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Ouya Thread


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Seems to be alot of hate toward MS


I've heard about the story of the creators of Meat Boy and they seems they were kimd of pissed off by MS


In the end, I really like what Steam is doing so we may end up release the game there, Android/OUYA and IOS


I think I should speak with the Ouya people to see ;)

We were backer for the Ouya, we bough a Development Kit under the name of Rewind Masterminds


I personally don't hate MS. (Although I am not planning on getting an xbox one in the near future) Android/Steam/IOS are more open markets. (less restrictive)If your game really takes off on these platforms MS may still be interested in having it on their systems. If you sign an exclusive deal with MS if it takes off you won't be able to ever release it anywhere else.

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I personally don't hate MS. (Although I am not planning on getting an xbox one in the near future) Android/Steam/IOS are more open markets. (less restrictive)If your game really takes off on these platforms MS may still be interested in having it on their systems. If you sign an exclusive deal with MS if it takes off you won't be able to ever release it anywhere else.



Good point sir


We want to keep all rights/IPs over our game, that's for sure

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have several questions:


Is the Atari 2600 emulator running accuratly? Do the homebrew games run on it?


Can I use one of the USB to DB-9 adapters that are sold on Ebay and use real 2600 controllers on the Ouya?


Does the Lady Bug homebrew for the 2600 run on the Ouya?


Is there an official 7800 emulator? All I found with a google search was a 7800 emulator ported for anroid, and not sure if it would even work.


If there is a 7800 emulator do Bob's (Pac-Man Plus) homebrews for the 7800 play well on the Ouya?


I recently got hooked on RGB mods and scanlines and I hate the ghosting on 2600 and 7800 modded consoles, if I can get good emulation of these 2 sytems and use real controllers I am going to be very happy.

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That's a great list, pretty up to date. Most emu's are in the Ouya store, but some haven't made it there and need to be side loaded. The 2600 emu works fine, and most all of the emu's do some kind of scanline/CRT effects. And if you mean Lady Bug you mean the one from 2006, that works.


There is no 7800 emulator (or 5200 I don't believe) for Android at all. At least I couldn't find one. The good thing about the official Ouya ones is that they will work obviously, but they also find the Gamepad automatically, and can search for Wiimotes, and other bluetooth/USB controllers.


The Ouya only has a single USB port, which most use for external flash drive storage. So you'd need a USB port hub (not sure if it will need to be powered depending on how many things you hook up). Otherwise it works with most bluetooth controllers, include the iCade Core (costs like $20 now).


Some of the emu's take a little bit of tinkering to find "missing" files like C64 but most work right out of the gate. If $100 doesn't break your bank, it's worth it simply for emulation, particularly classic arcade on MAME, and old computers C64/Amiga/Atari ST/DOS). To say nothing of the free or cheap indie games also available. Donkey Me (DK with film franchise skins) is terrific.


There's an Atari 7800 emulator on the Xbox, in fact probably more on the XB than Ouya right now. But some of the emu's won't work with all roms, particularly the CD-based systems (PCE, Sega, 3DO) are a pain to get working. Often require specially formatted roms I can't be bothered with.

Edited by Greg2600
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Can someone please help me get some roms on my ouya...I am begging.


I always thought myself to be good with computers, but i am feeling like a total idiot. I put the roms on a usb flash drive and I cannot find them at all ever


I have 4 or 5 emulators installed on the ouya, but no way to load or play roms.


Something to note...The system did a big update as soon as I plugged it in and things may have changed from how you did it.


Please, please give me a complete idiots step guide to getting roms to show up on my usb thumbstick. I am even willing to paypal money to someone if they are ouya gurus and want to talk me through it over the phone. I am serious about paying for help.


My goal get roms for some emulators and then disconnect the damn thing from the internet and never connect it again. All I want is this to become a standalone emulator...I don't care to buy a single app or game ever nor do I give a rat's ass about software updates.

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Can someone please help me get some roms on my ouya...I am begging.


I always thought myself to be good with computers, but i am feeling like a total idiot. I put the roms on a usb flash drive and I cannot find them at all ever


I have 4 or 5 emulators installed on the ouya, but no way to load or play roms.


Something to note...The system did a big update as soon as I plugged it in and things may have changed from how you did it.


Please, please give me a complete idiots step guide to getting roms to show up on my usb thumbstick. I am even willing to paypal money to someone if they are ouya gurus and want to talk me through it over the phone. I am serious about paying for help.


My goal get roms for some emulators and then disconnect the damn thing from the internet and never connect it again. All I want is this to become a standalone emulator...I don't care to buy a single app or game ever nor do I give a rat's ass about software updates.

Get a microUSB cable. Connect your Ouya to your PC. Copy ROMs into the ROMs folder. That's how I did it before they got the USB storage updates. It is possible the update to use USB as external storage could have broken things. Do not mess with the system files or you could break stuff.

Edited by stardust4ever
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There was a big update recently that allows you to install Ouya-store apps to external storage. Previously that was only applicable to side-loaded stuff. If you're using a USB thumbdrive, just "Eject USB" it from the Ouya, then stick it in your PC. Most of the emulators do not care where you put your Roms on the storage.


Let's say you're using the 2600.emu emulator. When you select Load Game, you get a file folder. Just keep moving up the Parent Directory tree as far as you can go. Once you do that, you should see a folder called usbdrive on there. That's the USB stick, and you can then open that folder and go to wherever your roms are kept. It will remember that location for when you try again.


One thing to note is that most of the emu's are defaulted to saving states of the rom each time. May want to shut that off if you play many games, because it will eat up storage.

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Got a black 16gb OUYA in the mail today. I am enjoying it more than i thought i would. They must of made changes to the controller some. I have read and seen on youtube many complaints on the controller, but mine is really good imo. If your on the fence like i was for awhile i would say go for it.


Yes the Black ouya is meant to come with the 3rd generation of the controller. Which has better triggers and no dead zones.

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I downloaded the major emulators for the Ouya and kicked the tires. Dang....this IS some solid emulation! And it looks gorgeous on my 46" Sony Bravia set. I used my Wii Classic Controller Pro for most and the games played butter smooth. Running MAME I tried out games like NARC and other than sound issues (odd crackle) it ran great. Dungeons & Dragons- Tower of Doom looks and plays amazing and Night Stocker is mostly playable (if anyone knows how to get that emulator to allow me to use the right stick for the gun game crosshairs, let me know)!


On that front I am impressed that this little box can run emulation in someways better than my Xbox.


Now onto some Ouya games.....

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So how accurate is MAME on Ouya? Is the Neo Geo emulation 100%? I wonder if a Ouya might be the way to go over a CMVS.


Emulation is surprisingly pretty solid. Here's a few vids that I guess show what it's like, I just need to hookup a keyboard to it and maybe start using a PS3 controller more often:




ALL (NEOGEO at 3:10):




For 100 bucks I'm using this thing as mainly an emulator. I think a new model is out though or is coming out soon.....

Edited by cimerians
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Right I don't recommend it for Ouya games but for emulators its pretty cool and its so small I'm surprised nobody has rigged it up to something like a cabinet. Although I think the controls might be a problem.

I'm planning on adding an Ouya to the underside of my X-Arcade tankstick for "portability"
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I'm planning on adding an Ouya to the underside of my X-Arcade tankstick for "portability"



I'm also thinking about doing this


Post pictures please if you get this done. :)



Oh yeah! Pics of this would be great. I have a solo stick....I wonder if it would fit in there. :P

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