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It Will Soon Be Time...

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So now we have a good argument for why I SHOULDN'T sell. Yes, I would be very miserable. Damn... this is getting more and more complicated.

The collection is clearly important to you ...most people don't announce, that they're going to announce, that they're going to sell, maybe. For financial reasons but also spite. You seem very conflicted but the "community," doesn't make this call, you do. This is your decision and none of our business.


You can probably get more money in the future once this rough patch passes. It's just money.


You can definitely live without your Intellivision collection, duplicates or not, complete or not. They're just old games.

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Guess what I did with the boxes? Tossed them. It's about fun for me and not having and extra shelf of stuff to dust.



Ya know, funny story there...


A bunch of years back, I had an absolute ton of spare Inty boxes. Mostly common games of course, but some of the Imagic stuff, things like that. And because I wasn't heavily exactly loaded with shelf space, I tossed a lot. Again, mostly the more damaged ones, but probably a couple dozen pretty nearly mint boxes. Because it's just cardboard, and millions of these exist.


Years later, I'm starting to feel a bit bad about that, realizing just how easy it was to find them 20 years ago compared to today. Buuuuuuuut then I come here, and I see people taking old games by the hundreds, and destroying them simply to reclaim a plastic shell for use in new homebrew. And this mostly gets a nod and a wink from the community.


Toss out perfectly good, working games? Sure! There are millions after all! But throw out boxes? Scandalous! :lol: Sometimes I think we're all a bit looney tunes about this hobby (myself very much included).

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Yes, I'm very guilty of that...only so much room in my humble home. Out of my 700ish empty shells I'll bet 250 came with boxes. I regret the few "For Color TV Only" ones I thought I had set aside. So I am guilty of criminal behavior but am reformed now.

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The collection is clearly important to you ...most people don't announce, that they're going to announce, that they're going to sell, maybe. For financial reasons but also spite. You seem very conflicted but the "community," doesn't make this call, you do. This is your decision and none of our business.


You can probably get more money in the future once this rough patch passes. It's just money.


You can definitely live without your Intellivision collection, duplicates or not, complete or not. They're just old games.


Obviously, I have a lot to think about...

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Ya know, funny story there...


A bunch of years back, I had an absolute ton of spare Inty boxes. Mostly common games of course, but some of the Imagic stuff, things like that. And because I wasn't heavily exactly loaded with shelf space, I tossed a lot. Again, mostly the more damaged ones, but probably a couple dozen pretty nearly mint boxes. Because it's just cardboard, and millions of these exist.


Years later, I'm starting to feel a bit bad about that, realizing just how easy it was to find them 20 years ago compared to today. Buuuuuuuut then I come here, and I see people taking old games by the hundreds, and destroying them simply to reclaim a plastic shell for use in new homebrew. And this mostly gets a nod and a wink from the community.


Toss out perfectly good, working games? Sure! There are millions after all! But throw out boxes? Scandalous! :lol: Sometimes I think we're all a bit looney tunes about this hobby (myself very much included).


I understand what you mean but in reality the boxes are far more rare than the carts even for common games. Half the boxes never made it out of the 80s when they were new as they got tossed right after they were originally purchased. The rest, being made of flimsy cardboard, simply don't hold up across 30-40 years compared to the hard plastic of the carts. If you think about it, it's amazing we have as much of these 35 year old cardboard boxes as we do.


I do wince a little at the thought of old game boards being scrapped just for their shells but we're talking about several hundred to a couple thousand or so compared to the millions of Blackjack and Space Battle carts that were produced, among other very common titles, so it's hardly even making a dent. And even then it gives us new games for our systems so the case can be made that it's more recycled than scrapped and helping the product live beyond just the collectible aspect and becoming a living system again. The boxes are much more finite in nature and a far more limited resource.


But I admit this entire post should be taken with a big grain of salt coming from a guy who's motto is "...and boxes for all!" :)

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Yes, I'm very guilty of that...only so much room in my humble home. Out of my 700ish empty shells I'll bet 250 came with boxes. I regret the few "For Color TV Only" ones I thought I had set aside. So I am guilty of criminal behavior but am reformed now.


You didn't know it but you've already made amends. Some of the boxes you've sent me have already been paired with spare games and paperwork and sent to some new Intellivision collectors to kickstart their collections. So you are absolved, lol

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if you are really this far in debt selling your collection that you are very passionate about is not getting you out of the hole. in my opinion.


since the recession of 2007/8 and really up to now, i know of ALOT of people that had to start over. bancruptcy. there isnt no shame in it any more i think.


at one point since then i had no job or house and was living with in laws.


time to re-think your situation and take action. and stop blaming us innocent homebrewers.

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Technically you're a selfish publisher. Homebrewers are just trying to write games, you're the evil bastard who forces people to exchange money against their will.

Settle down, CMart will add you to the list of people lining up to punch Rev in the nuts...

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if you are really this far in debt selling your collection that you are very passionate about is not getting you out of the hole. in my opinion.


since the recession of 2007/8 and really up to now, i know of ALOT of people that had to start over. bancruptcy. there isnt no shame in it any more i think.


at one point since then i had no job or house and was living with in laws.


time to re-think your situation and take action. and stop blaming us innocent homebrewers.


Everybody's situation is different...

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Everybody's situation is different...

Different.....but more alike than you may want to believe.


It all comes down to simple math and pride.


Not knowing when to give pride up and be shamed and start your financial future over at ground zero.


Talk to an accountant or lawyer. I bet they will advise you to bankrupt.


Oh well. Stay in horrible debt and keep stressing out and be miserable.


I don't want to hear a peep when I start announcing multiple releases very soon.

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I don't want to hear a peep when I start announcing multiple releases very soon.


You will "hear a peep" because there is no Earth-shattering reason why all those MULTIPLE releases can't be spread out. Multiple releases over multiple years is perfectly fine. If you disagree, then YOU'RE the one with the problem. Because you're wrong. There is no reason why they can't be spread out. NONE. NONE. NONE.


You, and YOU ALONE, are driving me away from the Intellivision scene, which was once a passion of mine. Because I can't keep up with you. Every time I think I'll try to retain my collection, you make announcements like this, and I literally get sick to the stomach, man... and then I'm just ready to give up (once again) on maintaining any sort of Intellivision collection.


The more impossible you make it for me, the more I fall deeper into that black hole of depression. Thanks a lot, Rev. Thanks a f'ing lot.


P.S. - PLEASE don't even bother to reply to this post. I don't want to hear about your insistence that your current "multiple releases" schedule HAS to be. Because it doesn't. PERIOD.

Edited by Eric7100
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Eric, I'v mentioned it before, and I'll say it again:

You can't control other people. You can only control the way you react to a person.

You have at least two options... 1) blame Rev, and make an ass of yourself by doing it publicly; 2) Let it go, make peace with that decision, and don't make an ass of yourself.

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If a homebrew situation is the root of the problem, do what I did. Keep your "old" games and sell off all your homebrews. And don't buy any new ones. Though my reason for doing so was different, the end result made me happier. Collecting certainly isn't something that should ever really cause someone that much stress, or worse.

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If a homebrew situation is the root of the problem, do what I did. Keep your "old" games and sell off all your homebrews. And don't buy any new ones. Though my reason for doing so was different, the end result made me happier. Collecting certainly isn't something that should ever really cause someone that much stress, or worse.

Maybe only buy the homebrews that you would actually enjoy playing?

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You will "hear a peep" because there is no Earth-shattering reason why all those MULTIPLE releases can't be spread out. Multiple releases over multiple years is perfectly fine. If you disagree, then YOU'RE the one with the problem. Because you're wrong. There is no reason why they can't be spread out. NONE. NONE. NONE.


You, and YOU ALONE, are driving me away from the Intellivision scene, which was once a passion of mine. Because I can't keep up with you. Every time I think I'll try to retain my collection, you make announcements like this, and I literally get sick to the stomach, man... and then I'm just ready to give up (once again) on maintaining any sort of Intellivision collection.


The more impossible you make it for me, the more I fall deeper into that black hole of depression. Thanks a lot, Rev. Thanks a f'ing lot.


P.S. - PLEASE don't even bother to reply to this post. I don't want to hear about your insistence that your current "multiple releases" schedule HAS to be. Because it doesn't. PERIOD.

I've just made some behind the scene deals to secure teenage programmers from china. They can churn out 1 game every other month. So ive hired 4 people. This will really get production going nice and fast. :-)
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You can't control other people.


True, but other people should be able to control themselves. Obviously, Rev can't control himself, in terms of his "fantasy need" to churn out new releases so quickly. Which is equally sad... that he thinks it HAS to be this way.

Edited by Eric7100
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You mean it's sad that he doesn't agree exactly with the way you want games to be released? If he did that then I would be upset. Are your wishes more important than mine? Or are both of our desires absolutely irrelevant and the only thing that matters is what Rev wants to do with his releases and if you and I don't like it we are free to release our own games at whatever pace and price that suits us best. Just sayin.

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