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The Official "Thrift finds" Thread


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Found but not bought at a couple of local thrifts:


5 or 6 common 5200 carts, loose

a bunch of TI 99/4a carts, loose

a couple of Colecovision and few other miscellaneous carts, loose

some programs on cassettes that I didn't even look at

5 sealed Space Spartans boxes (Intellivision)

1 sealed program for Socrates (Around the World, IIRC)

a bunch of loose intellevision carts

a few loose Odyssey2 carts


Any of this stuff worth picking up at $3 each?

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It's been a while since I posted my finds on here. My grandmother has been borrowing my digital camera, and I hadn't been able to take pictures of my finds.


Anyway I have quite a bit of stuff to put on here!


First off on Saturday the 11th of May, I spotted a Game Gear. It had a carrying case, 8 games, a game genie w/ codebook, and a car adapter. It also had all the manuals; it had the manuals for the Game Gear itself, all the games, and the Genie IIRC. The fellow I purchased it off of said that he wanted 30 for it, I came back and offered him 19.00 dollars in rolled coin, and to say the least, he took the offer.


The next day I had a friend of mine give me two GBA games as his daughter just bought a PSP and or DS.


This past Saturday I picked up a SMS with one game, the cords, a rapid fire attachment, and two controllers for 12.50, I talked him down from 20.00. I went across the isle and my buddy who runs an ammo shop handed me a bundle of goodies FREE. It included three whole Atari 2600s. It had one "Light" Sixer with it and two four-switch woodies. The "sixer" is clean and tested and looks wonderful, it has all of its original stickers on the under side, and was built June 6, 1981. I took it apart just to make sure there wasn't any creepy crawlies in there, as they tend to infest Atari around here. The other two systems looks as if someone dug them out of the ground, they are completely horrible looking. It also came with all the hook-ups for the three systems 2 or 3 paddle sets, a hoard of controllers, some aftermarket, some original, some Gemini, and some boxed! The boxed controller even had the receipt in it from Ashville, NC for 15.86! Purchased from a sears. The strange thing about it is it came with a manual for a 4-switch Sears Video Arcade, WTF? Traders usually mix their stuff up, but I think that he could spot the difference between a Video Arcade and a VCS. The lot also came with a partly dismantled 2600 4-switch board.


Ahh well, I also got my PDA Palm M125 in from Yuppicide yesterday. I got some photos of it on here. It was $25.00.


I also have a cut C64 controller on here; I found it in the parking lot.



Hope you like to look at this crap I bought, and got for free!





Here are the Pics:











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I went to 7 different thrifts, and didn't find anything worth buying at all. I put off going to my favorite thrift until last, hoping that it might have something good. It did!


Two WICO Command Control Atari 5200 joysticks, 95¢ each!


A WICO "Bat" Atari 2600 joystick, 95¢.


A pair of Gemini Atari 2600 paddles, 95¢.




In the end, I ended up passing on a Sears Video Arcade VCS and an Atari 5200 2-port. I picked up the power supply for the 5200 first, then found the console, so I put them together. I considered buying the PSU by itself, but then I'd be robbing someone of the ability to play that 5200 right away. :)


Edit: I forgot to mention that I didn't find the WICO 5200's Y-adapter cables, but I was so excited to find anything today, I didn't really think about looking until I was driving away. And also, I bought a big ol' stack of Omni Magazine issues from as far back as 1982. I'm about to read an article from 1991 about the future of electronic videogames. I wonder if their predictions will turn out to be true? :D

Edited by SteveW
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My recent thrift finds:


15 atari 800 carts, the rarest being Jumbo Jet Pilot $15


Heavy sixer with 40 games, including beamrider and pooyan $50


Artillery Duel for the 2600 $2.50


Atari Video Cube 2600 $20


Not a bad couple of months!

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I found a few things, nothing really inportant but I decided to post them anyway.


An aftermarket joystick adapter for the TI-99/4A.


A Television I can use for my TI project, it currently has a SMS hooked to it.


An some games I bought off a fellow on here too bad I can remeber his AA name, though his real name is Chris Martin. If anyone knows his AA name please PM so I can thank him and tell him I recieved the package.








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I missed out on thrifting this week, but I did get to stick my nose in a new thrift shop and picked up a Game Boy Color for $4. Last time I saw a GBC was when I was in Dallas ten months ago. I feel like the stores should be littered with GBC's by now! Is anyone else having this kind of difficulty finding GBC's?

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I haven't seen any GBC's, but I did have a pretty good day thrifting/garage saling.



4switch w/ broken power switch

3 normal sticks

1 set of paddles

1 Pointmaster stick

1 Cheetah Mach 1 stick

19 games including Raft Rider, Worm War 1, Space Cavern, and Spacechase



Genesis with controllers and cables

7 games including Chester Cheetah Wild Wild Quest, Eternal Champions, and Streetfighter II Special Championship Edition.


Nintendo 64

Boxed Super Mario 64

Boxed Pokemon Snap



Boxed games:

NES Play Action Football

Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge

Barker Bill's Trick Shooting

World Cup

Little League Baseball Championship Series



Bases Loaded 4


NES Advantage


All for about $33

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Nice deal there! On my side of the fence, oddly enough I found another GBC. This was $5, had its battery cover (the first I've found like that), has a rubber bumper thing opn all sides to protect it, and also had a Buzz Lightyear game in it. Pretty good for a fin, I think.


Weird to have found another one so soon after complaining that I couldn't find any. I guess that we make our own luck. :)


I also found a Dreamcast controller with a strange memory card in it for $1.50. The mem card has Japanese writing on it, and has an edge connector. I have one that looks something like this and the edge connector lets you hook it up to a PC to write gamesaves to it.


So I guess for a noted cheapass like myself, it's been a good day. :)

Edited by gulag picture radio
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Todays yard sales.


NES system w/ controllers, zapper, and cables.


Bandai Golf Challenge Pebble Beach


Genesis w/ cables & 1 controller

Boxed Sonic

Boxed Terminator

Loose PGA Tour '96


Totalled out at $7.00

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On Saturday noon I found some Intellivision stuff from a thift store in upper Bronx NY as I was looking for a Funcoland store that I once gone there many years ago. I got all the games with the VHS display stand that was holding the game boxs,a Intellivision console and also a Intellivision 2 unit with games in both English & French language! Seem that the owner of the store told me that some one from Canada came here with a friend and just gave this unit and games away. All for $28 dollars :D Oh and yes I plug the Intell 2 and it plays both US games too ;)


Here's the list of Games for both units,



NLF Football.

NBA Basketball.

Major League Baseball.


NHL Hockey.

PGA Golf.

Armor Battle.

Lock 'N' Chase.

Advanced Dungons & Dragons.


Tron Deadly Discs.

Sea Battle / Combat Naval.

Burger Time.

Space Armada.



Horse Racing.

Los Vegas Poker &Blackjack.

The Electric Company: Math Fun.

Donkey Kong.


Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.


Intellivision 2 (English & French):

Night Starlker/Le Chasseur De Nuit.

Major League Baseball/Le Baseball De La Ligue Majeure.

NASL Soccer/Le Soccer De Le NASL.

NHL Hockey/Le Hockey NHL.

NFL Football/Le Football NHL.

Star Strike/Collision D'Etoiles.

Space Hark/Faucon De L'Espace.



BTW Have A Happy Forth Of July everybody! :D




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This weekend, I got a pair of NES controller extension cables for $2, half a dozen video game magazines for 69 cents each, an N64 power brick for $2, a Radio Shack 300-in-1 project lab (with a built-in proto board) for $4, and a second IIgs monitor exension cable at the same thrift where I found one the week before. Only this time the tag color had reached 30% off status, so the cable was 69 cents.

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Well, I hit a couple thrift shops yesterday... not a whole lot... but I did get a nifty RF switch box... it's the second one of these 4-in/3-record switch boxes I've found....same as last it was $2.99... Pretty nice for RF only systems when used with RCA to coax adaptors :)


I almost bought a 110 film camera that had the Nintendo logo on the front and SuperMario64 on the top, but passed as it was missing the battery cover.(and yes, you can still get 110 film new.)




Edited by SuperPsycho
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well.. not really a thrift find.. but I was over at the Breweries chief maintence guys house yesterday getting a new powersupply for my main computer.

and my god.. either this place is a tinkers wetdream, or one of the worst case of urban hording I've ever seen in my life!

I meen wall to wall antique techniology all over the place..

I came out of there with not only a new(to me) PS for my computer, but also a old composite input monitor, and I'm gonna snake that in the box vic 20 as well :D

he also has an assload of never opened Tandy color computer carts that he snaked on a dumping deal.

several appleIIe's with drives.. a complete set of guts to a frogger cabinet.. that works ( just needs a cab )

I swear I should've started grabbing pics of some of this stuff

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I know this isn't a huge find, but I'm just starting to build a collection back up (from being stupid in my youth and selling lots of stuff). I found Mario 3 for the NES for 25 cents. I was pretty pleased.


This week, I finally get a car (had been sharing with the wife) so I can start checking the local thrifts/flea markets more often!

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My friend is a goldmine when it comes to old gaming he gave me(what he has left) of his Commador 64 cartriges (International Soccer and Wizard of Wor) sadly, him mum threw out all his other games!


Also got an authentic C64 joystick, and i mean authentic, it was an aussie edition, but they were all recalled, due to the grip bulb things being made out lead, therefore unsafe, their family didn't return theirs, now im afraid to touch it alot...


l also have an Apple ][ floppy disk and the front metal cover for the Apple ][ disk drive


I'll get you pictures later, it's really late here.


P.S I am aware there are spelling error's it's late...


EDIT: I said I'd take some pictures, so here you go! I couldn't find my Floppy disk though, but then again, they all look the same ;)


All my pretties together:



Just the controller. Made by a company called "Computec", complete with ugly orange firebutton:


Edited by futuramaooy
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authentic C64 joystick, and i mean authentic, it was an aussie edition, but they were all recalled, due to the grip bulb things being made out lead


I don't see anything in your photos that looks like lead. You know lead is a metal, right? Can you rephrase what you meant by "grip bulb things"? It might be easier to understand what you mean if you can use standard terminology or something more descriptive. Perhaps someone is mis-remembering the reason for the recall.
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OIkay, the rubber grips on the bottom, made out of a lead, lead was  used to be used as a pencil until grahite, it marked a table pretty well when i rubbed it against it. i can't get the mark off. thankfully it was on an old table


Well if they're rubber, they're not lead! I think you're very confused.
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When that stick was made they knew the dangers of lead, so why would they use it? What would be the point in using lead for a grip. Lead is very soft and will not grip anything. Also lead hasn't been used in pencils for nearly 600 years.

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When that stick was made they knew the dangers of lead, so why would they use it? What would be the point in using lead for a grip.  Lead is very soft and will not grip anything. Also lead hasn't been used in pencils for nearly 600 years.



Answer to all of those statements: Thats why they recalled them.

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Man, I had a good thrifting day. I hit *one* store, and came up with:


Odyssey2 with The Voice and 21 games (finally got Smithereens! Woohoo!)


& (!)


An Arcadia 2001 with 11 games, most of which are boxed!


Crazy! It's almost as if the thrifts have been re-stocked around here lately. I haven't found this much crap since the '90s. Seriously, I've found upwards of 100+ carts in the last 6 months.

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Single end Ghost Manor, Sea Hawk, plus 10-15 rarity 4 games and 10-15 others.

Found at Mary's Swap Meet in OKC.

Cost--$3 for entire shoe box full of games.


Needless to say the guy didn't know what he had. I knew instantly that Ghost Manor was rarity 5 or higher, and I'd forgotten that Seahawk was rare.

He offered me those two for 50 cents each, or the whole box for $3.


I'll post a webcam shot of them shortly.

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