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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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there's some stuff about the OTON creator that seriously makes me question his sanity

Remember, the goal is not to make a video game system that plays itself, or whatever they're claiming in the pitch document.


The goal is to separate some suckers from their money and create sufficient smoke to cover the escape.

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Never played Space Invaders? We might need to revoke your Atari Age membership.


Only the arcade version, didn't have much money when I had the 2600 at the time only played Combat, Air Sea Battle and another one I can't quite remember. Years later I managed to play a bucket (literally the games came in a bucket) of games but none of them stuck with me (maybe Yar's Revenge but I can't say I loved it) as the tech by that time already was more advanced.

Space Invaders being a Taito game I don't feel half as bad of not having played on the 2600 (I love Taito but I like to play on their HW first and foremost).

My serious gaming years really started with a C64 anyway, I had a Sega SC3000 for 6 months before that but returned it.

A friend had an 800XL that I borrowed but it was hard to find games for it in my little town in Europe, in fact he's the only one I know that owned an 800XL which he passed onto me permanently in the late 80s (I still have it).

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He has a picture of the OTON "Ultra" and it's just a small form-factor case that Puget Systems sells on Amazon for $36. You can also buy the Ultra's mobo at Amazon for $192 (it was even listed as "frequently bought together").


I couldn't find the exact unit for the base OTON model, but the case is definitely the same case as used by 2011's Habey EPC-6568S. Specs are different, though.


Reference pic from the KS page:


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VCS Space Invaders is special, you should try it out, especially with a friend. Especially if said friend is 11 years old (or can put him/herself into that state of mind). Be sure to try all the variations and difficulty options. It's really hard with a wide-ass shooter.


All this talk about Coleco and Space Invaders, has gotten

ZAXXON stuck in my head
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The OTON can make a quintillion different games but the chances of one being good is almost zero.


I'm considering ditching the MyGamerArchive video since I don't think the guy is going to retry the campaign and instead make a video about OTON. I've done my own research and there's some stuff about the OTON creator that seriously makes me question his sanity. Not joking there.


Discounting the "he's plain nuts" possibility, which has come up before... (hello nD).. if one wanted to make a continually randomized game, why would one need to make an entire console dedicated to the concept? Nearly every game in existence does this to varying degrees. If you wanted to make a game with a sophisticated random-terrain generator, certainly that's a software solution, not a hardware one? Especially with hardware being as fast as it is these days...

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From the Retro Magazine files...




Cares only about the aesthetics, does not actually use or appreciate the product, just eager to flip it for a "profit".


This person is Mike Kennedy's dream customer. They might actually share DNA.

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I just had the most brilliant idea see you put CD's into cartridges, like old school computer drives...




or more recently sony's UMD format




then we just shove some chitty old pi model A in a jag case, claim it runs carts, and bootleg a bunch of emulators RetroN 5 style, we will be billionaires!!!

Edited by Osgeld
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