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Atari 8-bit related BBS(s)


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i still can't get into the telnet.getting:not recognized as an internal or external command, i running windows 7,i was using telnet on my other computer with windows xp home a couple years ago..

:am i typing this in wrong?......telnet://bbs.inspiration-soft.com

c:\users\user> (this is what my prompt looks like)


Ah, on Windows 7 I think telnet is disabled in the command prompt.


I think you can do this:


1. Start

2. Control Panel

3. Programs And Features

4. Turn Windows features on or off

5. Check Telnet Client

6. Hit OK


After that you can start Telnet via Command Prompt, I reckon.

That was it!!! thanks dark lord,i'm already a member to your site,i still use my 800xl with 2400 baud dial up and log in via the prison board and then telnet over to your site.thx frank
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  • 3 weeks later...
Boot Factory BBS is down until I get my power back!! Been down since Friday night. 90 degF in the house!!! We are going nuts!


90degF Sounds not too bad to me. Same as it is in my house right now at 9:30PM and it wasn't a real sunny day today at all. Just imagine it could be worse, like, when something like this happens in winter when it's -8degF.


Doesn't take away the fact that it still sucks.

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Note that port #471 is based on nothing. It's just my BBS node# and happens to be a "free" port ("free" as in "undefined" port).


For info, this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers is a list of ports with info about what they're intended for (official and unofficial).

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Unfortunately my router does not let me forward two external ports (like 23, and 476) to one internal. Is this normal behavior of a router?


I would like to keep port 23, since it is the way it is now. My BBS address is published on several BBS-list sites, and I don't want to change that.


But on the other hand... it would be cool for Doctor Clu (and possible others) to be able to connect to my BBS, even when port 23 is blocked.

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Hi Marius!


Hmm, I do set my Dlink router (and the SysLink I used before) to forward to -1- port (I've always

used 23 as well), but I've never tried telling it to forward 2 to 1.


Its another rule added, as far as that goes, but would they collide? I could try it I guess, and see

if it goes "boom". :)


EDIT: Ach, can't see a way to do it - just forwarding won't work because the UDS10 is always

expecting everything to come in on port 23, and I can't see a way on my DLink router to have

say, ports 23 and (for example) 471, go to the UDS10 *as* port 23.

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Unfortunately my router does not let me forward two external ports (like 23, and 476) to one internal. Is this normal behavior of a router?


It is.


I don't use hardware routers but software routing/mapping/NAT in stead. The best I can do is translate port numbers, like, an incoming connection on port 23 will be translated to a connection on port 471 but this won't help any remote caller. Translating to an existing port number isn't possible.



I would like to keep port 23, since it is the way it is now. My BBS address is published on several BBS-list sites, and I don't want to change that.


Set up a 2nd node with the MUX running on another port.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok I was updating the BBS list for the Prison Board BBS, and here is what I have discovered for the Atari BBSs.


Let me know if I missed anything.






Atari Inside


The Boot Factory



Dark Force BBS (Hit Enter to start)


The Grove BBS (Hit Enter to start)


Thunderdome BBS











Electric Cafe BBS


Inside The 8-bit - Line 1


Inside The 8-bit - Line 2


MouseNet BBS





Atari IRC Chat


Atari Telnet Chat



And I just think it is cool that our TI 99 friends at Heatwave are a telnet AND dialup BBS.


602-955-4491 Heatwave BBS Phoenix AZ S&T TI-99/4A heatwavebbs.com

Edited by doctorclu
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I know that Inside the Atari 8 bit is gone (I guess I will accept that fact and move on, it's been a while.) Electric Cafe has been gone a while. What about MouseNet? Is that BBS gone as well?


I recently got a message from Stephen J. Carden himself. He logged on to my BBS too. I believe he still has plans to relaunch his BBS. The data is still there, but he has got serious troubles due to lightning strikes and health issues. I believe his Lantronix devices died too, so he is working on another type of lantronix, to make that compatible with the BBS software.


So I think Inside The 8bit will be back once.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on YYZ BBS:


I finally got the board working with the Lantronix UDS-10 through the Atari 850 interface. Now it has it's own idependent telnet connection instead of using the SIO2PC adapter with a PC.


The Atari 850 also resolved the ASCII issues it was having with ASCII callers not having proper functionality. This was due to the ICD P:R: Connection for some reason. Marius helped me figure this out through several different tests and configurations. Now ASCII callers can call the board without any problems with a regular terminal program in 40 or 80 columns without any special modifications.


Of course, ATASCII calls work fine without a problem!


When logging on to the board, press your enter key several times to connect to the BBS. It's actually issuing a text request when you connect that says, "Press Return", but for some reason it only appears as, "?????????????????????????????" to the caller. I will have to resolve this in time.


Give us a call via telnet: yyzbbs.no-ip.org




-=[Lord Cygnus]=-

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I recently got a message from Stephen J. Carden himself. He logged on to my BBS too. I believe he still has plans to relaunch his BBS. The data is still there, but he has got serious troubles due to lightning strikes and health issues. I believe his Lantronix devices died too, so he is working on another type of lantronix, to make that compatible with the BBS software.


So I think Inside The 8bit will be back once.



THIS WILL ROCK!!! I would love to call Stephen's board when it comes up again. That's cool that he has all the data intact to pick up where it last left off!


-=[Lord Cygnus]=-

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Since 2 hours Thunderdome BBS is dead. The harddisk crashed at the same day I finished a PC set-up to do the backups. In other words, there are no backups.


The HD won't spin up anymore. Doesn't look like something that can be fixed.

THIS WILL ROCK!!! I would love to call Stephen's board when it comes up again. That's cool that he has all the data intact to pick up where it last left off!


-=[Lord Cygnus]=-

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I am planning to bring Inside the 8-bit back online. I last storm that came through right after I finished the ABBUC version of real dos did $40,000.00 dollard worth of dammage to my house. The Micro Burst and Lightning storm sent a tree into my offic master bed room and master bath room. The only thing that saved my source is my NAS drive is located inside my gun safe. I have a gun safe and do not use it for guns. I keep my NAS drive in it. and my backup program had ran the day before so while I took a big hit on equipment my data that was inportaint to me was and is safe. So I am going to brin gthe bbs back online. I have been sick over two years now with necrotizing fasciitis so sometime I do not have the strength to work on the Atari. But I am betterand I have started programming again. As soon as I can get enough Atari Equipmment going again I will bring the bbs back up. Right now I have only 2 Ataris working. I have my master back running and I also have my devoplement machine working. But I need to get at least two slaves running. I have enough mux's to bring 8 slaves up I am just short on 130xe's



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