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3 hours ago, DarkLord said:

Don't have Zoom, but maybe could listen in on Discord?


9pm should be fine unless something weird happens. :)

Zoom works through the browser too.  Mostly, it's so he can show us a screen.  I'll be around a little early and we can talk through it if there's an issue.


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So just saying... that was a great time!  Hanging out and getting to meet both of you was a great way to spend a Saturday night.


I can't say I'd be able to commit to every week like DarkLord suggested, but I'm wondering how you'd all feel about maybe a monthly thing and expand the "audience"?


Kind of a first part - news and socializing, 2nd part, anyone needing BBS help can get a community thinktank session, 3rd part, more socializing, 4th part, all us old guys call it a night and take our meds and naps.


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2 thumbs way up - I'm all for this!


(and totally agreed about a great way to spend a Saturday night. Beats

my usual, where I'm doing PvP in Guild Wars 2, trying to match my 59

year old reflexes against hyperactive teenagers!)     :)


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ok, so continued with some stuff after our get together. I also found this..




I am not a member of that forum so I cannot see the pictures but there are several interesting things there.


ONE of which is ATCLOGOUT


Which when I was able in Foresight to send that directly to the modem (had to trick it just to get to a prompt) Allowed me to login from an outside network.. perfect.


You will read in that posting that the fellow there believes that is the most important thing. IF YOU are using Dynamic mode.  It also is very clear that if the MSS-100 gets a "call" it will send a RING and wait for the ATA


This is exactly what Foresight wants.


Now on to FOREM - I did get it setup.. but something is still not working there. I think I could do a video on that one, and show you guys.  I would prefer to use the UDS-10 with FOREM since it does not need the ATA and it is good with autoanswer. It starts reads the files it wants and then gets to the waiting prompt.. but then STARTS.. I think this is an MSS-100 thing.. this device always seems to be ACTIVE.







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9 hours ago, Bikerbob said:

ok, so continued with some stuff after our get together. I also found this..




I am not a member of that forum so I cannot see the pictures but there are several interesting things there.


ONE of which is ATCLOGOUT


Which when I was able in Foresight to send that directly to the modem (had to trick it just to get to a prompt) Allowed me to login from an outside network.. perfect.


You will read in that posting that the fellow there believes that is the most important thing. IF YOU are using Dynamic mode.  It also is very clear that if the MSS-100 gets a "call" it will send a RING and wait for the ATA


This is exactly what Foresight wants.


Now on to FOREM - I did get it setup.. but something is still not working there. I think I could do a video on that one, and show you guys.  I would prefer to use the UDS-10 with FOREM since it does not need the ATA and it is good with autoanswer. It starts reads the files it wants and then gets to the waiting prompt.. but then STARTS.. I think this is an MSS-100 thing.. this device always seems to be ACTIVE.







I'm like 99.99% certain at some point I mentioned this whole ATC Logout thing.


Like when I posted my init string for SFHQ at least.


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ok guys. FoReM is up.. but there are a couple of things that are not in the manual I have 2.0 - current version is 2.3


File access value - it says to give each user one.. and the system is 32734.. or something.. but no where does it says.. what 10 is.. or 40.. or 30120.. SO I have no idea what value to set there for a validated user that is not a sysop??


2 - How to log on without doing all the funky typing stuff.. if you kind of type both hands at the same time and hit return.. you log in.. if you do not.. then you never get in. Now on my end when you call - the bbs starts.. it says.. HIT RETURN - but It does not display on the USERS screen.. the only way from the USER to the bbs is the two handed typing crap. 


Ideas? I have deleted the modem init completely.. and still the same.



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Fixed the login with the feature the bbs has called HST modem (IT was baud negotiation that was messing the login up)


So.. getting on is not a problem now.. Finding people is... ATASCI works.. but there is no 40 coloum menus.. not sure if I am able to do that or not.. but I will look into it.


The msg editor works well in 80 col or 40 col.  - If you are using Syncterm and really want that Atasci but in 80 col. you can use XEP mode. It worked for me.


Anyway.. still need to figure out access levels for forem.. but otherwise we have something running. Now to see just how much customizing I can do.



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Righteous. 'Gratz on getting this far.


As far as the permissions go, try the extreme ends of each range to see

which allows everything (SysOp level) or nearly nothing (new caller/guest level).


With BBS Express! ST, it's 1-32, with 32 being reserved for the SysOp and 1 on

the polar opposite extreme.


Edited by DarkLord
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14 hours ago, DarkLord said:

Righteous. 'Gratz on getting this far.


As far as the permissions go, try the extreme ends of each range to see

which allows everything (SysOp level) or nearly nothing (new caller/guest level).


With BBS Express! ST, it's 1-32, with 1 being reserved for the SysOp and 32 on

the polar opposite extreme.


This is VERY different.. with 1 or 0 being new guy.. nothing.. and 32723 or whatever.. being sysop.


But NO definition as to how that number was arrived at? how I calculate it? and how I create one somewhere in the middle.   What I can do.. is go in.. and give a single user the permissions I want.. with Y and N and on and off.. then save that user, and a number will be generated from that.. I could then say.. I like this to be my validated user profile, and save that users settings as a Validation mask.. (I have 99 available) but very trial and error, and I have no idea if I am leaving a switch on.. that could allow them to AXE the board.. or leaving a switch off that I have to stumble around and find.. thats preventing you from accessing Doors for example.



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Apologies James, my keyboard dyslexia kicked in on my last message. I edited and corrected it,

but it's 32 for the SysOp and 1 for the lower end of security. IIRC, 1 is for new, un-validated

visitors/guests and from 2 up goes towards regular, validated users. (I'll double check on that

later and report back if it's different).


And again, IIRC, the levels in between could give a user access and power over a dedicated

message base or file sig (giving them the power to serve as a moderator, for example). I

just never had so many callers or demands that I felt the need to designate a moderator

for any area.


Although, for a short time I did have a (semi, sort of) Co-SysOp who was supposed to

handle all PC/Windows questions but even that was eventually dropped...




Wow...from a strictly BBS Express! ST SysOp point of view, that does seem strange...


I know when I create a script, depending what it is and what's being done, I usually

incorporate some form of the following:


 PRINTE '\n\n\n\n\n'
 PRINTE 'Sorry, Your Security Level Is -\rNot\b- High Enough...!' CENTER
 FOR DELAY = 1 TO 1500 DO


 PRINTE '\i\r Sorry, You Can Not Play Games Until You Are Validated! \o\b' CENTER
 FOR DELAY = 1 TO 1000 DO



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