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Nintendo Classic Mini announced

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Player One Podcast discussed Nintendo's retail strategy (or lack thereof) this week:



Some good talk about how this went down. Two main schools of thought:


a. It was done deliberately to drive up demand so they sell big on Black Friday and afterwards

(but then, why no pre-ordering? Because it was a toy launch, not a new system?)


b. They really didn't anticipate demand to be so high, especially since these are old games readily available on Virtual Console, where they don't sell that much

(but surely they could read all the hype they were generating?)

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Player One Podcast discussed Nintendo's retail strategy (or lack thereof) this week:



Some good talk about how this went down. Two main schools of thought:


a. It was done deliberately to drive up demand so they sell big on Black Friday and afterwards

(but then, why no pre-ordering? Because it was a toy launch, not a new system?)


b. They really didn't anticipate demand to be so high, especially since these are old games readily available on Virtual Console, where they don't sell that much

(but surely they could read all the hype they were generating?)




I have a great deal of difficulty with the second possibility. To explain why, I will plug what we know about the mini into a Multivector Y-Axis Statistical Set (MYASS).


Let's say that Nintendo is making $20 profit on each Mini sold. I don't know if that's the case, I just pulled it out of MYASS. Then, let's say that Nintendo intends to make $20,000,000 from this product alone. Again, I have no data on that, I just pulled it out of MYASS. That means they need to make a million units. And they need to SELL a million units. They don't get the ROI they want unless they produce the units and put them in customers' hands... so even if they underestimate demand, it's to their benefit to produce the units ANYWAY because you can't sell a unit that doesn't exist.


Maybe Nintendo doesn't plan to sell a million units. Maybe it's only 500,000. Point stays the same: if those units don't find their way to store shelves, they don't sell, Nintendo takes a loss. Once they've committed to making the product, there's no benefit to conservative production quantities, especially when your per-unit cost is so low.


I'm strongly inclined to think that this is a buzz-builder for the holiday shopping season. The first batch gets the word out, then the market gets flooded in the second or third week of December. I might, possibly, be able to accept the idea that Nintendo did this as a stopgap measure in case the Mini didn't sell well. Release enough to test demand, and if demand is very low, get the data back in time to stop production on the big December batch of units and prevent the loss on those. That makes some sense.


But yeah, Nintendo might be eccentric, but they are NOT dumb. To make their money, they need giant batches of these things.

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As far as I understand, the Famicom Mini was introduced far later than the NES version. Could it be so that Nintendo at first didn't plan to make a device for the domestic market, but due to popular demand changed their mind and released that one too? It would at least make a small dent in production capacity for the NES Classic Mini. Also it was just recently that production of the Wii U was closed, supposedly to free resources for the upcoming Switch, but then again I'm not sure that the Mini devices are manufactured in the same places and with the same production capacities as the Wii U, Switch and of course handheld devices are.


If though the theory is correct that Nintendo will flood the market by Black Friday and all the way to Christmas, they likely will want to expediate remaining preorders around the world too, as a nice surprise to those who have been told to wait 4-6 months for delivery. Otherwise there will be a lot of outcry - perhaps not in America but elsewhere - that Nintendo treats their customers differently depending where they live.

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If though the theory is correct that Nintendo will flood the market by Black Friday and all the way to Christmas, they likely will want to expediate remaining preorders around the world too, as a nice surprise to those who have been told to wait 4-6 months for delivery. Otherwise there will be a lot of outcry - perhaps not in America but elsewhere - that Nintendo treats their customers differently depending where they live.


Sadly, it wouldn't be the first time.

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That isn't Wal-mart's price, that's "Toymantime, LLC's" price, whoever they are. Wal-mart's website includes listings from other sellers, like Amazon.com does. I believe you can filter the search to only include products sold by Wal-mart.


I know that but it used to say coming soon. Now this is the only deal. They don't even have the old page anymore.

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He made a counter of $1000.00. I responded with $75 again

He UPPED it to $10,000


What a f-nut


I declined with a message saying that he's insane, and I'll get one when Nintendo floods the market with these.

Edited by Inky
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I'm not exactly sure how it works (and not even saying this is an example), but based on past experiences I think Wal-Mart has some deals whereby other distributors/suppliers/dealers are having their products show up as available from WalMart.com. My search history was at one point making it look like Walmart was selling: Parts for my Frenzy machine, Stern Pinball games/parts, and $5,000 American Made B.C. Rich guitars...But I'm pretty sure Wal-Mart was not the one filling those orders...

Its just like Amazon marketplace sellers, they are merchants that list and sell their goods on Wal-Mart's site, you should see an option to filter them in or out. Everybody's on this type of bandwagon these days, newegg, Best buy etc.

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Speaking of Console launches and hot toys every Christmas season I fear there will be a mass shooting at some retailer the result of people fighting over new consoles or hot toys. I hope I am wrong ,but I fear the isles are gonna run red someday.

What do you mean "someday"? There's violence during Christmas shopping every year. Gunfire would just be a new twist.

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What do you mean "someday"? There's violence during Christmas shopping every year. Gunfire would just be a new twist.

I heard years ago there was a drive by shooting aimed at people waiting outside a Walmart for PS3 or Xbox 360 consoles. This all because stupid retailers took a Christan holiday and flushed it down the toilet by turning it into a commercialized nightmare.

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I heard years ago there was a drive by shooting aimed at people waiting outside a Walmart for PS3 or Xbox 360 consoles. This all because stupid retailers took a Christan holiday and flushed it down the toilet by turning it into a commercialized nightmare.

Indeed. But those retailers could not have done that if the consumers weren't willing to act like animals in pursuit of getting a better deal (or sometimes, just the mere bragging rights). We blame retailers for the commercialization of the holidays, but they get their power (and more to the point, their profit) from us. And until we can convince people that beating the snot out of each other isn't worth saving $20, it'll continue.


Which is why I never leave the house on Black Friday and do 99% of my holiday shopping online. It makes me one less person in the frenzy.

Edited by godslabrat
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He UPPED it to $10,000


What a f-nut


I declined with a message saying that he's insane, and I'll get one when Nintendo floods the market with these.

If it's the same guy who was offering a "free" Mini for $20,000 to help pay off his student loan debt, I used the "ask a question" form to suggest he start a GoFundMe account! :rolling:

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