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does not sell online.
you can feel comfortable.
has no ebay account or otherwise.
cmq is the shop was located in Reggio Calabria
is closed forever !!

congratulations for your collection of magazines VIDEO GAMES.
published in Italy by publishing jackson.
was the only magazine dedicated to home computers and video game we Italians guys we had in the 80s.
are very rare and very expensive.
I hope to find other numbers at a reasonable price.

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The one thing that hasn't been said yet (and I thought everything had) is that we're going to start finding more and more instances of homemade boxes, homebrew games, and collector's edition con releases in thrift stores. I remember somebody I interviewed at OVGE saying they had found Crazy Climber in the $1 bin at a pawn shop. These things have value to us in the community, but when people go bankrupt and liquidate their collection, or they (unfortunately) pass away and a relative or loved one sells it all off, they can't tell a $25-$50 homebrew from a regular Atari game - because in fact for nostalgia purposes we want everything to look like it did back then. Old style carts, old style boxes, hmmm this must be another of his old games. Sell it!


And then of course there are people who just invent a crazy story just to see what the reaction will be... but the AtariAge forums are like a box of chocolates...

I can already hear the cries of 'Fake! Scammer on ebay! Off with his head!' when some poor inheritor, ignorant of the whole homebrew/repro/hack scene tries to sell off grampa's videogames.

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I can already hear the cries of 'Fake! Scammer on ebay! Off with his head!' when some poor inheritor, ignorant of the whole homebrew/repro/hack scene tries to sell off grampa's videogames.

And every passing day I inch closer to being grandpa. I've even got the graying/silver hair to prove it. *heh*

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Trek reference. Nicely done, Tempest.


I have enjoyed this thread. Airgames, this is a community with a wonderfully irreverent sense of humor (as it should be). Try not to take it seriously. And thanks for sharing. Welcome aboard!


One of my favorite episodes. Picard and Dathon at El-Adrel :)


Sorry for the OT

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I must say, I apologize to you airgames.

When I made the comment about this thread having too many posts, it's because I thought it was a joke/prank thread, but now I see you are a real person.


Always good to see a new AA member! Welcome!

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