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It Will Soon Be Time...

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Eric this is just a little harsh and I say this at the risk of not getting games you have that I would love to buy.


We are lucky to have people releasing items for the Intellivision. Most of these releases we keep pretty secret and we don't share release dates with each other. As we as producers or developers don't know when things might get done :-). While I understand your frustration I don't feel I need to be blamed for this...there is a lot in life I can be held to atone for...but releasing a video game is not one of them.


10 GAMES were released in 2015 for Intellivision. I'd say that would average $60 a month tops based on the release pricing of games. So you have a hobby that costs 2 dollars per day! That is a pretty inexpensive hobby. Now if you are keeping up with all the retro game consoles...seek professional help.


Yes two dollars a day can be a hardship when you have rent to pay, but it is not the fault of those who pay up front to put games out at their own risk.


I'm pretty sure Rev is not using Intellivision game revenue for his IRA plans.


I think this thread is about done. Erik, I hope things get better for you I really do.




Keep in mind that I wouldn't have to sell anything, if it wasn't for this kind of selfish behavior on the part of the game releasers.

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Just a quick thought... If you are here accusing Eric of trolling in this thread you are way off base. He posted about an announcement regarding his collection and that he was giving us the chance to purchase his extras to raise some cash for his situation. He didn't bring up the why or his stance on homebrew release frequency until others started in on him. Sure he replied as the comments came in but that isn't trolling. If the topic of the thread is him selling parts or possibly all of his collection and people are peppering him about his feeling towards new releases, right or wrong, then they are the ones trolling here.


The posts of advice and words of encouragement and understanding are wonderful, especially Rev for being such a good sport. But others taking this moment to kick a fellow collector while he is down, especially given that his loss will potentially be our gain, rings very hollow for us as a community. Regardless of what he may have posted elsewhere, I find the almost immediate jumping all over his views in this unrelated thread to be distasteful.


Eric, while I do not share your views on new releases, I do understand your point of view and don't see a reason to vilify you for it. Maybe you could be a little more tactful in how you express it sometimes but I still do not think you deserve the level of animosity seen in some places here. I hope you save the majority of your collection after selling off your doubles and stay in the community.

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Just a quick thought... If you are here accusing Eric of trolling in this thread you are way off base. He posted about an announcement regarding his collection and that he was giving us the chance to purchase his extras to raise some cash for his situation. He didn't bring up the why or his stance on homebrew release frequency until others started in on him. Sure he replied as the comments came in but that isn't trolling. If the topic of the thread is him selling parts or possibly all of his collection and people are peppering him about his feeling towards new releases, right or wrong, then they are the ones trolling here.


The posts of advice and words of encouragement and understanding are wonderful, especially Rev for being such a good sport. But others taking this moment to kick a fellow collector while he is down, especially given that his loss will potentially be our gain, rings very hollow for us as a community. Regardless of what he may have posted elsewhere, I find the almost immediate jumping all over his views in this unrelated thread to be distasteful.


Eric, while I do not share your views on new releases, I do understand your point of view and don't see a reason to vilify you for it. Maybe you could be a little more tactful in how you express it sometimes but I still do not think you deserve the level of animosity seen in some places here. I hope you save the majority of your collection after selling off your doubles and stay in the community.


Thank you, Hat. This is my favorite post of all-time, directed to me, on this forum.

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I see the problem right there. Female lions doesn't have long hair... so to the ark are aboarding two MALE lions... :lol:


Just making matters clear :P


And yet... they were able to re-populate the Earth with lions after the flood! :o

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Interesting line of discussion... the reaction to the financial inability to maintain a complete collection. I had that reaction years ago when collecting PC 3D First Person Shooters or "DooM-a-Likes", from the 90's. When I realized that collecting "all" PC First Person Shooters and their add-ons" impractical to me, I changed. I already had hundreds, and I am actually a gamer far more than a collector. I collect to play. The change I made was to alter the approach or scope of my collecting... to Boxed titles only.

This was far easier than I had thought when I realized how silly being a completist really is to me. I suppose if that is the only aspect someone enjoyed, then it is... but in the end, it is just a choice.


Unfortunate to hear of someone leaving the sport because they can't win... I don't have to win anymore, playing is enough. :)


I am glad to hear there is so many new releases. :)



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