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Super Pro Baseball by Intelligentvision coming soon

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I am planning on releasing Super Pro Baseball very soon. It will *not* be released CIB but I will offer it as a game board only (no cart shell) and as a ROM. This version of the game is my interpretation of a better Championship Baseball. I find Championship Baseball too easy to play and tried to adjust play to make the game more challenging and enjoyable. I am considering adding a few more options but am happy with the state the game is in. It has already been two years since the game was completed and it is time to release it.


Major diffrences in this version are:


; - The game stats are displayed by pressing ENTER and cleared by hitting CLEAR
; - Left side button restores location of player, right side button sets new location
; - The computer hits more flies than line drives and even less bunts
; - The computer pitches more fast balls
; - There are 5 different speeds of slow pitches and 5 different speeds of fast pitches
; - The winner is displayed when the game ends
; - There are no level choices to the game. There is only fast speed play!
; - The STRIKE and BALL message shows how many
; - Players are positioned in different locations. Can still be moved by the player
; - 1,2, and computer played are selected by using the keypad on the title screen
; - The success rate of hitting a homerun is lower
; - Runner keeps running and turns around when the baseman catches the ball
; - Computer hits more often
; - Computer will only steal when a player does not have the ball
; - Music added to title screen and when a home run is hit

You can see a video of the game at:




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Very cool!


With regard to all the computer AI changes you've made, how is the 2 player mode? Do you still have the ability to speed up or slow down / curve pitches once they are in motion? Are home runs also less likely with 2 players?


Thanks, Dave.




Sent from my Intellivision ECS using Intelli-Tapatalk

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I Would not be surprised if somebody is already working on a box, label, and manual design for aftermarket sales. ;-)

I will be fine with the pcb only.


And that is coming from a "hardcore" Cib fan!


If this goes well maybe we can convince Intvdave to finish Shark shark, and Biplanes, and Mystic Castle on a board as well. :-)


I'd still like a racing game that doesn't suck on Intv. Auto Racing isn't very good. Turbo and Pole Position are average I guess. Bump N Jump is actually fun. But the game that controls the best to me is still Mad drivin!

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With regard to all the computer AI changes you've made, how is the 2 player mode? Do you still have the ability to speed up or slow down / curve pitches once they are in motion? Are home runs also less likely with 2 players?


Sent from my Intellivision ECS using Intelli-Tapatalk


The pitch is to fast to really change direction. I know I have seen the feature before but I just tried it and there is not enough time for the pitch to change direction. Yes, home runs are less likely with 2 players. Another feature is that the ball does *not* bounce off the wall anymore. I say it gets stuck on the wall.


It is a shame you are not using your ECS keyboad using the Ultimate Interface :)

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