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SNES Mini Confirmed


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This special edition 3DS been announced for release this Fall in Europe (And Japan is getting more Super Famicom VC downloads for the New 3DS, so I assume we'll see the service reawakened in the west for a few more additions this Fall).


I still think this has it beat though.



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So much for the market flood... I understand the generally conservative nature of Nintendo in these areas, but this seems really out of touch to me. Maybe it is difficult to access your position in "the real world"? Like when a musician really doesn't know "how they are doing" publicly as they are often fed tons of garbage from those around them to stroke their egos basically.


Off topic, I am not too excited about the SNES 3DS... not sure why. Just doesn't appeal to me like the others do.


I REALLY like themed things... but I think this early 3DS-XL Classic Edition is just excellent. Considering the NES and SNES Classic editions, I really feel lucky I was able to even get one of these at full price. I did pre-order it...




Edited by MrBlackCat
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I was able to get one of the walk-in preorders. I left work and arrived at the store within about 10 minutes of seeing the tweet and immediately after leaving the store there was already someone rushing to get in, I asked if he was there for the SNES mini and he said yeah. Then another guy came racing through the parking lot. It was quite a scene. They probably sold out within 30 minutes. This shit is absurd but at least it felt more fair than any of the online retailers who dropped preorders at stupid hours and all of them got scooped up by bots.


I used to collect Limited Run Games releases and I can confidently say there's no doubt it's even harder to secure a SNES classic than any of those releases.

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I ordered one from both Amazon and Best Buy to play it safe. Best Buy didn't go out of stock until nearly 20 minutes after I placed my order (And Amazon lasted a while, too) and both sites didn't have any hiccups. The Amazon product page was new, so there's no way that bots were able to scoop up even one unit.


The situation with the afternoon preorders from GameStop, Target, Wal-Mart and so on sounds like a mess though, so I'm glad I was up late last night. Wal-Mart I guess only lasted something crazy like two minutes today when they went up around 1 PM.

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People (pre)ordering more than one of these SNES Classics piss me the f*ck off. Leave some for the rest of us. Apparently someone preordered a ton of them from somewhere and put them up on eBay.


And I am annoyed at Nintendo now, I'll make sure to not buy any brand new products from them to ensure that they do not get revenue from me unless they fix their business model. I'm not alone either with this.


They have a poor business vision and do not have any idea what the market pulse is. This and the NES mini turned in to a bloodbath of negative publicity and I hope the suffer for it. Working in market research and marketing I have a unique perspective working with so many other large companies worldwide and this sort of poor marketing and PR from Nintendo is troubling. They could fix this without much trouble and all it would take is a little reassurance they will fulfill all preorders and to have the retailers not close off preorders and force 1 unit per order / address / IP--what ever possible to limit scalpers.

Edited by jce3000gt
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If you're referring to me, my second unit isn't going to be scalped, nor is it just going to sit on a shelf never to be opened.


It's insurance from a second retailer since in-demand things like this have a way of suddenly having their orders cancelled. Blame Nintendo for stock shortages or the retailers that always seem to oversell their allocation and then pull the rug out from under some of their customers by issuing order cancellations.


And if I do get two, it's already spoken for and is going to a friend at cost that was unable today to preorder one. So don't burn me at the stake just for saying that I was able to order two. It's going to go to a good home if I receive it, in a fair and respectable manner.

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And if I do get two, it's already spoken for and is going to a friend at cost that was unable today to preorder one. So don't burn me at the stake just for saying that I was able to order two. :)


You can burn me because if I get 2 I'm reselling that shit! I don't make the demand or the quantity. I simply go with it. What would be funny is if Nintendo released a billion of these later.... LOL never going to happen.


I was too busy spending time w/my family to get any pre-orders so rest easily other scalpers beat us other scalpers out. It's a sad world when scalpers can't even get the goods. LOL I told you people Nintendo had no idea of the demand and there was no way they would make nearly enough.


Then again maybe they do know the demand :)

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And they do preorders in person also. But I just called. They are all sold out around my area.

I'm sure they were sold out within minutes of preorders being accepted this afternoon.

Damnit. Wish I'd have known this at 4:40 today before I clocked out of work. Could have probably nabbed one. They'll be gone by clock out time tomorrow for sure... :sad:

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I called 3 GameStop's near me around 4pm eastern time and all were gone. One said they had 8, the other said they got 4. I didn't bother asking the 3rd. Not much of a pre-order. This leads me to believe the pre-order pool was extremely small. Maybe Nintendo plans on a small pre-order and a flood on release. My buddy said he read they are doing a black Friday release.

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Maybe Nintendo plans on a small pre-order and a flood on release. My buddy said he read they are doing a black Friday release.


when was the last time nintendo flooded anything? I mean it was almost 4 months before I even saw a switch in the store, and they were trying to get those out lol

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I tried a number of times to get a preorder on one of these stupid things yesterday without success. I have other ways of playing these games through emulation, but for some reason, I really wanted this one. I refuse to pay over retail for it, so I'm probably out.


I miss the good old days, when you could walk into a store and buy the thing you wanted. Hell, I still can't find a Switch around here, and it's rare to find even a new 3DS on store shelves.

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I tried a number of times to get a preorder on one of these stupid things yesterday without success. I have other ways of playing these games through emulation, but for some reason, I really wanted this one. I refuse to pay over retail for it, so I'm probably out.


I miss the good old days, when you could walk into a store and buy the thing you wanted. Hell, I still can't find a Switch around here, and it's rare to find even a new 3DS on store shelves.



I feel your pain... :(

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I tried a number of times to get a preorder on one of these stupid things yesterday without success. I have other ways of playing these games through emulation, but for some reason, I really wanted this one. I refuse to pay over retail for it, so I'm probably out.


I miss the good old days, when you could walk into a store and buy the thing you wanted. Hell, I still can't find a Switch around here, and it's rare to find even a new 3DS on store shelves.


I see Switches and 3DS's all the time at local Targets now, but I'm assuming sales taxes and shipping (and effort) would make it just as much as buying it off of eBay.

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