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Which game should be ported to ATARI 2600 ?


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I'll second Tron. It's at the top of my wish list.


I'd also like to see the initial FB2 releases of Asteroids Deluxe and Space Duel fixed or rewritten.

I agree with rewriting or fixing some of the FB2 game releases as above mentioned, too many screen jitters and shaky game sprites esspecially in the newer games. Same goes for LUNER LANDER, YAR'S RETURN and SPACE DUEL. ADVENTURE 2 don't have much to offer either except for an extra castle and multi-screen colors. It would be nice if they re-released the FB2 with a remix of much better line-up of homebrew games like LADYBUG, MEDEIVAL MAYHEM, RAINBOW INVADERS, ADVENTURE+, ADVENTURE 3, JUNGLE KING, ARCADE PAC-MAN, COLONY 7, BERZERK (voice-enhanced), VENTURE (all 3 levels), CARNIVAL (w/bear stage), DONKEYKONG (4 levels) ...more of the better games and none of the lame ie: 3D tictactoe, humancannonball *yech*!

As for the game on top of my conversion wish list - 'PHOENIX' - atari did a so-so job on their make but this one can be done much more close to the arcade as was done for ladybug.

6 things I would like to see done to this classic:

1. Starting and contiuing stage loop music.

2. Starfield background on small bird stages and mother ship.

3. Floting eggs that hatch in large bird stages and direct hit explosion sprite.


4. small birds in the mother ship stage.

5. arcade accurate player ship sprtie w/ fully animated leg crawlling and sheild plusation.

6. Two player game option w/ hi score keeping

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Small update:



That is much more doable. The top wall (shaped like an upside-down "T") has too many colors on some scanlines, though.


Could use a quad-size Player 1 for part of the wall. Some of the fuel tank graphics also have too many colors per line, but that too could be fixed.


One thing which would make a Zaxxon kernel easier than Sky Jinks is that the plane completely covers up its shadow on the scan lines where both plane and shadow appear. Thus, the plane and shadow could both share the same sprite. The final "boss robot" could use both player sprites if the player ship never crossed scan lines with it.


I think Coleco's effort at making a perspective version of the game rather than an isomorphic rear-view vertical one is to be commended, though it was less successful than it could have been. A diagonal view can suggest "3d" even when it's drawn with isomorphic perspective. A rear view doesn't do so nearly as well.

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Some of the fuel tank graphics also have too many colors per line, but that too could be fixed.


Why? 2 colors for the playfield and one sprite color per line (orange and red are in seperate scanlines)


But I don't know, if this Zaxxon is very Zaxxon-like when the isometric view is missing? That would be the unique feature of Zaxxon but I think this view (and Pixelboy's, too) is much better than the 3D view of the original VCS release. It could be a very good River Raid 3 (or better: Planet Raid 2 ;) )

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More games that I would like to see done:

Phobos (follow up to Caverns of Mars from the original developer)

Yie Ar Kung Fu MSX (Arcade is better, but the MSX one has fewer oppoents, fewer moves, and a one button control scheme that should be doable on the 2600)

Road Fighter

Sky Jaguar (2600 needs more shmup lovin'!)

Alcon/Slap Fight

Ozma Wars

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In terms of voting from the list. I will join the legions of fans here who would love to see a proper 2600 TRON.


As for games to be converted, there is one I am suprised we never saw on the 2600, especially following Battlezone and that's Red Barron. I think that would have been easy to do in 2600 style and would have kicked ass.



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Red Baron is much more visually complex than BattleZone. You're attacked by more enemies at a time, fired at more often, and the terrain actually moves toward you and can be collided with.


I'm not saying it's undoable... but it would certainly be a major challenge to do well, and would probably have to be cut down quite a bit.

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Tron. This one has been talked about a few times over the years. 4 screens, no scrolling involved, and at least three of the games have been done in one way or another on the 2600 before (Combat/Tanks but No Tanks, Surround, Breakout)


On the impossible side, it would be interesting to see what Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom would be like on the 2600 (I mean, heck they did Road Runner and Crossbow- so, why not?? :D )


And on the really impossible level, it would be interesting to see a version of Dragon's Lair, even if it is like the Coleco ADAM version where the screens were greatly altered.


Otherwise, Tron (which I really believe is do-able)!


Is anyone keeping track of the votes here?

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Yknow.. I'm sorry. But Tron sucked. It's 4 crappy games! Not to mention the whole control scheme of the game (rotary + directional stick + fire) which each of those games use doesn't exactly lend itself well to a 2600 controller. I guess it could be done.. but, yuck :P

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I want to see halloween 2


friday the 13th




texas chainsaw massacre 2


the three stooges, you will never guess which game to hack would be best :D


adventure 2 atari 2600 better version


Most of all I want to see



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the three stooges, you will never guess which game to hack would be best :D


adventure 2 atari 2600 better version


A game to hack 3 Stooges? how 'bout E.T.?


Also I was planning an ADV2 remake and showed Ron Lloyd (aka: cafeman) some 2600 mock-ups and asked his approval to use characters from his game, but he never replied. I'll just make an entirely different adv hack altogether to avoid any issues.

CORRECTION: Actually he did reply and said that I'm free to do so but I doubt I can pull it off by myself. Alot of the FB2 ADV2 screens have many enclosed areas with one opening -without using the thin vertical line bars on the sides! I can't figure out how they did that! the original code just won't let me do that and I don't have a disasembled ADV2 code to find out how. It's a mystery to me. Oh well.



Edited by espire8
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Oooh - revised dragon is looking good!


For the ADV2 you might not have to make it so Adventure like, which was limited due to ROM size and how early in the Atari's life the game was made. For example, the first 2 locations could easily have different left/right backgrounds. Also changing the background color from green to blue to green for the bridge over the river location would look much better.

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