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THE!CART... New 128MB FLASH Cartridge


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Hello Gunstar,

I've replied to the order PM with more details. And I really try to make sure nobdy is forgotten.


For all above your money arrived of course and the production was done as planned.

Unfortunately it turned out after the actual run that some chips need a replacement.

These chips are hard to get. In Europe you can only get them via intermediate dealers.

We got a first bunch of chips, replaced them, tested the cart fully again and shipped them.

Then we sent a request to the dealer for the remaining 35 pieces and got the reply that they have to contact the manufaturer.

Now we have to wait unfortunately for that.

The irony is that if we ordered new PCBs from China now, they'd include the chips.

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I appreciate the reply JAC!, but like Level42 says, why not try another source? Can they really be the only place that offer those chips? If so, maybe a bad design? I am more at ease knowing you definitely know my information, since none of this has gone well for me through the whole process, I KNOW this stuff is not your guys fault JAC!, the delays, but when it takes months, and months and months of delays, a LOT more updating to the customers is needed. And initial confirmation for being on the list, then payment sent was just piss-poor, I'm sorry, but it was. And then updates few and far between don't help to alleviate concerns, even if it's a once a week update that says nothing has changed, we are still waiting on parts, it should be done.


But if it were me, I'd be desperately looking for the needed chips anywhere I can, and not waiting on a supplier that doesn't even have a clue themselves when they will get more from the manufacturer, that's INSANE!

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i just got a mail of mouser, the shipping date for those ordered flash chips will be april 2019!

This is a no go, so i just called mouser and canceled this order.


please have also a look for supplier of these chips:


S29GL01GT**TF**** !


thank you...

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Geez lighten up....it's just a bit of teasing.....that's what the :D stands for....


I lack the skills to create such great hardware....although I can make some simple stuff..


If that would be the measure than nobody who has ever created a comparable product like the excellent The!cart will ever be allowed to critize a product.... in fact....I didn't critize any product or anyone....


I guess it's a difference in sense of humor...it happens.....



But uhmmm.....what other threads am I taunting in ?

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Hello and forgive me for arriving so late into this...


Only today, I have replaced my non working 800xl with an 800xl AND a boxed 65XE ;-)


I already have a Lotharek SIDE CF cart. Is this new cart a better solution? Am I right in thinking it provides a memory upgrade to my 64k machines? Would I be able to load and play 128k roms?


If so, my wallet will be vibrating! Just reading the last few posts, are people waiting for a back log of carts to be made?

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I already have a Lotharek SIDE CF cart. Is this new cart a better solution? Am I right in thinking it provides a memory upgrade to my 64k machines? Would I be able to load and play 128k roms?


If so, my wallet will be vibrating! Just reading the last few posts, are people waiting for a back log of carts to be made?


If you mean XEGS cartridge ROMs of 128 KB size, the answer is yes, because the The!Cart is in its core a cartridge emulation (not a drive emulation like SIDE). It can also emulate disk image loading in addition though.

If you mean running programs that required 128 KB extended RAM in the Atari, the answer is not. For that you'd need a RAM expansion like SysCheck II or RAM 576 XE, or upgrade your 65XE internally otherwise with more RAM.

Please check the video & FAQ:



Regarding availablity we are working on getting the rest of the 2nd batch out. mega_hz just sent me a photo of his Atari flashing the first of the remaining 35 carts using the new chips.

In parallel we have ordered a test run of 5 for the 3rd batch to make sure they work out as planned this time.

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Yesterday and Today I shipped Carts to:


Parkside, AUS,

Berlin, DE,

HI96789, USA,

QLD, AUS (nice Country, i lived 1981-1983 in Qld!),

Straszyn, PL,

K286M9, Canada,

PR00926, USA,

CO80004, USA,

IN46205, USA,

MD20906, USA,

CA90292, USA,

Losone, CH


Velbert, DE.




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PMs send to all those where shipping was in July so far. Please also confirm when you have received The!Cart and is works as expected.


Update: We have received the 5 PCB for the new run, tests were successful. Yet, the price per PCB was very high due the low number.

Now have have to get 10 together for the next order and check then what the effective cost per PCB will be.

Smaller runs simply mean higher prices, so let's see.

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The!Cart Studio Update 2018-07-17 released


  • Titles defaulted from the file name are now correct, also if the file name contains multiple period characters.
  • The ATR loader no longer sets a temporary blank display list to prevent flickering if the screen DMA is already disabled via SDMCTL ($22F). This keeps the screen from remaining black after loading in cases where the program directly writes to DLISTL/DLISTH ($D402/$D403). This is the case for Bandits.

Compatibility Patches:

  • Bandits: Uses an indirect jump to the disk SIO vector to hide where it takes place. This requires an addition patch location $119D1 to be added manually.
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I received my The!Cart last night and it works great. I'm looking to build some workbooks to flash it and was wondering off the process to flash the cartridge. Is it only available to flash the cartridge by using the Atari or can you flash the cartridge with the Maxflash USB flasher and a windows or osx computer? I have a Sio2SD from Lotharek so that is an option if I can't flash it from a modern computer.

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Is it only available to flash the cartridge by using the Atari or can you flash the cartridge with the Maxflash USB flasher and a windows or osx computer?


You'll need to flash it in the Atari, the fastest way is using a single huge image and RespeQT (divisor 0) along with an SIO/USB device. You should be able to export large (16MB) image sets to flash it from SIO2SD.

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