was running Express Pro....I think node x_59 if I remember correctly....



Must be another node# as x_59 is/was "The 19th Hole - 416-xxx-xxxx". "System Reset" doesn't seem to be listed on the 1999 Pro node list.

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Yeah, the Jail was bad for that, but I don't now who was creating dupes....I used to pass off my messages to Europe....


It was a lot of fun back then, but long distance calls were expensive....


I've always wanted to put my BBS back up, but I suspect the costs wouldn't be worth the effort or the calls I would get.


I might be convinced if I could somehow hook it up to telnet from the internet.

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I might be convinced if I could somehow hook it up to telnet from the internet.


Er... You've not heard of Atari Inside or my BBS (DarkForce) ?


We use a Lantronix serial port to LAN adaptor to hook our boards to the 'Net.


Works great. :)

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Yeah, the Jail was bad for that, but I don't now who was creating dupes....I used to pass off my messages to Europe....


It was a lot of fun back then, but long distance calls were expensive....


Expensive, indeed. Apart from the Dutch netcalls I had to call to the USA, Canada and Germany at least once a week, usually more.



I've always wanted to put my BBS back up, but I suspect the costs wouldn't be worth the effort or the calls I would get.


I might be convinced if I could somehow hook it up to telnet from the internet.


I still run my Pro BBS (5.0) but exchanged the modem for a null-modem cable and run a telnet conversion tool on a W2K server. Apart from up and downloads it works pretty well.

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I run The Electric Cafe BBS - telnet thecafe.dtdns.net


This runs Steve Carden's TCP/IP Express Pro 7.0.


This BBS is 24 hours and runs on real Atari hardware:


Atari 130XE with 576K RAM upgrade

ICD 256kb MIO with Warerat's ROM upgrade

External Seagate SCSI Hard Drive 18GB

Lantronix telnet/serial converter

What happened to The Electric Cafe BBS?


-=[Lord Cygnus]=-

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I finally got my BBS up and running with the Oasis Jr BBS 1988 software! It's working great after much trial & error to configure the program and menus. YYZ BBS is now available via telnet: yyzbbs.no-ip.org


Running on original Atari 130XE 1MB & disk drives. APE supplies the R: handler connection for telnet.


Come by and visit. It's been 1987 - 1988 since I ran this board.


-=[Lord Cygnus]=-



Houston, TX


I added the 80 column feature to the BBS. ASCII callers use 'ctrl [' for carriage return if stuck at a prompts if your enter key does not respond properly (don't ask me why it does that; I don't know). Of course, ATASCII 40 column looks and functions properly since the board was built for it! /|\TARI RULZ!


I'll have a UDS-10 or UDS-100 installed soon & a battery back-up unit. Until then, I'm still using APE connected to my real A8 equipment to answer calls via Telnet: yyzbbs.no-ip.org


-=[Lord Cygnus]=-

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! :)


I added your BBS telnet address to our board @ YYZ BBS. ;)


I call your board on my real 130XE using ICE-T 80 column. I have called your board a few times with Windows XP Hyper-Term. I like using real A8 real equipment though (for the nostalgia)!


-=[Lord Cygnus]=-

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Anyone who hasn't added the IRC gateway to your BBS list, please feel free to:


For VT100 emulation (if you're using and Atari with Ice-T or other VT100-capable terminal), telnet to irc.atarichat.net, port 800.

For ASCII dumb terminal, telnet to irc.atarichat.net, port 400.



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Anyone who hasn't added the IRC gateway to your BBS list, please feel free to:


For VT100 emulation (if you're using and Atari with Ice-T or other VT100-capable terminal), telnet to irc.atarichat.net, port 800.

For ASCII dumb terminal, telnet to irc.atarichat.net, port 400.




Oh that is awesome! Can't wait to try that out in Bobterm.

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! :)


I added your BBS telnet address to our board @ YYZ BBS. ;)


I call your board on my real 130XE using ICE-T 80 column. I have called your board a few times with Windows XP Hyper-Term. I like using real A8 real equipment though (for the nostalgia)!


-=[Lord Cygnus]=-


Thanks, appreciated. I understand about the nostalgia part - don't much care for emulation, as technically impressive

as it is... :)

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! :)


I added your BBS telnet address to our board @ YYZ BBS. ;)


I call your board on my real 130XE using ICE-T 80 column. I have called your board a few times with Windows XP Hyper-Term. I like using real A8 real equipment though (for the nostalgia)!


-=[Lord Cygnus]=-


Thanks, appreciated. I understand about the nostalgia part - don't much care for emulation, as technically impressive

as it is... :)


Using our real equipment is the ultimate experience reminding us of our first experiences back in the dayz! /|\TARI RULZ!

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Emulation is great when the real technology is not practical. For example in Kuwait I hit the Atari BBSs (when the crappy internet is not blocking me) using Syncterm that can do ATASCII. Otherwise while at home I get on the BBSs with my Atari 800. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys. I'm experimenting a bit with my UDS1100 and some settings...


Can the next few callers that logon tell me if the <enter> message now

comes up without having to bang the keyboard first? Previously, it would

just show a blank screen on connection until you bashed some keys...



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