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Which game should be ported to ATARI 2600 ?


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My goal for next year is to write a game for 2600. I do not intend to learn how to program everything on earth, just a simple game that is addictive to play. Concept is a picnic lunch being attacked by bears. Called the Booga Bear Picnic.


Ah yes, the extra time; when I am not planning a wedding or teaching full time...



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Yeah, Lode Runner would be great.


Robotron would be exceedingly hard to do even a passable job of, but I recall there being a lot of interest in seeing it done. I guess it would have to use playfield graphics for most of the robots, sort of like the mushrooms in centipede?


I'd like to see some kind of pool game, but I doubt it could be done.


Some sort of endless adventure game, maybe something like the old SPI board game Death Maze.


Ms. Adventure -- I like the name, but I don't know exactly what it would be. Perhaps an Adventure style game with Pac-Man like action.


Temptris -- something like Tempest and Tetris.


Rock Scissors Paper -- a literal translation would be almost as fun as Skeet Shoot, I was thinking more of something like Jezzball. There would be this piece of graph paper, with rocks rolling around, and you would be a pair of scissors avoiding the rocks and cutting the paper to isolate them. The rocks could leave bits of debris that slow you down if you hit them, and sometimes the rocks would break into smaller, faster ones.


Some sort of alien falconry game.


Quilting Bee -- sounds like super fun, eh? No, it's not a bunch of women sewing. Actually, you're a mutant spider-bee that sews with your stinger/spinnerette, trying to assemble various pieces of cloth... and... never mind.

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I'd go back and do an end-to-end hockey or basketball game. It would be similar to the RS soccer, but it would actually look good.


Now that I think about it, You could almost hack RS soccer graphically, change a few colors, and you'd be close...I mean, if they can do multiple-player graphics and formations on the RS Football and Mattel Football and even Joust, I can't see this sort of concept being all that difficult. And RS soccer does a goalie box on the background, so why couldn't you do a couple of low-res circles like on the hockey rink??? The two players would be the main characters (player graphics), with one or two other teammates per side doing the random-pattern thing--let collision detection decide if they caught a pass or stole the ball (missle), and then that sprite becomes the player, and so forth.


And so what if there's a bit of flicker? It wouldn't matter that much. If the game play rocks, who cares???

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Originally posted by Channel 2:


I'd like to see some kind of pool game, but I doubt it could be done.



Imagic has a pool game called Trick Shot. It's not bad at all, but the physics isn't exactly "realistic". There is another one too I think.


The thing is, I know everyone knows this but I'll bring it up anyways cause I'm fairly bored, - The2600 has such limited memory you can't make very big games for it, 4K or a bit more with tricks and or more memory on the cartridge itself and even then we are talking puny. 4-8K! Back in the day I remember I had trouble writing games with 16K! Still though it's amazing what can be done with clever programming. But bigger isn't better anyways......


[ 03-05-2002: Message edited by: StellasGhost ]

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I would love to see Jumpman and Jumpman Jr.! I used to play these for hours on my C64. There was another game I had for the C64. I don't remember the name but it had something to do with a "Fuzz Bomb" and you had to jump on and off trains chasing it all over the US trying to stop it with these crystals that you had to grow.


Does anyone remember the name of that game?

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Quantum or Major Havoc ... although I suspect that Major Havoc would be a Major Headache to port to the 2600. Quantum could probably be done relatively easily.


And they're both totally obscure Atari color vector arcade games!

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Hmmm good topic.


I would to Rock me Sock em Robots and Pipes.


Dont know if you guys have ever played pipes but it was a tandy 2000 game that you had to connect different houses using different pieces of pipe. It was fun as hell.

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Originally posted by MoonlightKnight:

I would love to see Jumpman and Jumpman Jr.! I used to play these for hours on my C64. There was another game I had for the C64. I don't remember the name but it had something to do with a "Fuzz Bomb" and you had to jump on and off trains chasing it all over the US trying to stop it with these crystals that you had to grow.


Does anyone remember the name of that game?


Agent USA?

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  • 1 month later...

I came up with a few but for some reason of all the NES games i could think of paper boy is my pick. That would had rocked on the 2600 or 7800. Playing it with the 2600 joystick would be a blast. Now what games do you guys think whould have been awesome on atari that were on NES?

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Motorodeo pretty much *is* Excitebike for the Atari... I think a Zelda style game for the 7800 (or even for the 2600 if done well) would be awesome. And of course, any platform game like Contra, Castlevania, or Super Mario would be awesome.



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