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2017 Flashback FAQ and Speculation Thread

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The comments are always the same basic type no matter where you look:


- AtGames' products have bad sound so this will have bad sound

- AtGames sucks

- Why does Sega still let AtGames make these?

- The game list sucks

- You can do this on x, so why buy this?

- I still have my originalGenesismodelx so I don't need this

- etc.


The game list they show is more or less accurate, by the way, although, besides not spelling out the specific games in a series, it is missing a few of the first party inclusions (some of which are quite good). Also, just a heads-up, but only the portable has the cool third party stuff on it. Don't ask me why.


EDIT: The original French article they used as their source actually has a far more accurate list.

Edited by BillLoguidice
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The original French article they used as their source actually has a far more accurate list.



That would be this. Does this include "cool third party stuff?" Because Mortal Kombat isn't cool, even when listed twice.


Liste des jeux inclus (liste non définitive) :

  • Mortal Kombat I, II, III
  • Virtua Fighter 2
  • Altered Beast
  • Phantasy Star series
  • Sonic Series
  • Golden Axe
  • Mortal Kombat
  • Phantasy Star IV
  • Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
  • Sonic & Knuckles
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
  • Alien Storm
  • Altered Beast
  • Arrow Flash
  • Bonanza Bros.
  • Chakan: The Forever Man
  • Columns
  • Columns III
  • ComixZone
  • Crack Down
  • DecapAttack
  • Dr. Robotnik’sMean Bean Machine
  • ESWAT: City Under Siege
  • Eternal Champions
  • Fatal Labyrinth
  • Flicky
  • Gain Ground
  • Golden Axe II
  • Golden Axe III
  • Jewel Master
  • Kid Chameleon
  • Phantasy Star II
  • Phantasy Star III
  • Ristar
  • Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
  • Sonic Spinball
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  • Sonic 3D Blast
  • Sword of Vermilion
  • The Ooze
  • Vectorman
  • Vectorman2
  • Virtua Fighter 2
  • Shining Force: the Legacy of Great Intention
  • Shining Force II: the Ancient Seal
  • Shining in the Darkness
  • Super Thunder Blade
  • Mortal Kombat II
  • Mortal Kombat 3
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That would be this. Does this include "cool third party stuff?" Because Mortal Kombat isn't cool, even when listed twice.


Liste des jeux inclus (liste non définitive) :


No. Like I said, only the portable is getting the never-seen-on-an-AtGames-system third party stuff. The software mixes between the form factors are quite different this year. It's probably a way to try and add more value/interest to the portables. On the Atari side, there's only one significant difference with what's on the portable, although it will still have quite a few less games than the console(s).

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No. Like I said, only the portable is getting the never-seen-on-an-AtGames-system third party stuff. The software mixes between the form factors are quite different this year. It's probably a way to try and add more value/interest to the portables. On the Atari side, there's only one significant difference with what's on the portable, although it will still have quite a few less games than the console(s).


With an SD card slot, the portable should be able to run just about everything. It would be super nice if save states worked on SD games. I'm excited, as September is only 5 months away, and I'll have yet another way to play 30yo games. ;-)

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Did they fix the terrible sound issues? That is the #1 thing stopping me from buying their Genesis products. Some of the best 16-bit chiptunes and the AtGames in it's current state is a complete butchery of classic composers work. Imagine if you paid good money for symphony tickets and went to hear Beethoven in concert, but all the instruments were tuned incorrectly or the musicians just played them very badly.

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Did they fix the terrible sound issues? That is the #1 thing stopping me from buying their Genesis products. Some of the best 16-bit chiptunes and the AtGames in it's current state is a complete butchery of classic composers work. Imagine if you paid good money for symphony tickets and went to hear Beethoven in concert, but all the instruments were tuned incorrectly or the musicians just played them very badly.


The SD version will likely be the same. The HD products are both on different hardware/software from the SD stuff, so no issues with audio (not sure if any other issues will crop up yet, but if so, they'll be different issues).

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Well, technically Vectorman and Shining Force are third party games (second party?).


Second party, although that term is not really used much. Regardless, Sega owns the rights to them and originally published them under their own name, so it's OK to consider it first party.


There's not much for third party on the Sega consoles this year. The nifty (at least to me) third party stuff is on the portable.

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Have to say the HD versions are shaping up to be pretty cool. I love how far we've come since the original Atari Flashback.



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I agree. I can remember seeing the earlier Flashbacks in Sam's many years ago. While I am still have a few reservations, what At Games has done and appears to be doing looks good thus far. I am really looking forward to seeing the new products this year, that is for sure!

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I agree. I can remember seeing the earlier Flashbacks in Sam's many years ago. While I am still have a few reservations, what At Games has done and appears to be doing looks good thus far. I am really looking forward to seeing the new products this year, that is for sure!

Fix the audio in the Genesis hardware. That alone would be worth the purchase price, HD or not.

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The SD version will likely be the same. The HD products are both on different hardware/software from the SD stuff, so no issues with audio (not sure if any other issues will crop up yet, but if so, they'll be different issues).

So I assume the Sega portable is an "SD version" and will still have broken audio?

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Sorry I missed this thread.


I've wanted to like the Sega handheld going back probably 7-8 years whenever that first black/orange one showed up with the SD card slot. I've tried out that old one and then the MK unit from a year back. NO need to go into the audio and no game saving, pointless as it's all well known.


I don't believe the system deserves the crap it gets and continues to do so for a degree. Yes the audio isn't awesome, and the game saving isn't going to bother most anyway, but those who would care aren't blind or illiterate and can pick this up on the web very easily so there's no buyer beware involved as your random store walk in won't remember or even know better the audio is off in most of any of it (aside from maybe how bad Sonic can get.)


I'd love to support ATGames again, but now there is that question looming if they're doing two basic sets of hardware between the handheld and what looks to be an epic well done HD console, there's a concern. I don't want nor need another device on my TV as ROOM is just about gone as it stands for me. I've got a slot left, rather save it for something, and depending how that handheld works out or not I could just see bypassing the Genesis as I don't want to own carts again and I'd rather toss the Retron5 on ebay and go with a Retrofreak in that case as it gets the SD card loading I'd like (just no portability.)


If this 2017 model handheld cleans up the following I'm a buyer: Correct Audio, All Save format support, and typical Firecore game breaking glitches squashed (like Contra Stage1 BG not scrolling.)


After that it's just fluff to me that would be pleasing more or less. If it did what the NES CE does with 4 hot saves a game, a far better smoother to use basic menu system, and a few optional things like potential screen sizes/scanlines I'd be surprised and happy. The SD thing, that clears the rest of any care I'd have because my Genesis tastes were a little off as I never was huge on their first party stuff by and large. A few sure like PStar4, Sonic Spinball, Alisia Dragoon (yeah I know), occasionally Sonic 2, and a few others. I mostly got into what Capcom and Konami brought to the table along with the PC conversion games of Dune (RTS) and Star Control, plus the arcade/neo geo level platformers/shooters/fighters type stuff. If I could throw just 20-30 games on a SD card and they worked like a legit cart at the minimum accurately I'm there, so there.


I probably shouldn't toss it in there as I don't see it, but SVP support as I still for some dumb reason prefer Virtua Racing on Genesis but that's a dream really.

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I probably shouldn't toss it in there as I don't see it, but SVP support as I still for some dumb reason prefer Virtua Racing on Genesis but that's a dream really.

That's because it's neat. I like it too. It runs fine on android and iOS emulators ...but if we were gonna get SVP support, I'd want 32X support too, because it's fancier. I'm 99.999999% certain we won't get either from AtGames in 2017, though.

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Virtua Racing is a fine tech demo in my book. I have the original cart so I can play it anytime. It's passable as a racing game but IMO hasn't aged well. I think if Sega had gone the Super FX route by adding the SVP/Virtua CPU in more game carts instead of going "full goiter" with the 32X add-on, they may have fared better late 4th gen going into the 3D era.


It just feels as though the current AtGames implementation of the Genesis is piss, considering the nearly flawless effort with Retrobit's Super Retro Trio on the Genesis and SNES fronts. It even plays Master system games, though Virtua Racing is still bust on it (which can be fixed by adding a simple jumper wire to the cartridge port).


With audio and proper game saving as Tanooki addressed, I think an Atgames Genesis product would be awesome, especially if I could run my Everdrive on the portable unit. Fantasy I know as the portables don't have cart slots, but a Nomad replacement (the Retro Duo Portable with Genny adapter doesn't count) would be epic! :lust:

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