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Billy Mitchell TG Banned, Scores Removed


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Vintage video game scores should be a live event in verified hardware, period. Recorded scores for world records is just a bad idea, as we have seen. Mitchell himself spoke about it in KoK, but sunce that whole movie is just trollwork anyway...it was meant to entertain, and that it did.


When the vintage machines all die out then we can finally be forever rid of the stupid concept of global highscores for games that were never meant to be scientifically scrutinized for technical scores.


Does anybody outside of the realm of retro forums even know who has the top score? Even I don't keep up with it. It's pointless. But sadly I know who Billy Mitchell is.


Now let's spend some quality time talking abouy real competitive gaming: Tomo and Street Fighter 2, lol.

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I honestly wish KoK had never been made. I think that movie (pseudo-documentary/mockumentary) has done more to damage the gaming community than anything in recent memory. It makes us all look like freaks (and not the good kind).

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Yeah, it seems everybody who watches KoK for the first time comes away from it thinking it's a factual documentary. It has grains of truth in it, but it was stitched together to make an entertaining narrative. The examples of omissions, distortions, and outright fabrications are all over the net for those interested. The "break in to examine the DK machine" is a prime example of events exaggerated for dramatic effect.


I enjoy KoK, though. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen people say that KoK is what spurred them to enter the world of arcade/retro gaming.


As for portraying us as freaks, maybe there's a bit of that in KoK, but it's nowhere near as bad as Chasing Ghosts.


"You can teach a monkey to play a few boards, but you can't teach a man to play Berzerk."



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As for portraying us as freaks, maybe there's a bit of that in KoK, but it's nowhere near as bad as Chasing Ghosts.



Yeah I never saw that, I heard it was pretty bad. KoK could have been great if they stuck to the facts (as much as a documentary can these days and still be entertaining) or outright stated this was mostly a work of fiction.

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He hit a million again



Not sure what exactly the goal is here.

I'm not sure either. We all know he has skill. We also know he's a liar and a cheat. So it doesn't really matter what he does now that the gig is up, he'll always be remembered as a liar and a cheat...with skills. Those few who actually knows who he is, though. But hey, at least he'll be remembered at all, which I suppose is worth something. Somebody's gotta pay for those suits, and I don't think the hot sauce is cutting it.

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I honestly wish KoK had never been made. I think that movie (pseudo-documentary/mockumentary) has done more to damage the gaming community than anything in recent memory. It makes us all look like freaks (and not the good kind).


I couldn't disagree more. eSports is growing like crazy and I didn't actually take up score chasing until the last few years. And I don't see myself as a freak in any way shape or form, the ones who call us freaks to me are nothing more than severely technology challenged old geezers who long for the days of the manual typewriter and rotary phone.

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I have no problem with KoK, or Chasing Ghosts...but CG definitely has a lot more strange and delusional characters. Video games back in the day, in my experience, had stereotypes, many that you may find in these movies. But I never really ran into high score jockeys. We all played games because it was just fun to do, exciting! I never met any 'freaks' as portrayed in these movies, nobody who had their entire existence wrapped up in their video game high scores. And since most arcades I frequented were kinda shady places, hardcore nerdy types didn't really go there because they didn't mix well with the typical street kids who hung out there regularly. That changed near the end if the 80s, though..and as I visited arcades in bigger cities. Less houligans, but still nobody like a Billy Mitchell. Or Tempest guy from CG, lol.

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I have no problem with KoK, or Chasing Ghosts...but CG definitely has a lot more strange and delusional characters. Video games back in the day, in my experience, had stereotypes, many that you may find in these movies. But I never really ran into high score jockeys. We all played games because it was just fun to do, exciting! I never met any 'freaks' as portrayed in these movies, nobody who had their entire existence wrapped up in their video game high scores. And since most arcades I frequented were kinda shady places, hardcore nerdy types didn't really go there because they didn't mix well with the typical street kids who hung out there regularly. That changed near the end if the 80s, though..and as I visited arcades in bigger cities. Less houligans, but still nobody like a Billy Mitchell. Or Tempest guy from CG, lol.


Not sure if you can meet the older Berzerk player. Last I heard he was in jail for being a pedophile.

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Twitch stream of Billy getting a million on DK


Just like in Billy's forged Tate Mame video forever immortalized in King of Kong, at 4:00:00 he is seen sitting at the top and waits for the bonus timer to count down to 1300 so the score rolls to exactly zero. Then he just steps back and allows Mario to die on the following stage 21 150m rivets, just one screen shy of the infamous killscreen. Can't even input his trademark fake "usa" initials because his displayed score at the end is exactly "zero." Classy... :roll:



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I honestly wish KoK had never been made. I think that movie (pseudo-documentary/mockumentary) has done more to damage the gaming community than anything in recent memory. It makes us all look like freaks (and not the good kind).

I couldn't disagree more. eSports is growing like crazy and I didn't actually take up score chasing until the last few years. And I don't see myself as a freak in any way shape or form, the ones who call us freaks to me are nothing more than severely technology challenged old geezers who long for the days of the manual typewriter and rotary phone.

I agree with Crimefighter here. True there may be a lot of factual inaccuracies in the King of Kong documentary. However, this movie brought about two important changes:


(1) It raised public awareness of arcade high score chasing as a legitamate e-sport. Many newer top teir competitors may not have become motivated to beat old arcade records was it not for documentaries like King of Kong and Chading Ghosts: Beyond the Arcade.


(2) Factual innacuracies within the documentaries led to investigations into the Walter Day era of Twin Galaxies, resulting in public shaming of characters like Billy Mitchell and Todd Rogers. These old high scores would probably still be up were it not for the raised awareness these documentaries provided.


Fact is, people care about this stuff in popular culture moreso now than they did 12 years ago, and is largely a result of raised awareness do to the afformentioned documentaries, as well as others. And while Twitch is not my preferred streaming platform, it has been instrumental in capturing live speed runs as well as high score record attempts.


It would be interesting to see if Twin Galaxies or Kong forums regonizes this public live score attempt of 1000000 pts, even if Billy is being a sarcastic douche by committing suicide exactly after the score rolled to 000000.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I dunno, being able to perform all your old scores, seemingly at will, and doing it live, is pretty impressive.




And the MAJOR differenc between Todd Rogers and Billy Mitchell. Billy takes on the challange and proves he could, did and can get these scores. Todd does not. Billy Mitchell might be an arrogant asshole but repoducing the scores he was questioned on says a lot for him. Let's see Todd Rogers do his "five five nine" score a bunch of times to prove he's not just full of shit. Oh yeah, he can't, cause it's actually impossible.

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What a messed up situation. But what else is new.


This guy gets paid $2500 for making appearances, and lying and bullshitting about hi-scores. And I can't even fill my mancave for an emulation demonstration - not without begging and pleading to whatever almighty god you worship! Even then.

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I dunno, being able to perform all your old scores, seemingly at will, and doing it live, is pretty impressive.




so why didn't he just do that in the first place.


doing them now, when no one really cares, doesn't prove much. especially with all the new information,

better strategies, etc.


maybe to his fans it means something.


but to the high score gaming community, he has been written off.




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He considered them proven? He didn't consider the challenges significant?


Now that his scores have been removed he has something he needs to prove.


with his huge ego, and showmanship. his whole point back in the day

was to prove how good he supposedly was, and that he was the

only one that mastered these games.


whether his proficiency was real or not was questionable even back then.


the fact he couldn't back up his claims led to him to his failure now.


again, this is all for show, the fact that he thinks that this is 'redemption',

actually means something, is equally ironic.




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Billy does have a daughter, in King of Kong movie she is playing a Gameboy. I haven't met him or his family yet so I don't know for sure but I would guess that is her.

Yeah his wifey was a buxom cougar in the documentary. I don't think they ever showed his daughter though, plus she'd have been way younger at the time the doc was filmed. Pretty sure Steve Weibe's kid is all grown up by now too...

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with his huge ego, and showmanship. his whole point back in the day

was to prove how good he supposedly was, and that he was the

only one that mastered these games.


whether his proficiency was real or not was questionable even back then.


the fact he couldn't back up his claims led to him to his failure now.


again, this is all for show, the fact that he thinks that this is 'redemption',

actually means something, is equally ironic.




I didn't think anyone ever questioned his skills, although he was somewhat manipulative to put himself above his competitors. Having an ego or being a dick is not cheating. Whatever he does now doesn't change the fact he cheated. He had legitimate world class scores before king of kong. I'm thinking he's doing this because he's being paid. Edited by mr_me
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Yeah his wifey was a buxom cougar in the documentary. I don't think they ever showed his daughter though, plus she'd have been way younger at the time the doc was filmed. Pretty sure Steve Weibe's kid is all grown up by now too...

At 7:14 minutes into the film she is sitting on his lap with a blue gameboy color



I "get it" you don't like Billy , but no need to slander him over the people he loves

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