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Which game should be ported to ATARI 2600 ?


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Drol might work (rather limited, at least).


Choplifter would be highly doubtful...since having seven or so hostages running around the screen independantly is important to the gameplay. These could be done with playfield graphics, but would move very choppy and very unlike the original game. Two airborne objects (Chopper, Jet/satellite) above and the tanks below would not be a problem, though.

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I was a big c64 guy too and if no one ports Jumpman or at least Jumpman Jr. by the time I get to it, that'll be a project of mine ;)


@someone on the previous page who mentioned O2 Smithereens, someone on stella-list is working on a Scorched Earth type game IIRC. (Scorched Earth being Smithereens on steroids, albeit without the voice and digitized explosions)



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@someone on the previous page who mentioned O2 Smithereens, someone on stella-list is working on a Scorched Earth type game IIRC. (Scorched Earth being Smithereens on steroids, albeit without the voice and digitized explosions)


I don't know Scorched Earth .. but Smithereens is so simple .. Pull back on the stick and let 'er rip .. nice!


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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Anyone know how hard it would be to hack a Supercharger game. And, if it could be hacked, could the finished product be put onto cart?

Hacking it, not much different from all the other games.

Putting it on a cart.. forget it! :)


About Jumpman.. funny, I've been toying with the idea of a 2600 Jumpman lately. Would be pretty hard and time consuming to code all the different levels thou..




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I'd love to see a port of J.D. Casten's Box-In from Antic Magazine. It's a very simple game but tons of fun to play. It's similar to Pengo so I'm sure the 2600 could handle it.




Thats actually on my list of things to do (that is if no one beats me to it):D I would want to change it though to add more challenge. Like more than one monster and even monsters with different characteristics. Hopefully from my learning experience with Climber5 I can pull it off.

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Hey Manuel!


About Jumpman.. funny, I've been toying with the idea of a 2600 Jumpman lately. Would be pretty hard and time consuming to code all the different levels thou..



What about Jumpman Jr. then? ;)

Humm I've almost only played with Jumpman "Sr."... what are the main differences with "Jr."?




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The main differences is that Jr. levels are centered around a unique "angle" for that screen. Like gems that move around, or walls that appear in specific locations when you pick gems up, etc. Sr. has stratagies repeated on higher levels (but with a more complex arrangement).

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I forgot to mention before - I'd like to see a version of Space Taxi for the VCS.


OoOoOohhh! "Space Taxi" - that would be interesting... :)


Hmm, others... hehehehe, "Quartet" :ponder: :D ;)



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I was just thinking about a DDR type game using that footpedal controller...


Anyway, an obscure one that I'd like to see is Skate Rock from the C64...I think it could be done, at least a couple of levels at some degree of completeness.


A couple other dreams...


Beach-Head II


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