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Breaking news: Intellivision flashback coming to retail


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I was disappointed with that one, even though I went whole hog and got the signed special edition one, etc. I think an analog stick would provide a closer experience to the disc than an 8 direction d-pad, and of course the touchscreen is not quite as responsive or has the same feel as the bubble pad or real buttons. It will be a similar not-quite-there experience on the digital versions for touchscreen devices. It's better than nothing, but the Intellivision is one of the few consoles where you really need the bizarre/unique original controller to have a decent experience on many of the games.


And the DS version had some glitches and fatal flaws. :(

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I was fortunate enough to try out the prototype Intellivision Flashback at Intellivision Productions office recently. We'll be talking about it in the upcoming episode (10) of The Intellivisionaries Podcast.


On that unit, there were 61 games. The additional game was a 2 player sports title. Of course this is subject to change, but if this is the case, I would disagree with you Bill that the extra game is not worth worrying about, as it is a well liked game by most Intellivision fans.

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The additional game was a 2 player sports title. Of course this is subject to change, but if this is the case, I would disagree with you Bill that the extra game is not worth worrying about, as it is a well liked game by most Intellivision fans.

Please be Bikini Jello Wrestling!

Please be Bikini Jello Wrestling!


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I was fortunate enough to try out the prototype Intellivision Flashback at Intellivision Productions office recently. We'll be talking about it in the upcoming episode (10) of The Intellivisionaries Podcast.


On that unit, there were 61 games. The additional game was a 2 player sports title. Of course this is subject to change, but if this is the case, I would disagree with you Bill that the extra game is not worth worrying about, as it is a well liked game by most Intellivision fans.


It's pretty much redundant, but OK.

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Yes, there's a final game list, but I'm not allowed to share it. Sorry. I haven't done the testing myself, but it's supposed to be fully cross-compatible controller-wise between the Flashbacks and the Intellivision consoles with removable controllers. I won't have my own unit until a week or two before launch, but I'll be sure to do a full spectrum of testing when I do. With that said, since these were developed off the original designs, it would be strange if they weren't proven compatible.

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I haven't paid that much attention, but G-Mode content has appeared on several of Nintendo's Virtual Consoles, PSN in several different forms, Data East Arcade Classics on the Wii was 100% G-Mode owned content, at least one remake, etc.


I don't know if AtGames will have any of it, but that Colecovision Kickstarter that failed also included some G-Mode owned content in the list of licenses they had arranged.

What is G-Mode?

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Thanks for the update and looking forward to your testing and potential review.


I'll definitely do an unboxing and as exhaustive of an overview as I can. I can't really do reviews in the traditional sense of AtGames products anymore since there would be a conflict of interest now, but I'll definitely give an honest written and video assessment. I just can't rightfully call it a review.

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Intellivisionaries podcast sounds interesting ...but are the episodes really 4 hours long?

4 hours would be a pittance. :) These babies run loooong. Trust me you'll want to listen to all of them. You have a month to get through each podcast.

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It's pretty much redundant, but OK.


I see your point, Bill, but I have to say yes and no. The additional / 61st bonus game is considered a favorite by many Intellivision fans. Yes, it's similar to the game that will be on all the Flashbacks, but most "back in the day" Intellivision owners never got to play that one, as it was a late INTV Corporation release. Mattel Electronics never released it due to a bug they could never iron out; well, that and the video game crash taking them out of the market.


And, excluding the Intellivision fanatics here on Atari Age, a large percentage of Intellivision owners stopped using the console around 1983/1984. Therefore I think someone getting the Flashback today who hasn't seen or played Intellivision in 30+ years, will want that original game to be on there. THAT'S the version they remember. Anyway, that was Intellivision Productions' thinking on this, I heard it from the man himself.


Ultimately, it's win win, as we enthusiasts / collectors will now buy both versions, thus increasing the sales numbers, and increasing the likelihood of a v.2 with... in an ideal world... all the licensed games, and an SD card slot or a cartridge port.

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Intellivisionaries podcast sounds interesting ...but are the episodes really 4 hours long?


I don't want to hijack the thread, but since you brought it up...


...We have a lot of content... our thorough game reviews, programmer interviews, collector interviews, news, feedback, history (Keith Robinson is a frequent guest). So yes, the shows can be quite long. But as we say to our listeners... learn to embrace "Pause Technology". There's no requirement to listen all at once (unless you"re Cmart)!


And as Cmart says, it's a monthly podcast, so you have plenty of time to get thorough them, if you find them to your liking.

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I see your point, Bill, but I have to say yes and no. The additional / 61st bonus game is considered a favorite by many Intellivision fans. Yes, it's similar to the game that will be on all the Flashbacks, but most "back in the day" Intellivision owners never got to play that one, as it was a late INTV Corporation release. Mattel Electronics never released it due to a bug they could never iron out; well, that and the video game crash taking them out of the market.


And, excluding the Intellivision fanatics here on Atari Age, a large percentage of Intellivision owners stopped using the console around 1983/1984. Therefore I think someone getting the Flashback today who hasn't seen or played Intellivision in 30+ years, will want that original game to be on there. THAT'S the version they remember. Anyway, that was Intellivision Productions' thinking on this, I heard it from the man himself.


Ultimately, it's win win, as we enthusiasts / collectors will now buy both versions, thus increasing the sales numbers, and increasing the likelihood of a v.2 with... in an ideal world... all the licensed games, and an SD card slot or a cartridge port.


I'm thinking the value of pure two player games is low, but certainly I'd like to be proven wrong by the general reaction. I would think having the improved version by itself is just fine, but that's just me. For the person with the vague recollection of the game, I think they wouldn't really know the difference if the extra features were present that weren't there on the original version of the game.


There are two ways to look at it I suppose... First, is that the bonus game is not that important, hence the choice of making that particular game the bonus game. The other is that the bonus game would be of interest to collectors (though I don't see why, other than the extra overlay I suppose) and they'll purposely seek out the Dollar General version, which justifies its existence without impacting the general public in any way who buy the other version. I suppose either scenario is plausible, though it sounds like the thinking from the Intellivision Productions side based on what you said was the latter. In my opinion, though, the ColecoVision Flashback is getting a bonus game that I think will actually frustrate those-in-the-know who don't get that version, while I think if someone misses out on the Intellivision bonus game it's not as big of a deal since there's something else just like it (albeit, a newer version of the original) already on there.


In any case, the point is moot. It is what it is. They're both locked down at this point.

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I'm thinking the value of pure two player games is low, but certainly I'd like to be proven wrong by the general reaction. I would think having the improved version by itself is just fine, but that's just me. For the person with the vague recollection of the game, I think they wouldn't really know the difference if the extra features were present that weren't there on the original version of the game.


There are two ways to look at it I suppose... First, is that the bonus game is not that important, hence the choice of making that particular game the bonus game. The other is that the bonus game would be of interest to collectors (though I don't see why, other than the extra overlay I suppose) and they'll purposely seek out the Dollar General version, which justifies its existence without impacting the general public in any way who buy the other version. I suppose either scenario is plausible, though it sounds like the thinking from the Intellivision Productions side based on what you said was the latter. In my opinion, though, the ColecoVision Flashback is getting a bonus game that I think will actually frustrate those-in-the-know who don't get that version, while I think if someone misses out on the Intellivision bonus game it's not as big of a deal since there's something else just like it (albeit, a newer version of the original) already on there.


In any case, the point is moot. It is what it is. They're both locked down at this point.


Yeah, you're probably right that the average person who buys this (the one who last played Intellivision 30 years ago) won't notice much difference if the bonus game isn't included - unless said bonus game happened to be their favorite on the console as a kid. For me... the bonus game is not a make or break. I actually prefer the improved version. But now you've got me wondering about the Colecovision bonus game...

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Yeah, you're probably right that the average person who buys this (the one who last played Intellivision 30 years ago) won't notice much difference if the bonus game isn't included - unless said bonus game happened to be their favorite on the console as a kid. For me... the bonus game is not a make or break. I actually prefer the improved version. But now you've got me wondering about the Colecovision bonus game...

I like the improved version also -- gotta agree with Bill on this one. Given a choice between an older baseball game that was 2 player only and the newer one that has improved features, a bug that hardly ever shows up (has ANYONE seen it?) and one or two players, I'll take the latter all day. I think most people would agree.


Gee, I hope this is okay we're talking so openly about this. :ponder:

Edited by SoulBlazer
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One quick question: did this flashback preserve many of the bugs and issues? Some fake emulated stuff like NOAC tended to behave a bit differently, and some bugs couldn't be exploited.


Take for example do you still get strange behavior if you try to use the number pad and disc at the same time?

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One quick question: did this flashback preserve many of the bugs and issues? Some fake emulated stuff like NOAC tended to behave a bit differently, and some bugs couldn't be exploited.


Take for example do you still get strange behavior if you try to use the number pad and disc at the same time?


The controller is a duplicate of the original, so two of the four buttons do the same action, you can't use the number pad and disc at the same time, etc. As for the emulation itself, we'll have to see once we get lengthy hands-on time with it. By default it has to do be better than the NOAC implementations. It's just a question of how much better. On a personal level I'm looking forward to clean composite output, as even with my modded Intellivision I and II, there's some annoying ghosting present.

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