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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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having the rights to release the games is one thing, but does the world even need these shitty games bundled on a pnp device or a multicart of em. id like to see him get the capital together on his own to make these if he thinks theres a market for it instead of shilling something this crappy on ks. of course, theres no market beyond dipshits wanting to toss their money at it. wheres anyones effort these days. seems eli learned something from mike's mistakes, lol!

...so, your complaint is that he's wanting to sell a legit product that happens to not interest you, and is using a service that was designed to gauge interest in risky, low-volume pet projects?


Basically, he's selling something he totally has the right to sell, and using the Kickstarter platform for exactly what it's intended? This is a problem... Why?

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Some people might not like the idea of crowdfunding to cover manufacturing costs as a kind of pre-order, but the Retro VGS campaign aimed to fund the existence of an entire company and that's completely different.


hahaha, thats essentially the same thing i see eli doing, funding the existence of his entire company by buying up and using shitty ip that others made that isnt worth redistributing, and definitely not for money. lets not be so quick to forget that he was more than willing to work with MK as well. just because he somehow found his way out from under the bus, thats not enough of a reason to give him a free pass on bringing total gaming abominations to market a second time.

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thats not enough of a reason to give him a free pass on bringing total gaming abominations to market a second time.

I don't think there's a free pass being given, it's still different:


The RVGS was a "company" with a bunch of "industry veterans" on roster that were VP of this and that, titles that had nothing to do with what they were supposed to produce, and in the end they had zero to show in terms of hardware and IP other than the infamous molds.


As far as I can tell Piko Interactive gets homebrew and older games and puts then in a cart (and other media e.g. Steam), and has done it before. Whether or not it's worth the asking price is a different matter, but I think what's on offer is very clear and realistic... unlike the RVGS.


If people are willing to buy it, why is it a problem? I don't think anybody is being fooled and a 5s google search will show up AVGN videos. :D

Edited by Newsdee
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Perhaps the patent on the original NES controller, including colour scheme, has expired?


Anyway, so Nintendo will sell a mini NES with 30 of the most popular games for $59, and this is a clone console with 7 of the least popular games for $45, early bird offer $30. Never before has paying twice as much to get a software bundle felt as appropriate.

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Image the disappointed look on some kids face when they say they want a games console and the receive an Arkade from their parents.


I don't think Nintendo will approve that controller design if they see this.

Heh heh

Of course, that won't happen--the bible games will be sold direct, in very limited quantities, only to those who really want them.


I suspect the NES Mini will be an unwanted gift for many kids though. I wonder if they'll still appreciate it?

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I am excited for the Piko fundraiser. Imagine, for example, if someone was able to track down, acquire the IP for, and make official legitimate multicarts for Atari? I'd be interested. This is no different. If you don't want one, don't buy one. As for me, I wonder who holds the rights to Mystique/Playaround...

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I am excited for the Piko fundraiser. Imagine, for example, if someone was able to track down, acquire the IP for, and make official legitimate multicarts for Atari? I'd be interested. This is no different. If you don't want one, don't buy one. As for me, I wonder who holds the rights to Mystique/Playaround...

Hmm Mystique....is it time to revisit the Erotica expo in NYC for a new toy of the year?

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As far as unlicensed games go, Wisdom Tree titles are decent. Sunday Funday aside, they'll stand up to some run-of-the-mill games from licensed developers. A lot of them are done a disservice by being compared to Color Dreams originals.

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shawnphase, there are several points here. The first one is a lesson for you! In the real world there are people, companies and countries

that are exluded from scrutiny. Some people/countries can get away with stuff that others can't. But this isn't something they forced on

others, this is how others chose to treat them. Let's say that Piko made an exact replica of the Retro VGS funding scheme. Same amount of

money etc. Even then, you would not have a leg to stand on when calling him out. A heavier player would have to do it before you, and

when the ball starts rolling, then you can get behind it. It IS a popularity contest. Not one bad word about Ben Heck, but look at forums,

Twitter etc. When he tweets (or posts) something, a LOT of people want to reply/share/acknowledge whatever the statement was. That is

how celebrity status works! Same mechanism as actors letting their political beliefs known - it works! People believe you if you are famous.


The second point is that, the Piko Kickstarter is not comparible with MK's.


Third point, I am getting sick and tired of everybody wanting money. I have listened to a BUNCH of podcasts over the years, and ever since

all this crowdfunding started, half of them are trying their luck at getting money. The same goes for youtubers. I see guys making ONE video,

and then saying that they need money to continue. The crowdfunding idea - while great - is turning into a way to get free money. Nobody really

loses anything (other than small amounts) and one person might make a nice sum of money. So, it is like money that comes from nowhere

and are just generated.



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If you don't like a product, don't buy it. If you don't want to give money to a YouTuber, don't give money. Simple as that. If you don't like what Eli is doing with products he owns, then you may as well start writing angry letters to most of Kickstarter.


Sorry, that was the best response I could come up with, as I kept getting interrupted by facepalms.

Edited by PlaysWithWolves
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