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Robot Army Pre-order (70 Copies)

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10 hours ago, Sinjinhawke said:

Is keeping Option 1 but buying the ROMs an option?  

That just complicates things. If you select option 2, you can buy the games for $70 shipped when we get cartridges. Being a preorderer gives you the right to get the games. I won't be selling copies to people who didn't preorder, nor people who select option 3, I'll be releasing Cat Attack!!! and Star Mercenary 'complete in box' and other games before I start selling copies of Infiltrator or Robot Army to people who didn't preorder. 

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when will be possible pre-order Cat Attack!!! and Star Mercenary and the CIB edition of TNT, Ninja odissay  and more? have you some sort of lineups (obviously without fixed dates) or planned methods (for example, by following the actual preorder list for robot army?)


Thanks for your updates ?

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On 3/24/2022 at 3:20 PM, MIK710_0 said:

when will be possible pre-order Cat Attack!!! and Star Mercenary and the CIB edition of TNT, Ninja odissay  and more? have you some sort of lineups (obviously without fixed dates) or planned methods (for example, by following the actual preorder list for robot army?)


Thanks for your updates ?

I won't be taking pre-orders for Cat Attack!!!, Star Mercenary, TNT Cowboy, Ninja Odyssey, A-F, nor The Pandora Incident. I'll just be selling them when I get cartridges. 


On the 'good news/bad news' front...


First the good news. 


I was able to contact INTVnut at Left Turn Only for the first time in 5 months. 


The bad news.


He's still 'underwater' at his day job. So, it isn't looking like I'll be getting authentic JLP boards and LTO shells by the end of my self-imposed deadline. 

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  • 1 month later...

I have some encouraging news. 


I got a reply from INTVnut on April 21, 2022 and although he is still extremely busy, and fully unplugged from Intellivision support, he did talk about 'shipping raw hardware to me'. In other words, I would get blank boards and program them myself. I have the ability to put programs on the JLP cartridge. I offered to program Kai Magazine's 'Sorrow' carts as well, and ship them to him as he is waiting to purchase cartridges as well. So far, I have not received a reply. 


Also, Arnauld C. has agreed to encode our voices for Intellivoice support for Robot Army and Infiltrator. However, he's very busy at the moment. So far, he hasn't gotten around to the encoding, but I'm going to bug him this month to get it done. 


Finally, I've been slow to get the 'upgrade kit' manuals printed, and wanted to be able to send the Infiltrator Soundtrack with the preorderers who selected 'option 2' and also purchased the upgrade kits for the loose cartridges that we released in 2019 (TNT Cowboy, A-F, and Ninja Odyssey). 


So, I've decided to delay the 'choosing of the options' until at least the end of May 2022. Hopefully, I'll be able to ship 'complete in box' copies this summer of Robot Army and Infiltrator. 

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  • 1 month later...

Good news. The cartridges that we need are coming soon. However, they will be in Canada. I am leaving for Canada in September, so the cartridges won't have time to get shipped to Thailand in order to fill the orders here. I intend to start sending out the preorders in October. However, it won't be all at once, so people need to be patient. I'm sorry for all the delays, but it is what it is. 

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That's wonderful news. IMHO it's kind of you to apologize for the delays, but not necessary. It's totally understandable given everything that's been going on, and the least I can do is be patient. Good luck, and safe travels in Sept.

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4 hours ago, gunoz said:

That's wonderful news. IMHO it's kind of you to apologize for the delays, but not necessary. It's totally understandable given everything that's been going on, and the least I can do is be patient. Good luck, and safe travels in Sept.

Unfortunately, my printer here is in hospital, so things printing have been delayed. I'll be shipping the boxes and manuals/overlays/stickers for all of the preorder games to Canada as soon as I get them in hand. Carts should be shipped to where I'm staying in Canada and then I'll start shipping out the preorders from Canada. They won't go out all at once, but I hope to have them all in the mail by the end of October. 


For those of you who have ordered upgrade kits for TNT Cowboy, A-F, and Ninja Odyssey, the manuals should be in soon, but as I said, delayed due to the hospitalization of my printer. I'm hoping to have all of the remainder of the upgrade kits mailed out by the end of July. 

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  • 1 month later...
16 hours ago, Games For Your Intellivision said:

During the month of October, I will be manufacturing the preorder copies. Before shipping, I will ask every one of the 100 RAPO# to email elektronite and confirm the shipping address. 

Just perfect! thanks 🙏

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On 6/18/2022 at 1:04 PM, Games For Your Intellivision said:

Once the preorders are filled, I'll see about selling more copies of Infiltrator and Robot Army when I am back in Thailand about April 2023. 

That would be FANTASTIC as I missed out on the pre-order (life got in the way).

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/12/2022 at 6:38 PM, Games For Your Intellivision said:

During the month of October, I will be manufacturing the preorder copies. Before shipping, I will ask every one of the 100 RAPO# to email elektronite and confirm the shipping address. 

is that confirmed for October? Can't wait to play Infiltrator in particular!

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