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Tiger game.com

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I really hope that Atari_Falcon's post is genuine. It's always nice to see a system get some love - especially if it's something a little different... :)


Good for you, bloke!


It also means that all of Tiger's and the game developers' hardware wasn't all for nothing...



Geek Confession ™: My 'crappy console that I like' would have to be my beloved Pokemon Mini. Everyone laughs at me for that thing but I love it!


Agreed :)


Maybe I love the system because it is an underdog and nobody else does...


The marketing of the system was even worse than Atari´s marketing and that means a lot!


I also hate some things about the system:


- Indy 500. This game is the worst racing game I ever played. It´s exactly like playing an old standalone handheld from the early 80s. It´s ridicolous to pay for that one! And fraud to sell this as a game ;)


- Calendar without the possibility to enter events... back then I found a "nice" workaround for that: I just used the phone book as a time planner... you could easily write the date at first and then the subject. In the text area you then could write all about that event, e.g. "meeting with friends at my home..." and the game.com sorts it in the right order.


- the screen (but it works if you find the one fitting lighting position... really... ;) )

- the "music" (exept Batman and Robin and some others)


I just wrote that long post as I recently found my game.com at the attick and now due to emulator you find decent videos on youtube (beside the music what sounds "better" and faster on a real game.com) and I had so much fun that I orderred a backlight version ;)


same here, love the underdogs....

I bought my game.com on day of release. Never did that for a Nintendo system.

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I bought one off of ebay for $12. I have a lot of handhelds and figured it couldn't be as bad as everyone said. I bought four games for it too.

Well, lo and behold - it was every bit as bad as everyone said. Wow, that system could be the mayor of Suckville. I could never imagine buying one for several hundred dollars new. I would have felt robbed.

I stuck in on the wall in my collection and will likely never play it again. Kind off like buying a Yugo so that you can have one of every car ever made.


Atari_Falcon - whatever you are smoking, I want some! You sound like a marketing guy for the company.

Edited by Catsmasher
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That´s not exactly what I said, but spoken about the controls you got me right. The gameplay is nice (far better than Kasumi Ninja on the Jaguar for example). Controls are easy to learn and with the 4 buttons you can do a lot in the fighting games and gfx are nice drawn. I don´t say the games are excellent, they are in between, but not as bad as people will tell you.


And the two to five frames per second doesn't bother you? Have you played a fighting game that actually plays well in order to draw comparisons? Kasumi Ninja might not be the best comparison, but it at least moves at a smooth framerate and is relatively responsive. All I will say is, try Killer Instinct, Street Fighter, or even Raging Fighter on the Game Boy, then come back to me and try to tell me these supposedly "well-playing, but"--um--"mediocre" fighting games actually play well. And hell, some of those don't even play that great, but are gems compared to these Game.Com fighters.


And what´s wrong with the Williams Arcade Classics? Joust (what is one of my favorite games) plays like Joust should play (damn I would like to do a multiplayer session with this game), same for Defender I + II. I don´t know about Sinistar (never played the arcade), but Robotron is also a good conversion. The four fire buttons are used to emulate the second stick of the arcade to fire in any direction independant of where you look. Nothing wrong with that.


They are awful conversions, and another example of Tiger's outsourced development studio focusing on recreated style over playable substance. The games are extremely sluggish, the ghosting and poor framerate makes them difficult to play (most noticeable on Defender), and Robotron--don't even get me started on that. Sit in the middle of the screen, fire in all directions, and you are safe for the next level. It's like the others on this compilation in that the frenetic feel of the arcade game is completely missing. Not worth playing at all (and I did because like you, in the late '90s, I really, really wanted to make myself believe this system "really wasn't that bad").


Hardware wise the game.com isn´t that bad and is MUCH better than the gameboy


Wait.. What?? One sound channel? A screen that looks like its shifting pudding as opposed to pixels?


OK, I understand those aren't great examples of "power", but games that usually move at five frames a second and less do nothelp the situation, comparison, or bold statements like this at all. Because really, what does it matter if the games look great but play like a tech demo at best? It doesn't.


I don´t say that the game.com titles (beside Batman and Robin and maybe RE2) are outstanding (even for their time they are not), nor do I claim it is a must-have-system, but it is far from being unplayable and doesn´t deserve the bashing everywhere. I would say it was just the wrong time. The price was too low so they couldn´t put a decent screen in.


If it doesn't deserve the bashing, then what does it deserve? Personally, I'm just scratching my head wondering what some peoples' standards are in terms of what they consider "bad" or "good". That is, provided they have any ounce of standards at all (and in order to even begin classifying, you have to have some ounce of objective standards, as well as somewhat subjective preferences).


To most, the Game.Com is bottom-of-the-barrel stuff. If it's not "that bad", then what is that bad? Also, what does that make other less-than-desirable platforms like the CD-i? Pure gold?


Also, for anyone that hasn't personally played a Game.Com, I'd suggest checking out the latest Classic Game Room review of the platform for a good impression of how some of these mentioned games run. He shoots a high-quality camera at the system, so you can get a good idea of what it looks like from an in-person perspective (I would post a link, but I'm at work right now).


*edit: it's blocked here at work, but I was able to find the link via a Google search. So, here's the video:






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does anyone a compleate game.com collection here at AA?


As a matter of fact, I do. That's one thing to say about the system... from a collector's standpoint, having a system with only 20 released games made collecting for it a do-able challenge. I bought mine from Go Atari, and got most of the games cheap via eBay.


As for the system, I have to agree with most people. I found the games like Resident Evil and Duke Nukem just taxed the system too much to be very playable. If they would've played to their strengths and made more puzzle games that used the touch screen... well heck, it still would've bombed. But I enjoy playing games like Wheel of Fortune (1 and 2), Henry (I love the sound effects in this one), Monopoly, Quiz Wiz, Lights Out, and Scrabble. Even Williams Arcade, Centipede, and Frogger are playable. And I like the system itself. It has a lot of built-in items, like a calculator and Solitaire. It also retains high scores, so that's kinda nice. I used to use the built-in address book, even. Oh yeah, and it can use the Lynx power supply, so that was convenient for me.


It's obviously more of an interesting side-note nowadays, but I'll tell ya... I had a spare system that I sold on eBay with 12 games for $129 in December. So there are people who still seem to care.




Edited by Atari Smeghead
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As for the system, I have to agree with most people. I found the games like Resident Evil and Duke Nukem just taxed the system too much to be very playable. If they would've played to their strengths and made more puzzle games that used the touch screen... well heck, it still would've bombed. But I enjoy playing games like Wheel of Fortune (1 and 2), Henry (I love the sound effects in this one), Monopoly, Quiz Wiz, Lights Out, and Scrabble. Even Williams Arcade, Centipede, and Frogger are playable. And I like the system itself. It has a lot of built-in items, like a calculator and Solitaire. It also retains high scores, so that's kinda nice. I used to use the built-in address book, even. Oh yeah, and it can use the Lynx power supply, so that was convenient for me.


It's obviously more of an interesting side-note nowadays, but I'll tell ya... I had a spare system that I sold on eBay with 12 games for $129 in December. So there are people who still seem to care.


Williams Arcade aside, those are basically my sentiments as well. It's like Tiger focused more on getting the big licenses, with their motto being "make them look as much like the console games as we possibly can", which was a very, very bad idea.


It's also crazy how high the prices have risen. I probably stated this earlier in the thread before it was bumped, but I purchased one CIB a couple of years ago (about when I started posting on this forum, late 2009-ish), for about $13-ish plus shipping. I eventually sold it here in one of my sales for about the same price, if I recall correctly. Now I'd like to get another one just to have for the collection, but the prices are absurd. They have completely skyrocketed, sometimes going up to $100+, and that's just ridiculous. While I can see something like the Lynx actually being worth it from a gaming standpoint if system prices ever rise to a high like that, I can't say the same for the Game.Com. It just doesn't have enough on it, and quality board games aren't enough to fill that void (unless of course you are an absolute die-hard about the genre, although I can't imagine that many are, at least not here).

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@Austin: Sure I did play fighting games on other systems as well and there are much better games than the ones on the game.com, but still I claim them to be very playable, at least I could finish both of them and I like the controls with 4 buttons. The framrate doesn´t bother me much but of course this is one of the reasons the games are not top-notch.


SF2 gameboy / Fighter Megamix game.com





I cannot explain why I like those games, maybe because one-on-one fighters are generally not my type of game and so I find any of them mediocre? ;)


About William´s Arcade Classic. You may be right regarding the screen. But I seem to have one of the better game.coms, as on my screen Defender is definitly playable. I have to admit that the main reason for me getting this game compilation was Joust and this game rocks, even on the game.com. So I don´t care much about the others.


And I still would say that the game.com is "better" hardware than the gameboy. Sure there is only one sound channel. But I really like that the game.com plays samples (pcm). If they would have used this wisely the games could sound much better. With better I mean that the game.com is capable of doing better/more complex games than the gameboy. Not that it really HAS better games. It´s a bit like the situation with the Jaguar back then... Much power but not many games to proof...


I am sure for any game.com game I will find a better one of that type on an other system.


But that doesn´t change the fact that I do believe that the game.com was awsome in some aspects and deserved AND could handle much better games.


Castlevania SOTN would be a really interesting thing to see ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really hope that Atari_Falcon's post is genuine. It's always nice to see a system get some love - especially if it's something a little different... :)


Good for you, bloke!


It also means that all of Tiger's and the game developers' hardware wasn't all for nothing...



Geek Confession ™: My 'crappy console that I like' would have to be my beloved Pokemon Mini. Everyone laughs at me for that thing but I love it!




I love my Pokemon mini


Pokemon Mini is rad. I picked mine up years ago for $3 from Kmart.


And the game.com is terrible. It should be routinely destroyed much in the same way that ShaqFu is.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately yes I did. I was a huge fan of SEGA's Indy 500 arcade game, and VERY sadly this was the only system that it was ported to. So back then, I walked into a Funcoland, and asked if they had a store demo version, and they did hidden away. I played it for 2 minutes, while we all giggled at its hideousness. Safe to say I did not buy.


In the narrow scale/view only of Tiger (and others) electronic LCD hand held gaming, perhaps the game.com is in fact a step forward? I mean Tiger were STILL producing hand held games with 1980's black and white screens up through the 2000's if I recall. However, the fact that Game.com came out nearly a decade after Gameboy and Lynx, and was 100 times worse than either, it easily wins worst hand held system of all time.


It had a small number of games, including tons that went unsold, and relatively recently. So I'm kind of surprised at the limited number on eBay, although I know a local store that has a number of them.


PS: The real chore is flagging down the official game.com emulator!

Edited by Greg2600
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  • 2 months later...

If you download the emulator, you'll get a folder marked "nbalive". In it is a bunch of stuff related to the unreleased game. I'm not sure, but I think they're mostly sound effects. I was just wondering if it was possible to homebrew the game.com yet and if so, I think NBA Live should be the first thing made. It would be really cool to have a homebrew game.com game!

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