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Shining Force II (Genesis by way of X360 Genesis collection. I've been kind of hooked on it)

Zaxxon (coin-op version also on collection disc. played until I beat my high score which ain't that high - about 45K I think).

Congo Bong (coin-op version also on collection disc. Not very fun to be honest.)

NHL '96 (Genny)

NHL 08 (P3)

Pixel Junk Eden (P3/DL)



Something is wrong with NHL '96, I couldn't score in the 20 mins I played it, had the difficulty on Rookie, and was playing with the best team against the worst team... and the CPU scored on me twice, and I couldn't land a single shot. Do I just suck or is that game buggy with regard to the AI and difficulty in general?


Considering you typed this in August... I'm assuming someone might have already responded but I just figured I would anyway. NHL 96, at least for me, has always been very difficult to score lots of goals in. Unlike NHL 95 where you can just skate around the net and score every time because the goalie is too slow to get back before you score on the empty side of the net.

I've found the best way to score in 96 is to keep doing one-timers. That's your best bet at running up the score.

  • 2 weeks later...

Shenmue II, and its versions of Outrun and Space Harrier. Playing it on X360, emulating Xbox, which (in the case of Outrun/Space Harrier) was emulating the 80's games - emulation of an emulated game. The results - not quite as smooth and fun as playing these on the original Xbox. Glitches with how the clouds are rendered and other visuals, for example, in Outrun. Sounds drop out of Shenmue II gameplay all the time too. But I'm in Kowloon now (and Ryo is broke) so I'm pushing forwards.

Unusually, I've been on more of a modern kick:


Black Mesa (PC...for those who aren't familiar, a Source Engine "remake" of Half Life.)

Day of Defeat (PC)

Aliens: Colonial Marines (PC)

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