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HSC9 Round 14: HSC Olympics


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HSC Olympics

Did you enjoy the opening ceremony? What you missed it :twisted: oh well onto the games :D


Firstly join in ;-) Simple rules: play any or all of the games, post your scores and let me know which country you are from :) Emulator users and new players welcome. If you need any help get in touch.

You may wish to team up with other nations if you are on your own :_(


Scoring: [Posts #3 & #4 have the tables]

"Team points" for each game: 1st place=7, 2nd=6, 3rd=5, 4th&5th=4, 6th&7th=3, 8th&9th=3, 10th+=1. These are totalled and awarded a Team Medal: Gold, Silver, Bronze. (The winner of each game will receive an individual HSC point OOOOH!)

The winning team will score 12 HSC pts, 2nd place 8pts, 3rd place 4pts, 4th place 2pts.


Alongside the Team Competition will be L.A. 1984 Games "Track and Field" this game will NOT be part of the HSC Olympics, just a regular game with standard HSC scoring.


Round finishes Sun 7th October 10pm GMT

Post #2 shows the settings for each game - if you try or know a game and want to suggest which level to play on, which options to take, or give a quick guide then that will be appreciated as I don't know all of the games :) [Esp. Fight Night, Milk Race and One on One]


Download the games here: (if anyone wants any other formats checkout atarionline.pl)

I've created 3 ATRs with most of the games on (Mydos/MyPICODos 1050 enhanced density):

Disk 1: BMX Simulator, L.A. 1984 Games "Track and Field", Milk Race (Cycling), One on One (Basketball), Star League Baseball HSC9-Olympics-Disk1.ATR

Disk 2: Chop Suey (Judo) [ NTSC ver also perhaps?], Equestrian, Pro Mountain Bike Simulator, Skeet Shoot, Soccer 5200, Tell (Archery), Tennis, Water Ski School 2 HSC9-Olympics-Disk2.ATR

Disk 3: 180 (Darts) XEX, Leaderboard II (Golf) ("Tournament") XEX See Instructions from Leaderboard I HSC9-Olympics-Disk3.ATR

Fight Night (Boxing) Info ATRs


THIS POST MAY CHANGE SO KEEP AN EYE OUT! Other 'sports' games I either dropped as too hard or perhaps not good enough or we had that sport covered, but if you like them play and post a score and some guide to playing and we'll see :) [We can run a Winter sports at the end of the season perhaps]



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(Default settings unless listed - this will be updated - tell me what you think!)

Disk 1:

BMX Simulator Total Score

L.A. 1984 Games "Track and Field" Main HSC game. Total Score (post any World Records for each event).

Milk Race (Cycling) Hold fire and U/D to change gears. Use L/R to accelerate/break. Collect Milk bottles. Slow down on up slopes?! Score goes off screen quickly at end of go.

One on One (Basketball) Play either character on VARSITY. PLAY TO SET SCORE "21 POINTS"

Star League Baseball press Start to take default options (see comments on atarimania) "There is a '7th Inning Stretch' at the 7th inning...if you press start again, your game continues into the 8th and 9th."

Disk 2:

Chop Suey (Judo) [NTSC ver?] Play on SLOW (the speed goes up after beting several opponents). Your score minus the computer players score. End your go when scoreboard clocked @100,000 !

Equestrian Horse 1 Course 1, Horse 2 Course 2, and Horse 3 Course 3. Total Score

Pro Mountain Bike Simulator Courses A & B, Best Combined Times (shown on title screen). Click on A/B then the Flag to start. Fire & L/R to change gears. Press fire when stopped to get off and walk! Press SPACE to pause at the end of your go to get the time - DO NOT USE THE TITLE SCREEN TIMES as they are not accurate. Fun game once you get some speed up - keep R held to accelerate, fire and R to change up gears. Quickly change down gears on slopes (to 3rd) using fire and L. Don't increase gears to quickly. Get off and walk - stop and press fire then wiggle L/R if there's any obstacles you can't jump. Watch the computer player to see what to do, what gear, and to see what's coming next, if you can keep up with him!

Skeet Shoot Push up to launch the skeet!

Soccer 5200 NOVICE (roadrunner better not win 50-0 :D ) AtariHQ Review. Looks like keys 1-5 toggle active player. Holding other keys may affect passes/shots? Pressing fire rapidly may make you run faster (I might have made that up?!!!).

Tell (Archery) push down and up to load crossbow, move l/r when uloaded to position man.

Tennis play 1 'set' only on either Intermediate or Advanced (singles). Hold stick in all directions and press fire to aims shot. Space=Pause (just leave man bouncing ball)

Water Ski School 2 (this counts as Swimming as you're bound to fall in!) Hold Fire to move boat. Each level has the same layout of ramps but has more obstacles - you can learn the course after a few goes. Score goes off screen quickly at end of go. Game gets ridiculously fast at level 5.

Disk 3:

180 (Darts) XEX Set Scores for Quarter, Semi and the Final if you get that far. Use diagonals to aim.

Leaderboard Golf II (Tournament) ATR See Instructions from Leaderboard I Courses 1 and 2, combined scores. 18 Holes. Pick a difficulty level that challenges you! Emulator users play on PAL instead of NTSC to make things even. Top players on PRO (and without any notes) if you're man enough ;)

Fight Night (Boxing) Info ATRs Play on Main event. "You have to beat five rivals to won the medal. Regarding to hard hits... try avoid them by quick step back (just one pixel back)." (Please post your results for each round 'Won 1st round by KO or won 3rd round on points' etc)

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1st Polska Gold 11 Silver 3 Bronze 0 TOTAL POINTS 39

Team Members: Caco, Scalak, DieMON, Sikor, Innuendo.

2nd GB Gold 3 Silver 8 Bronze 4 TOTAL POINTS 29

Team Members: trbb, McKong, bluecat.

3rd USA Gold 1 Silver 4 Bronze 8 TOTAL POINTS 21

Team Members: roadrunner, champions_2002, jblenkle, Fallout_002.

4th Deutschland Gold 0 Silver 0 Bronze 1 TOTAL POINTS 1

Team Members: twh, Lightning, MLP.




In each event a team can only win one medal - the Team points are added up and this decides which team gets Gold/Silver/Bronze. I went for this as everyones' score then counts; otherwise the same few players will get all the medals! There is a bonus individual HSC point for the winner of each event :)

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L.A.GAMES 1984 "TRACK AND FIELD" (Standard HSC game)

1st DieMon 136,784 12pts

2nd therealbountybob 128,271 11pts

3rd skr 118,521 10pts

4th Caco 73,809 9pts

5th Sikor 51,805 8pts

6th Scalak 46,299 7pts

7th McKong 44,266 6pts

8th jblenkle 41,160 5pts

9th roadrunner 40,150 4pts

10th twh 34,399 3pts

11th Fallout_002 33,975 2pts

12th innuendo 21,497 2pts

13th Champions_2002 12,990 1pt

14th Lightning 22,120 1pt

15th MLP 18,230 1pt


World records (just for fun)

100M - 9.78s trbb, skr

Long Jump - 9.08m trbb

Javelin - 92.55m trbb

110M Hurdles - 14.01s jblenkle

Hammer - 95.34m skr

High Jump - 2.36m skr



180 Darts (GOLD Polska 15pts, SILVER USA 8pts, BRONZE GB 7pts)

1st Scalak Polska QF:W2-0, SF:W2-0 F:W2-0 7pts

1st trbb GB QF:W:2-0, SF:W2-0, F:W2-0 7pts

3rd Champions_2002 USA QF:W2-1 SF:W2-0 F:W2-0 5pts

4th Sikor Polska QF:W2-1, SF:W2-1 F:L2-1 4pts

5th DieMON Polska QF:W2-0, SF:L2-0 4pts

6th roadrunner USA QF:L? (well naff!!) 3pts


BMX Simulator (GOLD Polska 17pts, SILVER GB 11pts, BRONZE USA 10pts)

1st trbb GB 3,890 7pts

2nd DieMON Polska 3,450 6pts

3rd Scalak Polska 2,610 5pts

4th McKong GB 2,580 4pts

5th Caco Polska 2,410 4pts

6th Fallout_002 2,025 3pts

7th Champions_2002 USA 1,345 3pts

8th roadrunner USA 449 2pts

9th innuendo Polska 215 2pts


Chop Suey (GOLD Polska 15pts, SILVER GB 10pts, BRONZE USA 4pts)

1st trbb GB (100,990-20,050) 80,940 7pts

2nd DieMON Polska (100,280-26,940) 73,340 6pts

3rd Caco Polska (16,830-19,070) 0! 5pts

3rd Sikor Polska 20,410 4pts*

4th roadrunner USA 7,370 4pts*

5th McKong GB 5,910 3pts*

(*see new rules above)


Equestrian (GOLD Polska 20pts, SILVER GB 9pts, BRONZE USA 7pts)

1st trbb GB (3:06, 3:19, 4:45) Total 11:24 7pts

2nd DieMON (4:06, 3:37, 4:43) Total 12:27 6pts

3rd Scalak Polska (4:05, 4:34, 6:02) Total 14:41 5pts

4th Fallout_002 USA (5:51, 6:55, 7:56) 20:42 4pts

5th Caco Polska (8:12, 7:35, 8:59) 24.46 4pts

6th innuendo Polska (8:23, 8:07, 9:17) 25.37 3pts

7th roadrunner USA (7:42, 7:33, 8:44) Total 23:59 3pts

8th bluecat GB (8:12, 10:52, 13:26) Total 32:30 2pts

9th Sikor Polska (9:22, 20:00 ,20:00) Total *49:22 2pts

(*20 seconds for each missed race)


Fight Night (GOLD Polska 17pts, SILVER USA 8pts, BRONZE GB 5pts)

1st Scalak Polska - Beat 5 7pts

1st DieMON Polska - Beat 5 7pts

3rd trbb GB Beat 4 5pts

4th Fallout_002 USA Beat 4 opponents 4pts

5th roadrunner USA Beat 3 opponents 4pts

6th Caco Polska - Beat 2 opponents 3pts


Leaderboard Golf II (GOLD GB 7pts, SILVER USA 6pts, BRONZE )

1st trbb GB (R1+9 R2+10) +19 7pts

2nd roadrunner USA (R1+21 R2+24) +45 6pts


Milk Race (GOLD GB 12pts, SILVER Polska 11pts, BRONZE USA 9pts)

1st McKong GB 1,495 7pts

2nd roadrunner USA 642 6pts

3rd trbb GB 443 5pts

4th innuendo Polska 336 4pts

5th Scalak Polska 278 4pts

6th Caco Polska 206 3pts

7th Champions_2002 USA 114 3pts


One on One (GOLD Polska 21pts, SILVER GB 8pts, BRONZE USA 3pts)

1st DieMON Polska Won 22:6 7pts

2nd Caco Polska Won 23:18 6pts

3rd Sikor Polska Won 21:8 5pts

4th trbb GB Won 21:20 4pts

5th McKong GB Lost 12:21 4pts

6th roadrunner USA Lost 10:21 3pts

7th innuendo Polska Lost 3pts


Pro Mountain Bike Simulator (GOLD GB 13pts, SILVER Polska 6pts, BRONZE )

1st trbb GB (A-2:11.4 B-2:37:7) 4:49:1 7pts

2nd Scalak Polska (A-2:21:9, B-3:14:3) 5:35.2 6pts

2nd McKong GB (A-3:16.0 B-3:41.9) 6:57.9 6pts

2nd DieMON 6:00:20 (2:47:1+3:13:1) *6:00:20 6pts

2nd roadrunner USA (A-3:08:7 B-3:26:0) *6:33:7 6pts

*[please replay/check these times - use in game time now see post #2!)


Skeet Shoot (GOLD Polska 18pts, SILVER GB 12pts, BRONZE Deutschland 6pts)

1st trbb GB 1,710 7pts

2nd DieMON Polska 1,590 6pts

3rd Caco Polska 1,295 5pts

4th Scalak Polska 1,260 4pts

5th McKong GB 1,165 4pts

6th Fallout_002 USA 880 3pts

7th twh Deutschland 840 3pts

8th innuendo Polska 740 2pts

9th Lightning Deutschland 645 2pts

10th bluecat GB 620 1pt

11th Sikor Polska 535 1pt

12th roadrunner USA 525 1pt

13th Deutschland MLP 510 1pt


Soccer 5200 (GOLD Polska 13pts, SILVER USA 5pts, BRONZE GB 4pts)

1st Scalak Polska Won 22:0 7pts

1st Caco Polska Won 17:0 7pts

2nd DieMON Polska Won 14:0 6pts

3rd roadrunner USA Won 12:0 5pts

4th trbb GB Won 6:0 4pts


Star League Baseball (GOLD USA 11pts, SILVER Polska 6pts, BRONZE GB 5pts)

1st jblenkle USA Won 18-12 7pts

2nd DieMON Polska Won 9-6 6pts

3rd trbb GB Lost 15-13 5pts

4th roadrunner USA Lost 25-1 4pts


Tell (Archery) (GOLD Polska 16pts, SILVER GB 13pts, BRONZE USA 7pts)

1st Scalak Polska 9,130 7pts

2nd trbb GB 8,690 6pts

3rd McKong GB 6,630 5pts

4th Caco Polska 4,650 4pts

5th Fallout_002 USA 4,170 4pts

6th innuendo Polska 3,320 3pts

7th roadrunner USA 3,225 3pts

8th Sikor Polska 3,160 2pts

9th bluecat GB 2,450 2pts


Tennis (GOLD Polska 18pts, SILVER GB 8pts, BRONZE USA 4pts)

1st DieMON Polska Won 6:0 7pts

1st Scalak Polska Won 6:0 7pts

3rd trbb GB Lost 4:6 5pts

4rd Caco Polska Lost 3:6 4pts

5th roadrunner USA Lost 2:6 4pts

6th McKong GB Lost 0:6 3pts


Water Ski School 2 (GOLD Polska 16pts, SILVER GB 10pts, BRONZE USA 3pts)

1st Scalak Polska 8,400 7pts

2nd trbb GB 8,200 6pts

3rd DieMON Polska 5,600 5pts

4th McKong GB 5,100 4pts

5th Caco Polska 4,600 4pts

6th roadrunner USA 2,200 3pts


(tied medals decided by best individual score)

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...Well volunteered Bob, go team GB :twisted:

Had my first session on LBGolf II: round 1. The first game had fairly easy layouts, boy this is a shocker - had a 13 on hole 2 and thought that was the bad one for the round only to have a real shed on the 17th and scored erm 17 making 32 over par [104]. I did play on PRO and with no crib sheets or anything and did manage to get into a point and shoot rhythm for several holes, even had a couple of threes! I like a challenge. Still it grabs GB the gold for now :D


Checkout the 18th hole; and this is only the first course!!! :-o


[good news is there's no flicker on this one - on Homesoft file ver anyway]

Team Iceland


My money's on you for the Winter Games :)

If any of team Iceland USA are NTSC emulator players they can stick it on PAL if they wish to make things fair (esp for the golf!).


OK which moron forgot to attach the disk images :dunce:

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180 - 1st round 20 to 0 :P


ahhh tune up ! sorry

--- after some time ---

rating: mega cool (quarter-2:1,semi-2:1,final-2:0)





@trbb - Polska +1 Silver (Caco's Water)






all played one by one










Edited by Scalak
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5200 Soccer


I won 12-0 :)

U sure that's a challenging enough ?!! :D



What skill level for One On One?

You guys tell me I've never played it!!! Anyone know the game well?

Let's go with Varsity.


I've just played Varsity is what I think too (played full game on College I think \and lost 138 to 30) we'll go for PLAY TO SET SCORE OF 21PTS pick either guy... now I need to read up on the rules "reachin in" EH??? I won 21-20 by the way!

BMX Sim 1855 fun game

Water Ski School II = 4,700

Skeet Shoot 1,090

Equestrian Play 3 rounds: (sorry Scalak!)

H1C1: 4:53 (2:56.0 20F)

H2C2: 3:57 (2:20.1 14F)

H3C3: 5:46 (2:13.9 37F :-o )

Total 14:56


I've updated the settings (Post #2) :)






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