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If you'd like some good news, it looks like My Content is finally working the way it should. The latest threads posted in are actually displayed in a row on the first page instead of being randomly spread across 3 pages.


Looks like I spoke too soon. The thread below was replied to today and it's on page 4 of My Content between 25 Aug 2013 and 24 Aug 2013:



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Is the "edit" for your posts expiring changed for Subscribers?

I saw something in a how-to from 2 months ago that was confusing, but there is no edit at the bottom.

Subscribers can edit their posts for a period of 30 days. Non-subscribers can edit their posts for 60 minutes. If you need edit rights to a specific post, let me know which post you need to edit and I'll give you permission to do so.



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Hey, Albert, this is not really a big deal, but using Firefox 23.0.1, I occasionally get content errors when accessing a thread. There doesn't appear to be any rhyme or reason to it, and a refresh of the page is always successful. Once in a while Firefox doesn't declare an error, but I see a bunch of seemingly-random HTML spewed across the screen instead. Again, a refresh of the page makes it all better again.


And as I was typing this, Firefox notified me 24 was ready to install. I'll send word if the same thing happens there.

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Hey, Albert, this is not really a big deal, but using Firefox 23.0.1, I occasionally get content errors when accessing a thread. There doesn't appear to be any rhyme or reason to it, and a refresh of the page is always successful. Once in a while Firefox doesn't declare an error, but I see a bunch of seemingly-random HTML spewed across the screen instead. Again, a refresh of the page makes it all better again.


And as I was typing this, Firefox notified me 24 was ready to install. I'll send word if the same thing happens there.

Can you take a screenshot if this happens again, as well as let me know the URL to the page that displayed the error?





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Just happened in Firefox 24. URL is http://atariage.com/forums/topic/16954-long-live-big-sexy-down-with-heavy-sixer-ungh/


Screen cap attached. No error and no on-screen HTML this time, but not much else either. Also attached is the page source as presented by Firefox. Looks like it gets munged pretty badly starting at line 530, give or take a line. Once again, a refresh of the page cleared everything up.



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The AA skin has spacing issues in iOS 7 (iOS 6 showed them also). Here's a screenshot from my iPad mini:




The "Subscriptions" text overlaps "Messenger". It does this regardless of orientation, and does so on my iPhone as well.


Also, it tends to forget that I want to use the Full version of the site on mobile devices. I don't know if that's a Safari issue, or a site issue.

Edited by Nathan Strum
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Opera seems to have the same problems. I'll post a screenshot when I can reproduce it.


EDIT: As soon as the windows size goes below ~1000 pixel, the problem shows. But only for Subscriptions. If I make the screen even smaller I get a scrollbar and all other menu items (Calendar etc.) stay in line.


I can overcome it the problem by using the "adjust to with" setting of Opera. Then "Subscriptions" wrap to the beginning of the next line. And everything else is moved down a bit. If I make the screen smaller, the other menu items start wrapping too.


So probably the problem is, that the scrollbar is activated to late. Maybe the minimum page width is too small.

Edited by Thomas Jentzsch
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It doesn't happen too frequently, but I do see it at least once or twice a day when on the forums. I'll try using Chrome at work, and compare it to Firefox at home.

I just had this happen in Chrome. The browser was freshly installed earlier today. URL was http://atariage.com/forums/topic/206497-dk-vcs/page-19?do=findComment&comment=2836770. Screen cap and source attached. This time I got the HTML-spewed variety. A refresh cleared things up.


I need to remember to look for this at home to be sure, though I'm pretty sure I've seen it both places. Otherwise I would wonder if it's something funky our corporate firewall is doing.




view-source atariage.com forums topic 206497-dk-vcs page-19#entry2836770.zip

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