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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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I am working on an undisclosed project and have talked to the Factory that does Atgames Genesis console. Atgames Genesis has been emulator based for a while I think at least the last 3 versions. It is called Firecore, that is why they have "80" games which 40 are not even Genesis games.


Sorry, that's just not true. I work directly with AtGames.

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As an aside, an anagram for Coleco Chameleon is: Eh... Lame Coco Clone.

Cochleae Monocle

Ceca Echelon Loom

Ceca Colleen Homo

Ceca Colonel Home

Ceca Monocle Hole

Cochleae Clone Om

Cochleae Colon Me

Cochleae Colon Em

Cochleae Loco Men

Cochleae Cool Men

Cochleae Con Mole

Cochleae Coon Elm

Cache Colleen Moo

Cache Monocle Ole

Chancel Come Oleo

Cochlea Come Lone

Cochlea Come Noel

Cochlea Cone Mole

Cochlea Once Mole

Cochlea Eco Melon

Cochlea Eco Lemon

Coachmen Loco Eel

Coachmen Loco Lee

Coachmen Cool Eel

Coachmen Cool Lee

Comanche Loco Eel

Comanche Loco Lee

Comanche Cool Eel

Comanche Cool Lee

Cecal Echelon Moo

Cecal Monocle Hoe

Cecal Mooch Leone

Cancel Chemo Oleo

Conceal Leech Moo

Conceal Chemo Ole

Conceal Echo Mole

Conceal Come Hole

Conceal Mooch Eel

Conceal Mooch Lee

Conceal Loco Heme

Conceal Cool Heme

Mecca Colleen Oho

Mecca Colleen Ooh

Mecca Colonel Hoe

Coach Monocle Eel

Coach Monocle Lee

Coach Colon Melee

Coca Echelon Mole

Coca Colleen Home

Coca Colonel Heme

Coca Monocle Heel

Cocoa Leech Melon

Cocoa Leech Lemon

Cocoa Echelon Elm

Cocoa Colleen Hem

Ace Colleen Mooch

Ace Chemo Colonel

Chameleon Coco El

Nacelle Coco Home

Nacelle Chemo Coo

Nacelle Come Coho

Nacelle Eco Mooch

Menace Coco Hello

Menace Cello Coho

Ache Colonel Come

Each Colonel Come

Leach Monocle Eco

Lace Echo Monocle

Locale Chemo Cone

Locale Chemo Once

Camel Cocoon Heel

Camel Echelon Coo

Came Echelon Loco

Came Echelon Cool

Came Colleen Coho

Came Echo Colonel

Acme Echelon Loco

Acme Echelon Cool

Acme Colleen Coho

Acme Echo Colonel

Mace Echelon Loco

Mace Echelon Cool

Mace Colleen Coho

Mace Echo Colonel

Cameo Clench Oleo

Cameo Cloche Lone

Cameo Cloche Noel

Cameo Leech Colon

Canoe Cloche Mole

Canoe Chemo Cello

Ocean Cloche Mole

Ocean Chemo Cello

Alcohol Emcee Con

Mocha Colleen Eco

Macho Colleen Eco

Clonal Emcee Coho

Coal Echelon Come

Cola Echelon Come

Monaco Cloche Eel

Monaco Cloche Lee

Coma Cloche Leone

Coma Colleen Echo

Enamel Cloche Coo

Enema Cloche Loco

Enema Cloche Cool

Ahem Coco Colleen

Lame Cocoon Leech

Lame Coco Echelon

Male Cocoon Leech

Male Coco Echelon

Meal Cocoon Leech

Meal Coco Echelon

Alone Cloche Come

Hall Cocoon Emcee

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I always had on my understanding that firecore is emulator base. I even have emails from Atgames employees saying some of our games have problems on their emulator (I loled when they thought the way Duke Nuke processed sprites was a bug; I asked them to turn on a TV mode filter so the antialiasing would smooth the graphics. They told me their emulator doesnt have that) I am 100% sure it uses emulator.


Another thing is it allows to load games through SD card, I doubt GOAC would allow to do any sort of software loading. Another thing is that the dinosaur game cart included in one version of the atgames genesis console wont work on regular genesis consoles nor clone consoles; meaning the games loaded (as well as the extra 40 mini games) are not made for Genesis but for whatever the console is built ln (very likely android).


Dont know what you do for Atgames, but definately they are using an emulator.


PD: Sorry for the bad formatting, Im on my phone.

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Sorry, that's just not true. I work directly with AtGames.

I just went through my emails and the lady mentioned "our emulator" a couple of times so thats what Im going by. I might be completely wrong or a mixture.

....[deleted :mad:].....

EDIT: nevermind


Edited by phoenixdownita
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Cochleae Monocle

Ceca Echelon Loom

Ceca Colleen Homo

Ceca Colonel Home

Ceca Monocle Hole

Cochleae Clone Om

Cochleae Colon Me

Cochleae Colon Em

Cochleae Loco Men

Cochleae Cool Men

Cochleae Con Mole

Cochleae Coon Elm

Cache Colleen Moo

Cache Monocle Ole

Chancel Come Oleo

Cochlea Come Lone

Cochlea Come Noel

Cochlea Cone Mole

Cochlea Once Mole

Cochlea Eco Melon

Cochlea Eco Lemon

Coachmen Loco Eel

Coachmen Loco Lee

Coachmen Cool Eel

Coachmen Cool Lee

Comanche Loco Eel

Comanche Loco Lee

Comanche Cool Eel

Comanche Cool Lee

Cecal Echelon Moo

Cecal Monocle Hoe

Cecal Mooch Leone

Cancel Chemo Oleo

Conceal Leech Moo

Conceal Chemo Ole

Conceal Echo Mole

Conceal Come Hole

Conceal Mooch Eel

Conceal Mooch Lee

Conceal Loco Heme

Conceal Cool Heme

Mecca Colleen Oho

Mecca Colleen Ooh

Mecca Colonel Hoe

Coach Monocle Eel

Coach Monocle Lee

Coach Colon Melee

Coca Echelon Mole

Coca Colleen Home

Coca Colonel Heme

Coca Monocle Heel

Cocoa Leech Melon

Cocoa Leech Lemon

Cocoa Echelon Elm

Cocoa Colleen Hem

Ace Colleen Mooch

Ace Chemo Colonel

Chameleon Coco El

Nacelle Coco Home

Nacelle Chemo Coo

Nacelle Come Coho

Nacelle Eco Mooch

Menace Coco Hello

Menace Cello Coho

Ache Colonel Come

Each Colonel Come

Leach Monocle Eco

Lace Echo Monocle

Locale Chemo Cone

Locale Chemo Once

Camel Cocoon Heel

Camel Echelon Coo

Came Echelon Loco

Came Echelon Cool

Came Colleen Coho

Came Echo Colonel

Acme Echelon Loco

Acme Echelon Cool

Acme Colleen Coho

Acme Echo Colonel

Mace Echelon Loco

Mace Echelon Cool

Mace Colleen Coho

Mace Echo Colonel

Cameo Clench Oleo

Cameo Cloche Lone

Cameo Cloche Noel

Cameo Leech Colon

Canoe Cloche Mole

Canoe Chemo Cello

Ocean Cloche Mole

Ocean Chemo Cello

Alcohol Emcee Con

Mocha Colleen Eco

Macho Colleen Eco

Clonal Emcee Coho

Coal Echelon Come

Cola Echelon Come

Monaco Cloche Eel

Monaco Cloche Lee

Coma Cloche Leone

Coma Colleen Echo

Enamel Cloche Coo

Enema Cloche Loco

Enema Cloche Cool

Ahem Coco Colleen

Lame Cocoon Leech

Lame Coco Echelon

Male Cocoon Leech

Male Coco Echelon

Meal Cocoon Leech

Meal Coco Echelon

Alone Cloche Come

Hall Cocoon Emcee

I'll go with Lame Cocoon Leech. Except Leeches don't make cocoons; butterflies do! :rolling:

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I'm personally hoping the Coleco Chameleon will help push emulation to the forefront and make it the premier way for the masses to enjoy the classics. It's brand new hardware fresh from a factory.


And, there isn't enough vintage hardware to cover everyone. Not at the rate at which it is starting to fail. Even though the repairs are simple PM like reseating chips, cleaning switches replacing basic capacitors. Do you think today's "new gamer" has the basic knowledge to fix them properly for the long term? No.


However it's too bad the emulation in these new AIO, repro consoles, and handhelds game-in-a-joystick is cheap china crap. On the other hand, how would a first time player know the emulation is in error? Who's to say it is or isn't meant to be the (new) way a game is presented?


Maybe the CC will start to get things right for a change!

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To wrap up the AtGames Sega Genesis product discussion tangent, I queried my contacts at AtGames directly (I deal directly with ownership/management, who is relaying this information from the engineers). RK2 is not an emulation chip. It is a slightly extended clone of the original Genesis hardware. It has no emulation layer either. Just real Genesis hardware, with some modifications. It's those modifications that allow it to run the 40 non-Genesis "bonus" games.


It's actually only until recently that I even knew that they weren't some knock-off Genesis games (it never occurred to me to ask!). Someone suggested that they weren't, so I asked about it, and indeed, they're not, so they can't run on real Genesis hardware like that person suggested (forgive me for not remembering that person's name in the other thread).


In any case, the two pairs of 2016 AtGames Atari and Sega products should make people happier than usual with their stuff. I can't wait to reveal what they are (although someone usually spots a Toys R Us listing before then), particularly the one thing on the Atari side that fans have been clamoring for for quite some time and I finally got them to see the potential value in.

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You know what'd be cool - a mini 5200. The machine looks nice no matter what size it comes in. With today's SOCs running at a billion GHz and costing pennies on the dollar, power and finance should be no issue.


As a matter of fact. AtGames should re-release all the classic consoles, one by one, every 6 months put one out. And just by "accident" make it easily modded to accept SD "cartridges". Give the modders something to look forward to. You'd have the equivalent of a multi-cart that hooks itself to the TV set. All you'd need is composite a/v out or just even HDMI alone. The circuitry would be optimized for modern display devices and you wouldn't have to fight with rickety barge-like CRTs. And since these are small you could store several them in a desk drawer. Make the feature set consistent across all consoles. Make the packaging consistent. Cover all the 8-bit consoles. Collect them all!


I'm sure this series would stomp all over Chameleon - because for the cost of two Chameleon carts you'd have a classic console replica/replacement. And a whole new generation of classic game enthusiasts would be born.


Hell you could even somehow make small low-capacity micro-sized blank carts. The user flashes his/her own library (or individual game). A 3rd party could come up with a series of downloadable and printable labels (or pre-made stickies) to stick on them. Make the template available free to print your own on sticky-paper. And you use an Exacto to cut and trim along the barely-visible grey outline so thoughtfully provided. When they develop actiplaque years later, you make a new one. If the Flash memory goes bad, you re-do it or get a new one. Mini 3-ring notebooks with custom slots to hold them all! Gold trim accents of course. And you could store your entire cartridge collection in same drawer as the main units.


A whole new breed of collectards can come of it. I can see this now as clear as day..

Edited by Keatah
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The big problem I see with the Chameleon (as an actual product - not bearing in mind it's checkered history to date), is that I can't imagine it being any more than a nostalgia "toy" console, like a Flashback. The reasons the Flashbacks sell, are because they're 1) cheap and 2) self-contained. They're impulse-buy items. Someone walks through a store, sees a familiar game system from their youth, sees the cheap price tag, and all of the built-in games, and thinks, "why not?" Takes it home, plugs it in, plays it for awhile for some nostalgia kicks, and a few months later it ends up in a closet. They're disposable.


But with the Chameleon, being a higher-priced, cartridge-based version of that, I can't see the appeal. Imagine the same customer seeing the Chameleon - probably three or four times the price of a Flashback, with a small handful of cartridges of completely unknown or obscure "not-so-greatest hits" titles that you have to buy separately for maybe another $20 a pop - they'd just shrug and walk on by. And stores aren't going to want to stock cartridges for a nostalgia "toy" console. Just not going to happen. The first question every toy retailer would ask would be, "how come they can't just download games for it?" Nobody wants unsold stock sitting on their shelves, and none of the games in their launch line-up are going to grab the casual shopper's attention, especially since most of them will be on a Flashback sitting a couple of shelves over for a lot less money.

Edited by Nathan Strum
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I have put together resource pages for all of the upcoming launch titles. Check them out for a blast from the past! Game play videos and more. http://www.nintendoloveaffair.com/2016/01/coleco-chameleon-launch-titles-unveiled.html




Not sure the RVGS guys literally intended the video to showcase the offering but hey ;-)


The complete list of 8-bit launch titles includes:
Choplifter - Colecovision
Frenzy - Colecovision
Jumpman Junior - Colecovision
Venture - Colecovision
Pepper II - Colecovision
Montezuma's Revenge - Colecovision
Gateway to Apshai - Colecovision
Armor Battle - Intellivision
Astrosmash - Intellivision
Frog Bog - Intellivision
Shark! Shark! - Intellivision
Space Armada - Intellivison
B-17 Bomber - Intellivision
Night Stalker - Intellivision
Thin Ice - Intellivision
Thunder Castle - Intellivision
Tower of Doom - Intellivision
Utopia - Intellivision

16-bit offerings include (no systems mentioned):
Dorke and Ymp
Iron Commando: Koutetsu No Senshi
Jim Power: The Lost Dimension
Battle Brave Saga
Sydney Hunter: The Cavers of Death
Apocalypse II
Water Margin

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Totally agree with the "have" to purchase cartridges as a downside. Compared to all-in-one "fixed" memory: Cartridges are annoying. Cartridges need separate SKU numbers at retailers. Cartridges are prone to getting lost. Cartridges are added expenses for the consumer. Cartridges can develop connector problems.


You see, back in the day things moved slower and there was less stuff. So people wanted to take the time and collect and build up a library. Cartridges were a new thing. Cartridges represented freedom from the the typical 6-game Pong consoles and TV Scoreboards. Cartridges represented and open future to explore. Because of that we embraced the medium.


Engineers also liked carts, too. At least I think they did. I would have. Engineers had to work within tech limitations. And the one specific limitation which kickstarted the cartridge revolution was was memory cost vs density. Cartridges allowed tiny expensive memory chips to be swapped in and out in a safe manner. Thus expanding the system seemingly forever. Thankfully this is no longer the situation in 2016.


An AtGames console is like a Pong console, but it has modern semiconductors and high-density memory. So you can have a closed cartridge-less Pong console with 100 games. In fact, you could have thousands of games from many systems in one tiny Flashback style unit. Whatever they want to produce.


Cartridges back in the day were a convenience and an enabler. Today they are a burden because other technology has matured to the point we no longer need them. So you see - there is little need for cartridges today. Let alone a whole brand new system. Not in this low-end door-prize market.

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