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7800 Serial Number List


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9 minutes ago, Mitch said:

Do you still have a copy of the old list?

Old List/Post..



I am putting together a list below that will be similar to the heavy sixer serial number list found in the 2600 thread.

Last Update: Post #277

I think the order from earliest to latest consoles is as follows.
"EP" - these were the original 5000 made in El Paso Texas in mid 1984.
"AT84" - early batch still with Atari Inc.
"AT85" - early batch now with Atari Corp
"A1" - initial models still had the expansion interface
"A1" - later models lost the expansion interface
"A3" - next run of the 7800 units
"X" - final run of 7800 units?

If anyone has more information that would be useful in the descriptions above then feel free to suggest it too.

EP Units:
EP 001292 -Fyrebird
EP 002574 -toymailman (CIB with all packaging)
EP 003976 -toymailman

EP 004179 -atariguy1021
EP 008042 -Tubular Gearhead

EP 008072 -supavgx

EP 009706 -7800

AT84 Units:
AT84 00008 -Mulletizer

AT84 03172 -Corby
AT84 03242 -Lemmi
AT84 05435 -Retrogamer81081

AT84 06528 -famicommander

AT84 07751 -Illtiger1

AT84 08200 -E-MAN2001

AT84 09103 -PacManPlus (cool Silver paint job)
AT84 14616 -Mitch
AT84 16922 -toymailman (CIB with the stickers)
AT84 16972 -Brian R.

AT84 20618 -DarthCloud

AT84 20618 -DarthCloud

AT84 22447 -cjamelv (CIB with S-Video mod)

AT84 25241 -toymailman (CIB with different stickers)

AT84 27168 -DrVenkman
AT84 27566 -Atarius Maximus

AT84 30276 -toymailman
AT84 31517 -Sector7e (housed in an arcade cabinet!)
AT84 31650 -Crazymoon67

AT84 39552 -MikeCV82

AT84 41627 -AtariAwesomeness!

AT84 44298 -Liduario

AT84 46706 -Mitch

AT84 47840 -Coolhand20th

AT84 50078 -o.pwuaioc
AT84 50797 -ApolloBoy

AT84 50981 -toymailman
AT84 53505 -toymailman
AT84 55199 -toymailman
AT84 55587 -lapetino

AT84 56253 -Trebor
AT84 57660 -phattyboombatty
AT84 59303 -Mitch

AT84 60391 -toymailman
AT84 60899 -Tubular Gearhead
AT84 62528 -SeaGtGruff
AT84 62542 -godzillajoe
AT84 62898 -toymailman
AT84 63558 -toymailman

AT85 Units:
AT85 027591 -toymailman
AT85 027818 -toymailman
AT85 033497 -Atariboy2600
AT85 034352 -Propane13

AT85 040056 -Lendorien

AT85 042581 -k8track

AT85 046027 -Mister-VCS
AT85 047392 -ChuckTeed


A1 Units (with Expansion Interface?
A1 6C 5067150 -Christophero Sly
A1 6C 5071199 -chuckster24
A1 6C 5743453 -toymailman
A1 6C 5748541 -mike99mccarthy
A1 71 5000592 -atariluvr77
A1 71 5001132 -Zeptari1

A1 71 5002364 -streps
A1 71 5003655 -gorfcadet

A1 71 5015499 -groundtrooper

A1 71 5016113 -toymailman (CIB with old style box)
A1 71 5755944 -groundtrooper

A1 72 5057643 -purduecrum
A1 72 5060877 -wccw mark
A1 72 5061842 -PSW (has A/V mod)
A1 73 5035619 -triesmac

A1 73 5765554 -Kaiju

A1 74 5023906 -Mord

A1 74 5026521 -tep392

A1 74 5790943 -atarijagplayer

A1 74 5824501 -Ashkin2002

A1 74 5825114 -sramirez2008 (CIB)

A1 74 5826584 -streps
A1 74 5833151 -Schmutzpuppe
A1 74 5871715 -Atarifever
A1 74 5876442 -Trebor

A1 75 5044126 -toymailman
A1 75 5810889 -mario2butts
A1 75 5848137 -FireTiger

A1 75 5852754 -craigm71

A1 75 5865266 -Cap5750
A1 76 5777527 -rockman_x_2002
A1 76 5782808 -Necron99
A1 76 5799186 -doyman
A1 76 5803182 -phattyboombatty
A1 76 5804969 -TwinChargers
A1 76 5884618 -kenfused
A1 77 5921684 -Metal Ghost
A1 77 5921877 -Cap5750
A1 77 5927901 -triesmac

A1 77 5936329 -PSW (has A/V mod and Blue LED)
A1 77 5936366 -krewat
A1 77 5942454 -Roy (hole but no port)
A1 78 5005462 -BenjaminR

A1 78 5057034 -AtariChris
A1 78 5969388 -Gorfy

A1 78 5976271 -Shantai
A1 78 5983589 -Propane13
A1 ?? 5784969 -Paul Westphal

A1 ?? 5874284 -Classic Pac
A1 ?? 5883356 -Master Phruby

A1 Units (without Expansion Interface?

A1 77 5886485 -gorfcadet (has a hole for the port)

A1 78 5971821 -Yurkie (has a hole for the port)

A1 79 5008311 -7800fan (has a hole for the port)

A1 7B 5043568 -Brian R.

A1 7B 5050329 -Coleco

A1 7B 5057997 -Thibr

A1 7B 5094528 -RodLightning
A1 7B 5112466 -Sonic R
A1 7B 5113502 -Tubular Gearhead
A1 7C 5025095 -DJT
A1 7C 5119402 -streps

A1 7C 5143228 -frank_c

A1 7C 5172703 -triesmac

A1 7C 5173037 -toptenmaterial (assumed "7C")
A1 7C 5180929 -toymailman (CIB)
A1 7C 5258335 -Crazymoon67

A1 81 5194768 -Tubular Gearhead
A1 81 5198557 -schmedly
A1 81 5234371 -Lemmi ("81" was assumed)
A1 81 5252239 -[d2f]Iggy*SJB

A1 82 5101125 -DrVenkman (port on board only)

A1 82 5248831 -snstay

A1 83 5237378 -adam242

A1 83 5291010 -joystickjedi

A1 84 5293576 -Lemmi
A1 84 5300659 -BSA Starfire
A1 85 5062662 -H311bender
A1 85 5133913 -Darrin9999
A1 85 5319426 -Themushroom (has a hole for the port)

A1 85 5327815 -atarigal
A1 86 5341227 -jmetal88
A1 86 5342121 -Synthpopalooza (has Expansion Interface, but no slot)

A1 86 5354313 -BalloonFighter (has a hole for the port) (with Box)

A1 86 5370798 -almightytodd

A1 86 5372310 --^Cro§Bow^- (LHE A/V Mod)
A1 87 5390079 -schmedly
A1 87 5395875 -iesposta

A1 87 5396310 -BillieBeard
A1 87 5396565 -Jr. Pac
A1 87 5410351 -godzillajoe
A1 88 5424652 -Atarifever (broken)
A1 88 5425504 -Brian R.

A1 88 5425512 -jalidi

A1 88 5425514 -stardust4ever (Best Elec. A/V modded)

A1 88 5425515 -Trebor (with Expansion Interface)
A1 88 5425519 -famicommander (Best Elec. A/V modded)

A1 88 5425614 -AlwaysOnPlanetPatrol

A1 88 5425716 -Ripdubski

A1 88 5427812 -ChuckTeed (CIB)

A1 88 5429073 -frankodragon

A1 88 5456395 -sramirez2008
A1 88 5461656 -GonzoGamer

A1 88 5473506 -Cafeman
A1 88 5476932 -toymailman

A1 88 5481809 -ChuckTeed

A1 89 5486069 -NightSprinter
A1 05 5509878 -FireTiger

A1 ?? 5519505 -zylon
A1 ?? 5522180 -ubersaurus

A3 Units:
A3 84 5000929 -Tifany
A3 84 5018408 -Liduario
A3 84 5029086 -Ataritard
A3 84 5029841 -Darrian9999
A3 85 5053629 -Cap5750
A3 85 5058680 -Gandor
A3 85 5066694 -FireTiger

A3 85 5076517 -tep392

A3 86 5117587 -mattsoft

A3 87 5118033 -FireTiger

A3 87 5118877 -Gorfy

A3 88 5155300 -0078265317

A3 89 5157612 -Propane13
A3 89 5157707 -onthinice
A3 89 5158935 -Trebor
A3 8C 5197625 -Propane13
A3 8C 5202035 -almightytodd
A3 8C 5214226 -Trebor
A3 8C 5224133 -bigbee99

A3 98 5227323 --^Cro§Bow^- (Eckard's DEV OS BIOS Mod)

A3 9B1 5235296 -Roy
A3 9B1 5282493 -Dauber

A3 9B1 5287646 -sramirez2008 (NIB)

A3 9B1 5287847 -Sbdolan
A3 07 5292755 -TwinChargers
A3 07 5294575 -Tubular Gearhead
A3 07 5294935 -Propane13

A3 07 5295292 -uveprom
A3 07 5295828 -Atariboy2600

A3 08 5299054 -Swami


X Units:
X 201 023346 -iesposta

X 201 027306 -AlwaysOnPlanetPatrol

X 201 028792 -Trebor
X 201 031114 -ApolloBoy (CIB)
X 209 001022 -Deteacher
X 210 011292 -bennybingo
X 211 009022 -Xr8dPixel [* PAL B *]

X 211 039602 -Mitch

X 211 099362 -reliant73 [* PAL B *] (CIB)

X 21A 5052601 -Thibr [* PAL B *]

X 21A5 31261 -Shawn

X 21A5 33348 -Mister-VCS

X ?? 014703 -Swami



Other PAL Units:

A1 01 3012487 (PAL-I (UK)) 1989 -high voltage (CIB w/ Asteroids built-in)
X 1093 118332 -Mitch

X8 18 4028788 -Thibr (SCART)

X8 18 4034522 -OBO (PAL with RGB sockets)
X8 19 4039400 -Mitch

X8 19 4044748 (PAL with RGB sockets)

X8 19 4054929 -Mitch

X8 1A 4066446 -Jai Alai (French SCART)

X8 1A 4088383 -brenski (French SCART)
X8 1A 4098313 -OBO (PAL with RGB sockets)
X8 24 4049014 -Seob

X9 38 3816664 -BSA Starfire

X9 38 3818889 -w3dal (PAL)

X9 38 3825127 -Magic Knight




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On 7/9/2017 at 11:45 PM, Mitch said:

I noticed that in the list that PAL RGB was listed in several different ways. For example: SCART, PAL with RGB sockets and French SCART are all the same thing. It might help to clarify if they are all listed the same way on the list. Also, it might be helpful to list all of the PAL units together instead of grouping some of them with the NTSC consoles. Just a thought.

Got it.  This makes sense.  I'll update accordingly.  Thanks!

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On 6/27/2018 at 10:23 PM, OldAtAtari said:

Here are my two. One's a mystery! If anyone can give any information on these, particularly the date, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you!

I'll add a section for undetermined serial numbers that can't be attributed to a production run. I want to capture that the system is out in the wild regardless, and who owns it.  Thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...

And, that's a wrap! This list is officially up to date. I do want to go back and verify full-on expansion ports in the A1 units, but otherwise, things should be solid. FWIW, the count now stands at 307 working systems. And those are systems with owners engaged enough to submit them here. Definitely something to keep in mind for anyone developing a game for the 7800. I'll notify of general updates in the 'version history' of the post going forward. Any more systems? Send 'em my way!


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9 hours ago, electronicsibley said:

And, that's a wrap! This list is officially up to date. I do want to go back and verify full-on expansion ports in the A1 units, but otherwise, things should be solid. FWIW, the count now stands at 307 working systems. And those are systems with owners engaged enough to submit them here. Definitely something to keep in mind for anyone developing a game for the 7800. I'll notify of general updates in the 'version history' of the post going forward. Any more systems? Send 'em my way!


Well, do keep in mind that since I added the 2 I had at that time to this list, that my A3 unit with the DevOS BIOS in it, is actually an AT84 mainboard with all socketed chips and has the expansion port as well. I've seen several like this. So the A1 - A3 listing doesn't always mean an expansion port may or may not be present as it would seem Atari was throwing together anything they could fine (Or in my case I suspect mine was a return due to some issue as it shows some factory rework) and then sold out to the masses.


That reminds me, I have a 3rd 7800 to add to this list at some point and the initial A1 86 no longer has the LHE inside it. It now has an early rD UAV, with chroma fix circuit in place, UV power LED, RF modulator removed, and new Kiloparsec BIOS installed.



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5 hours ago, -^CrossBow^- said:

Well, do keep in mind that since I added the 2 I had at that time to this list, that my A3 unit with the DevOS BIOS in it, is actually an AT84 mainboard with all socketed chips and has the expansion port as well. I've seen several like this. So the A1 - A3 listing doesn't always mean an expansion port may or may not be present as it would seem Atari was throwing together anything they could fine (Or in my case I suspect mine was a return due to some issue as it shows some factory rework) and then sold out to the masses.


That reminds me, I have a 3rd 7800 to add to this list at some point and the initial A1 86 no longer has the LHE inside it. It now has an early rD UAV, with chroma fix circuit in place, UV power LED, RF modulator removed, and new Kiloparsec BIOS installed.



Wow, that’s interesting, and definitely worth noting. Is there any other detail that would indicate outwardly that the expansion port is present beneath the case, like with your system? The fact that you’ve seen several like this makes me think a non-trivial number of these systems were produced. 

I’ll update your listings, and keep an eye out for your third system.

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No...not that I've found. You have to simple open up the top cover so you can see if the port is off on the side or not. I've seen very few, but I have seen them, some A3 units with expansion ports on them. I serviced one not that long ago in fact that the date stamps on the ICs indicated it was a late '87 made unit but yet.. it had the port and I believe it had the extra timing circuit as well. I honestly don't know how many 7800s I've seen at this point but it is somewhere around 60 - 70 over the last 4 years now. The good news, is that while I might not take pics of the serial numbers (I don't..). I do take pics of the insides after I've serviced them and can likely go through my archive of photos to try and get some idea. But there still isn't a way to tell from the outside since the area of the port is covered by the bottom shell on units where they installed the port but did not place it into a shell with an opening for one like my A3 I have listed here.



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On 11/21/2021 at 9:59 AM, -^CrossBow^- said:

No...not that I've found. You have to simple open up the top cover so you can see if the port is off on the side or not. I've seen very few, but I have seen them, some A3 units with expansion ports on them. I serviced one not that long ago in fact that the date stamps on the ICs indicated it was a late '87 made unit but yet.. it had the port and I believe it had the extra timing circuit as well. I honestly don't know how many 7800s I've seen at this point but it is somewhere around 60 - 70 over the last 4 years now. The good news, is that while I might not take pics of the serial numbers (I don't..). I do take pics of the insides after I've serviced them and can likely go through my archive of photos to try and get some idea. But there still isn't a way to tell from the outside since the area of the port is covered by the bottom shell on units where they installed the port but did not place it into a shell with an opening for one like my A3 I have listed here.



That’s what I figured; there being no visual clues. No need to dig into it too deeply, but if you eventually come up with some data, I’d love to integrate it somehow. It’s an interesting production quirk in any case!

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Okay, @electronicsibley here is the updated stats on my three 7800s that I own here at the ITC.


The 'Daily Driver': 72R5BR A1 86 5372310 -

- UV power LED

- UAV rD

- Cartridge sleeve modified

- 7800 Kiloparsec BIOS installed

- No Expansion port

- ICs soldered to the mainboard

- Extra Timing circuit silkscreen on the board but not installed and bypassed by Atari




The 'Test Unit': 72R4BR A1 7C 5152641 -

- 7800 Kiloparsec BIOS installed

- No expansion port

- ICs soldered to the mainboard

- Extra Timing circuit installed but disabled (C64 clipped)




The 'Original': 72R4BR A3 98 5227323 -

- This is my original childhood 7800 that I got for my Birthday back in late '88

- Blue power LED

- Expansion port present

- Extra Timing circuit not present (No silkscreen for it)

- ICs all in sockets

- DevOS 1.0 BIOS installed



I suspect my childhood 7800 was a factory refurbished unit sold back out as new in late 88 since it does have interior parts of that of an AT84 unit and shows some signs of factory hand soldering and possible rework, but was sold in the non expansion port case shell and with a later serial A3 series number.


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  • 1 month later...

@electronicsibley as requested...


This is my CIB unit with matching serial #'s.




This is my daily that I AV modified using mini jack to RCA. Still has protective strip over banner.




This is the Expansion Interface model with bad tactile switches.




This is standard model with bad tactile switches. I think this one is A1 7B 5085018, but can't confirm that.



And here are the tactile switches I just received today to fix the two units.



Edited by NISMOPC
updated serial #
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B63900A1-5FF2-4AA9-BBDB-DFC411E5140D.thumb.jpeg.d3e6fc7f79ab1d1a46cbf6368d48da8a.jpegThis is my back up console with no expansion port and an av mod. 

80D5AA90-631E-4F0D-AA00-2220EC1FF368.thumb.jpeg.37d66e4a316862086d41e78ab7a8bc96.jpegAnd this is my daily driver with the expansion port, it’s got an av mod, the board has been recapped and had new tactile switches installed. 

Next time I pull out my childhood console I’ll add it to the list. That one hasn’t been touched in any way. 

Edited by Silver Back
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On 12/30/2021 at 6:45 PM, Silver Back said:

And this is my daily driver with the expansion port, it’s got an av mod, the board has been recapped and had new tactile switches installed. 

Thanks! Can you make out what the second blue-stamped number is?  I see '8', but not the second digit.

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