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Sizecoding reaches Jaggy


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;;; JagMona - A port of Mona from Ilmenit
;;; Size: 304 bytes


	.include "help.mac"
	.include "jaguar.inc"	; get equates
	.include "video.mac"


;PAL .equ 1

screen		EQU $400

stacktop	equ $4000	; ROM sets SP to this address

	lea	$f00000,a5
 IF ^^defined SKUNK
	; SKUNK does not setup video!
	move.w	#ScreenMode,$28(a5)
;;; --------------------
;;; CLUT init
;;; --------------------
	lea	$400(a5),a0
	move.l	#0|($14<<11)|(0<<6)|$16,(a0)+
	move.l	#((($1d<<11)|(8<<6)|$27)<<16)|(($1f<<11)|($11<<6)|$38),(a0)
;;; --------------------
;;; Init Interrupts
;;; --------------------
	lea	my_irq(pc),a0
	move.l	a0,$0100.w
	move.l	#$1f01<<16,a6
	bsr.s	irq_init
;;; --------------------
;;; Init OP
;;; --------------------
 IF ^^defined SKUNK
	move.w	#$2000,sr	; not needed after BIOS
 IF ^^defined DEBUG
	moveq	#1,d0
	move.l	d0,$20(a5)
	clr.l	$20(a5)	 ; OPL = $0

	lea	brush(pc),a1
    move.l (a1)+,d7         ; ggn
	;move.l	#$7ec80000,d7	; seed
	moveq.l	#64,d6
	move.b	(a1),d1		; y
	;move.w	(a1)+,d7    ; ggn
	move.b	d7,d0		; x
	move.w	d6,d2
	subq.w	#1,d6
	beq.s	finish
	lsl.w	#5,d2
	addx.l	d7,d7
	bcc.s	noc
	moveq	#-1,d4
	eor.l	#$4c11db7,d7
	move.b	d7,d5
	bmi.s	noc
	moveq	#1,d4
	btst	#1,d5
	beq.s	_y
	add.w	d4,d0
	bra.s	cont
	add.w	d4,d1
	moveq	#$7f,d3
	and.w	d3,d0
	and.w	d3,d1
	move.w	d0,a0
	move.w	d1,d3
	lsl.w	#7,d3
	add.w	d3,a0
	moveq	#3,d3
	and.w	d6,d3
	move.b	d3,screen(a0)
	subq.w	#1,d2
	bne.s	loop
    move.w	(a1)+,d7    ; ggn
	bra.s	loop0

;;      IRQ      *
	move.w	sr,-(sp)	// prepare rte

	lea	OBL0(pc),a3
 IF ^^defined DEBUG
	move.l	#$10000,a4
	suba.l	a4,a4
	move.l	(a3)+,(a4)+
	move.l	(a3)+,(a4)+
	move.l	(a3)+,(a4)+
	move.l	(a3)+,(a4)+
	move.w	#4,6(a4)	;add STOP object

	move.l	a6,$e0(a5)

    dc.w $7ec8 ; ggn
	dc.w $030A, $37BE, $2F9B, $072B, $0E3C, $F59B, $8A91, $1B0B
	dc.w $0EBD, $9378, $B83E, $B05A, $70B5, $0280, $D0B1, $9CD2
	dc.w $2093, $209C, $3D11, $26D6, $DF19, $97F5, $90A3, $A347
	dc.w $8AF7, $0859, $29AD, $A32C, $7DFC, $0D7D, $D57A, $3051
	dc.w $D431, $542B, $B242, $B114, $8A96, $2914, $B0F1, $532C
	dc.w $0413, $0A09, $3EBB, $E916, $1877, $B8E2, $AC72, $80C7
	dc.w $5240, $8D3C, $3EAF, $AD63, $1E14, $B23D, $238F, $C07B
	dc.w $AF9D, $312E, $96CE, $25A7, $9E37, $2C44, $2BB9, $2139
 IF ^^defined DEBUG
	.org	$10000
	.org	$0
 IF ^^defined SKUNK
xpos	equ 9+(320-128)/2
xpos	equ (320-128)/2
	bitmap screen-10*128, xpos, 41+(200-96)/2, 128/8, 128/8,96+10, 3, 0, NOTRANS, 0 ,1

 IF ^^defined SKUNK

m68k_size = jag_end-start

	size	= (jag_end - start)
	print "Total Size:",/u size,"\nm68k Size: ",/u m68k_size

 IF ^^defined DEBUG = 0 & ^^defined SKUNK = 0 & size < 512
	rept 512-(jag_end-start)
	dc.b $42




So this is what I was talking about in my first reply. It does shave off 2 bytes from the binary, but I can't verify it still works as virtualjaguar can't run it here, even with SKUNK defined I'm afraid...

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1 hour ago, ggn said:
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;;; JagMona - A port of Mona from Ilmenit
;;; Size: 304 bytes


	.include "help.mac"
	.include "jaguar.inc"	; get equates
	.include "video.mac"


;PAL .equ 1

screen		EQU $400

stacktop	equ $4000	; ROM sets SP to this address

	lea	$f00000,a5
 IF ^^defined SKUNK
	; SKUNK does not setup video!
	move.w	#ScreenMode,$28(a5)
;;; --------------------
;;; CLUT init
;;; --------------------
	lea	$400(a5),a0
	move.l	#0|($14<<11)|(0<<6)|$16,(a0)+
	move.l	#((($1d<<11)|(8<<6)|$27)<<16)|(($1f<<11)|($11<<6)|$38),(a0)
;;; --------------------
;;; Init Interrupts
;;; --------------------
	lea	my_irq(pc),a0
	move.l	a0,$0100.w
	move.l	#$1f01<<16,a6
	bsr.s	irq_init
;;; --------------------
;;; Init OP
;;; --------------------
 IF ^^defined SKUNK
	move.w	#$2000,sr	; not needed after BIOS
 IF ^^defined DEBUG
	moveq	#1,d0
	move.l	d0,$20(a5)
	clr.l	$20(a5)	 ; OPL = $0

	lea	brush(pc),a1
    move.l (a1)+,d7         ; ggn
	;move.l	#$7ec80000,d7	; seed
	moveq.l	#64,d6
	move.b	(a1),d1		; y
	;move.w	(a1)+,d7    ; ggn
	move.b	d7,d0		; x
	move.w	d6,d2
	subq.w	#1,d6
	beq.s	finish
	lsl.w	#5,d2
	addx.l	d7,d7
	bcc.s	noc
	moveq	#-1,d4
	eor.l	#$4c11db7,d7
	move.b	d7,d5
	bmi.s	noc
	moveq	#1,d4
	btst	#1,d5
	beq.s	_y
	add.w	d4,d0
	bra.s	cont
	add.w	d4,d1
	moveq	#$7f,d3
	and.w	d3,d0
	and.w	d3,d1
	move.w	d0,a0
	move.w	d1,d3
	lsl.w	#7,d3
	add.w	d3,a0
	moveq	#3,d3
	and.w	d6,d3
	move.b	d3,screen(a0)
	subq.w	#1,d2
	bne.s	loop
    move.w	(a1)+,d7    ; ggn
	bra.s	loop0

;;      IRQ      *
	move.w	sr,-(sp)	// prepare rte

	lea	OBL0(pc),a3
 IF ^^defined DEBUG
	move.l	#$10000,a4
	suba.l	a4,a4
	move.l	(a3)+,(a4)+
	move.l	(a3)+,(a4)+
	move.l	(a3)+,(a4)+
	move.l	(a3)+,(a4)+
	move.w	#4,6(a4)	;add STOP object

	move.l	a6,$e0(a5)

    dc.w $7ec8 ; ggn
	dc.w $030A, $37BE, $2F9B, $072B, $0E3C, $F59B, $8A91, $1B0B
	dc.w $0EBD, $9378, $B83E, $B05A, $70B5, $0280, $D0B1, $9CD2
	dc.w $2093, $209C, $3D11, $26D6, $DF19, $97F5, $90A3, $A347
	dc.w $8AF7, $0859, $29AD, $A32C, $7DFC, $0D7D, $D57A, $3051
	dc.w $D431, $542B, $B242, $B114, $8A96, $2914, $B0F1, $532C
	dc.w $0413, $0A09, $3EBB, $E916, $1877, $B8E2, $AC72, $80C7
	dc.w $5240, $8D3C, $3EAF, $AD63, $1E14, $B23D, $238F, $C07B
	dc.w $AF9D, $312E, $96CE, $25A7, $9E37, $2C44, $2BB9, $2139
 IF ^^defined DEBUG
	.org	$10000
	.org	$0
 IF ^^defined SKUNK
xpos	equ 9+(320-128)/2
xpos	equ (320-128)/2
	bitmap screen-10*128, xpos, 41+(200-96)/2, 128/8, 128/8,96+10, 3, 0, NOTRANS, 0 ,1

 IF ^^defined SKUNK

m68k_size = jag_end-start

	size	= (jag_end - start)
	print "Total Size:",/u size,"\nm68k Size: ",/u m68k_size

 IF ^^defined DEBUG = 0 & ^^defined SKUNK = 0 & size < 512
	rept 512-(jag_end-start)
	dc.b $42




So this is what I was talking about in my first reply. It does shave off 2 bytes from the binary, but I can't verify it still works as virtualjaguar can't run it here, even with SKUNK defined I'm afraid...

It does not work as A1 points to the next seed/coordinates. 

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That's why I moved the "move.w (a1)+,d7" at the end of the loop. First move.l reads 7ec8 as well as the first seed, then the move.w should read the second seed after the first is consumed.


(Unless I misunderstood something)

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2 minutes ago, ggn said:

That's why I moved the "move.w (a1)+,d7" at the end of the loop. First move.l reads 7ec8 as well as the first seed, then the move.w should read the second seed after the first is consumed.


(Unless I misunderstood something)

Yes, the next load must be at the end, but the (A1)+ has moved A1 to point to brush[n+1]. The move.b (A1) to get y reads therefore y[n+1] and not y[n]. That's why monast uses a move and lsr.


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18 minutes ago, ggn said:

Right, got it, sorry for massively wasting your time!

No waste of time. I mean, I spent 4 hours to shrink it down to 314 bytes. And even though your idea did not work it was a reason to re-think other parts. Which in the end resulted in a 304 byte version. Well, goal (256b) missed, but that was clear from the beginning. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
26 minutes ago, Cyprian said:


is there a visible speed difference between GPU only and GPU/DSP?

Hard to say. I need to make a side by side video (or measure the time).

I have a line-interleaved version where one can see that the DSP is slightly slower (guess due to the 16bit bus) than the GPU.

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 minutes ago, DEATH said:

the 2 processors run at exactly the same speed on a real Jaguar

I cannot confirm. DSP is slower.

Actually I think pixel or line interleaving is a bad idea as it does not take the DRAM pages into account.


9 minutes ago, DEATH said:

almost 1 year ago

Did it 25 years ago ;-)


;; 24.09.95     new videoinit,button-control ...
;; 07.05.96     adapted for NEWSRC
;; 08.10.96     Tom & Jerry parallel


5 minutes ago, DEATH said:

Oh and it takes about 10sec to calculate a mandelbrot image in 640*480 256 colors

How many fix-point bits and max. interations?

Edited by 42bs
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The 2 processors use exactly the same code. "Strictly" the same. And they start at the same time.

DRAM access time is not really taken into account given the calculation time between each point.

Theoretically 1 processor could finish before the other because from one pixel to another the calculation time is not the same, but statistically the total calculation time of the pixels that each processor must calculate must be about the same (in interlaced pixel mode. In interlaced line it's another story...)
My code is based on the original Jaguar SDK exemple called "JAGMAND"
You can find all the history of its genesis, sources and .cof on Yaronet: https://www.yaronet.com/topics/192849-mandelbrot-popopo
In French only.

Be careful to take the latest version https://www.yaronet.com/topics/192849-mandelbrot-popopo/5#post-125 or https://www.mirari.fr/FI8f

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2 hours ago, 42bs said:

In my 256 version also. But the GPU uses 32 bit bus, the DSP a 16bit bus. Thus a slight difference.

Pixels are 8 bit, calculations are 8 bit, ploting results in DRAM are 8 bit. so...

I have already thought about the possibility of performing 4 calculations (for the GPU, or even 8 ) in a row and then writing the result in DRAM, but the relative addition of complexity in the code would most certainly have no effect on the speed, it might even be worse.

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Just now, DEATH said:

Pixels are 8 bit, calculations are 8 bit, ploting results in DRAM are 8 bit. so...

I have already thought about the possibility of performing 4 calculations (for the GPU, or even 8 ) in a row and then writing the result in DRAM, but the relative addition of complexity in the code would most certainly have no effect on the speed, it might even be worse.

At least phrase writing brings no benefit. The write to the HIDATA register takes "nearly" the same time as writing a word to RAM. And the calculations to get a new pixel value take by far more time.


I did not analyze the code in depth, but I guess GPU writes to one half-image and DSP to the other. So DRAM accesses of both to not disturb each other.


But the interlace stuff is fun. But I doubt it'll fit into a 256 byte intro. Maybe need to go for 4K ?


Do you plan to enhance the program to allow zooming in (like I did in tj_mandel)?

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37 minutes ago, 42bs said:

I recommend to have "stop $2000" in the endless loop, it saves a lot of time. (Well "a lot" is relative ;-) )

All calculations are done by JRISC entirely internaly (I even believe that I don't use the local ram, only the registers). Stopping the 68000 would be counterproductive because you also have to manage everything else (in interlaced you have to make changes at each frame, + refresh the object list).

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1 minute ago, DEATH said:

All calculations are done by JRISC entirely internaly (I even believe that I don't use the local ram, only the registers). Stopping the 68000 would be counterproductive because you also have to manage everything else (in interlaced you have to make changes at each frame, + refresh the object list).

"stop $2000" will only halt the cpu until the next interrupt. So if you have a tight endless loop in the 68k doing nothing, stop will release the bus.

Note: _not_ "stop $2700" ;-)

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4 minutes ago, 42bs said:

At least phrase writing brings no benefit. The write to the HIDATA register takes "nearly" the same time as writing a word to RAM. And the calculations to get a new pixel value take by far more time.


I did not analyze the code in depth, but I guess GPU writes to one half-image and DSP to the other. So DRAM accesses of both to not disturb each other.


But the interlace stuff is fun. But I doubt it'll fit into a 256 byte intro. Maybe need to go for 4K ?


Do you plan to enhance the program to allow zooming in (like I did in tj_mandel)?

the code is relatively "heavy" because I kept part of the old one, especially the one that displays the text at the beginning. From memory I think it's a 16bit image... or 8... yes, for a single color. It's Atari....

As you can see, it was a year ago. I haven't touched it since. I just made a small program that displays a nice image in 640*480 65k colors for Valentine's Day on February 14th.
(I tried in 640*480 16Mil colors, but it's mega f**ing crap to program that on Jaguar... I gave up, I have other things to do :)

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1 hour ago, 42bs said:



Really 640x480?  Do you have the sources public somewhere? Or are the ones linked at the beginning of the thread the current?

I had posted the sources at the very beginning of the thread on Yaronet, but of course they changed a lot afterwards. I can put them back somewhere if needed.

(for information I have just checked, the image of the beginning is 18Kb by itself. 192*48 pixels...16bit. For 1 single color...)

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