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New Atari Console that Ataribox?


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3 hours ago, LoonyLucas said:

The xxxtra hot its a redish brown, but not bright red.  I think the green label is just behind the xxxtra hot in terms of heat level.  All are delicious though.

See I thought the bright red may have been hotter than the green. Need to track down the black and exxtra then.

3 hours ago, PlaysWithWolves said:


Ooh, a fellow smoker.  What do you use?

I currently have an 18" Weber Smokey Mountain ("bullet").   I know it's heresy, but I've been flirting with getting either a gas or pellet one instead.

A GMC pellet. I love it. Fit 10lbs of pork rib pieces. I could probably easy do two whole turkeys. Last time I did pork butt I did two whole ones at once and could have squeezed one more on.

3 hours ago, LoonyLucas said:

For sure.  Those are hot.  But the hottest hauce sauce ive ever had was Dave's Insanity Sauce.  After about about dipping 15 chips, i started getting a headache.  I make a decent chile rojo, if anyone is looking for a recipe, ill happily share mine.


I will have to look up that sauce too. I'd be interested in the recipe if you want to give it. That looks good.

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6 minutes ago, The Historian said:

We sometines smoke ribs in our oven using tea leaves, specifically Lapsang Souchong.


Ooh, never heard of doing that.  Could be nice to try during cold weather.  Thanks!


8 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

A GMC pellet. I love it. Fit 10lbs of pork rib pieces. I could probably easy do two whole turkeys. Last time I did pork butt I did two whole ones at once and could have squeezed one more on.


Nice!  I once smoked 40lbs of pork butt, but now I'll often do 10lbs pork and a small beef brisket at the same time.  


Now I'm hungry for smoked pork or beef tacos. ?

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7 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

I will have to look up that sauce too. I'd be interested in the recipe if you want to give it. That looks good.

Yeah, its pretty easy!


Here's another time i made it.  Basically you need 1 or 2 onions, 1 or 2 (or more depending on how garlicy you want it) whole cloves of garlic, tomatoes (depending on the size, ill use 2 or 3 heirloom or 6 to 7 roma.  Roma work well because they have more flesh and less moisture), dried arbol or california chiles, peppers for heat ( i use a mixture of jalapeno and habanero or jalapeno and "diablo peppers" which i find at a local farmers market).  Ive used birds eye chiles, but you need a bunch, and stemming them can be a pain in the ass.  Also you need 2 or 3 limes.  De-seed the California or arbol dried peppers.  Soak them in boiled water for 10 or 15 mins, then strain the water. You roast everything  (except the limes) or char them on a cast iron pan. The galic you can roast whole or take out the individual pieces and roast. After they are charred to your liking, throw the onions, peppers, hydrated chiles, garlic and tomatoes into a blender.  Add salt and pepper (to your liking).  Squeeze the limes into the blender and blend it all up!  Add more lime juice, salt and pepper to taste and that's it.  You can freeze it if you want and it should last a while, otherwise, toss into mason jars and you got yourself some good chile rojo.


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15 minutes ago, godslabrat said:

As someone who has significant French ancestry, I fully reserve the right to make fun of any cheese-eating surrender monkeys I happen to see. 

I do the same with with Mexicans, but i look so damn white, i just end up looking racist.  But once they taste my salsa, they know I'm legit.  iOrale!


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1 minute ago, hizzy said:

Saw this on bleeding cool:




I've never played Fortnite. Is this a good thing for the VCS?

I guess it's not a bad thing... but you can play Fortnite on an abacus if you try hard enough.

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27 minutes ago, hizzy said:

I've never played Fortnite. Is this a good thing for the VCS?

Fortnite has been around for years and is already available on just about every game platform you can name.  Once again, even if it delivers everything that is being promisedwhich is a big "if," given the poor track record of everyone involved"that Ataribox?" offers absolutely nothing that you can't already get elsewhere, more conveniently and for less money.

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42 minutes ago, godslabrat said:

As someone who has significant French ancestry, I fully reserve the right to make fun of any cheese-eating surrender monkeys I happen to see. 

As someone who is actually French, I accept that overweight gun toting flag waivers have the right to make jokes. 

You're all just jealous of the cheese anyway ;)

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12 minutes ago, Zor said:

As someone who is actually French, I accept that overweight gun toting flag waivers have the right to make jokes. 

You're all just jealous of the cheese anyway ;)

Darn right I'm jealous of the cheese. Best thing France ever did.  Well, that and they decided to stop pissing off the Germans.

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I am mixed, and I speak French, should I be more, or less offended at Cheesehead and his antics?
Naw, I'll just call him out on his douchbaggery behavior just like any other skeezy weezy.
I am stuck inside, big snowstorm started 2 hours ago, "Gee! I wish I had an Atari VCS to keep me occupied right now!" :D
-said nobody.

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So I only check in on this taco-flavored mess sparingly... but with the latest news, I must tip my hat to the VCS crew. They have completely surpassed my expectations. Honestly... I never thought this would get past concept art! The fact that there's actual units now is a lot more than I ever thought we'd get!?


Sorry to interrupt- back to hot sauce...

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^ Don't give them too much credit, had Mike Kennedy actually had a successful backing, he too would have got the millions of dollars. Do not forget, Mike actually STARTED with the case mold, so that is more than what Atari had. I am surprised that a computer render was all that was needed to get the VCS backing. I am guessing the Atari name and that shill pitch video with fake demo mattered to people more than the Coleco name with a video of some dude at a kitchen table moving a mouse around.

So what sells more? S3X or Nostalgia?

Answer: Tacos, HA! that was a trick question class dismissed.

Edited by OCAT
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12 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

I say we should spend money on tacos. They are delicious.


BTW anyone had this hot sauce? I've had the red version and thought it was okay. Was wondering if this might be hotter as the red just didn't do it.



It's probably too mild for you but since I can't handle spice well at all (despite liking it), there's this local chili sauce I found that just seems to have a damn good flavour. It's hotter than the most basic hot sauces you can buy, but I've had hotter (asking for "hot" when getting Thai is usually a mistake).  


It's something like Bull's Chili Sauce, with the joke being that you need balls to handle it. Or something like that. I think I have some left so I'll get a photo later if I remember. 

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I'm just going to leave this here for anyone who wants it: a PC that's better-specced than the VCS which you can build yourself right now for about the same price. Grab an Xbox One controller with a wireless adapter for ~$70 (or buy a cheap Bluetooth adapter and save ~$20), and it ends up cheaper than the VCS + accessories. Slap an Atari logo sticker on the front (should be easy to get on eBay or Aliexpress), and you've outdone Atari.




It's a bit bigger than the VCS - mini-ATX is the best we can do without custom boards or spending more - but it should work better.


Since I know there's at least one person here who wanted the VCS so they could have a PC (they know who they are), this would be a better option. It's not using an embedded CPU, so it'll actually be capable of running without choking itself, and it leaves one RAM slot free if you want to upgrade in the future, with one populated with faster RAM than the VCS will undoubtedly offer.


You could also spend another ~$10 and [url=https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Cmk7vW]get the 3200G instead[/url] (much better, but you'll need to ask the seller to upgrade the motherboard BIOS before shipping, else it won't work - places like Microcenter should do this for you).


You can also swap out some parts to get even cheaper-quality parts and lower the price, but I wouldn't go much lower than I have here.


All in all, you'll spend less after buying controllers, and about the same beforehand. You do lose out on built-in WiFi and Bluetooth but you can always buy a wireless card to solve that issue. 


There are, of course, dozens of other options available (and not all are listed on PCPartPicker, at least not with prices). I might even have a couple of spare Windows keys if anyone builds something like this and needs one.


Honestly, I wish that if people wanted a PC, they'd just ask people who know stuff about PCs to help them build one within their budget, instead of giving money to scumbag scammers like Atari SA. And if anyone wants said help, I'm happy to give it.



More importantly, chilli sauce:

(I know it's technically not hot sauce, but it's great on meat anyway, and I guarantee it'll make for killer tacos, so I'd say it's relevant to the discussion).




Questionable grammar aside, the label is one of the best parts.

It reads:


My Mum once told me, 'never judge a book by its cover' ..and of course, we all listen to our Mum, so true when its comes to trying some of these 'load of bull' foods. We at Palat a bull are proud to work alongside some premium New Zealand producers in presenting to your willing discerning palate, this quality innovative palat a bull sauce.

This 'lord of the ring' chilli sauce was tested on Bulls... 'what a load of Bull' actually the sauce was tested in Bulls on friends and family, some of whom are still my friends, I mean only some, family, well, you are stuck with them. (but we're not talking)
So anyway, after what seemed like a Bull ring trial, our team of enterprising New Zealanders created this Bulls eye chilly sauce complete with bulls eye..chillies, no not actual bull eyes..but made from finest NZ ingredients. This sauce will add a dimension to any meal....
Enjoy a bull...the jury are still in deliberation on this."


(Not much left, so hard to get a good shot of this... plus the lighting sucks in that part of the kitchen so I screwed up the focus).

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16 hours ago, LoonyLucas said:

Not from where I'm standing.


But i didnt come here to argue.  I came here to fling shit and throw rocks at the moon.




Hey, that's all good and all ... but I noticed you ramping it up a bit too soon mate.  Take it back a gear and lower your defensive shields a little, especially being new here amongst some grumpy old men, me included ?.   Many of the backers pigeons (just a jovial description we've been using for ages here, at your expense ??) really don't understand what this thread is all about.  But as you can see from the replies since you arrived, it's pretty clear.

The noise from this thread is mainly about shit-house Ataco mismanagement, PR, updates, goal post changing, deception, Tacos, Kool-Aid, Shoeboxes, Fat Elvis's etc.  You are here among-st the biggest group of true Atari fans on the planet, without argument.  So it doesn't take a taco-baked scientist to understand the noise we make about Monsignor Cheesehead and Atari SA's handling of the VCS shit-show.

We WISHED it would be awesome, but weren't naive to the fact it was probably not likely based on past Atari company acquisitions and attempted Atari corpse digging.

We are dissapointed!  We are making a noise to warn others, talk among-st ourselves about the aforementioned dumpster fire elements and throw some memes and tacos around and see if they stick, including against each other, for some humor.  Yes, sometimes the tacos are pretty heavy, but I'd like to think we're old enough to HTFU and see the funny side of most things posted.   If not, meh.





11 hours ago, OCAT said:

I would just like to say that I never, and will never make fun of someone because of thier Nationality, I make fun of Cheesehead because he is a sleezey snake oil salesman, I made fun of Mike Kennedy just as much and he is a good 'ol Yank. 


I have no issues with it.  As long it's in jest (even heavy jest) and not an obvious huge racial or nationalistic put-down.  Hell I'm Polish, so plenty of ammo there to shit sling!  As I've said before, the world is too f#cking touchy feely now, so I'm making a personal contribution in an attempt to turn the clock back. ?  If it's against me, nothing is sacred.  There are way more important things to ponder about in the world then me worrying about someone calling me out about my single eyebrow, budgie mouth or startling Polish intellect.







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16 hours ago, playsoft said:

I was surprised to see it mentioned in yesterday's Metro newspaper over here.




Metro readers should rip them to shreds on this, although the articles tend to be relatively casual this might be the dumbest thing they've printed on the gaming scene, the gaming readership tends to similar to what you'd find on AA - dedicated gamers with experience and knowledge. There'll be plenty of people who will go "wait, isn't that just Atari-Vault?".

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