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Atari Jaguar Developer / Industry Legend Interviews - Over 30 Interviews!

Adriano Arcade

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We had had so many Atari Jaguar legends on Arcade Attack. From BJ West to Leonard Tramiel and James Hampton. Please enjoy our list of amazing guests below:




Joe Cain: 


Bill Rehbock:


James Hampton:


Faran Thomason:



Text Interview:

Leonard Tramiel (Atari/Commodore) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Vincent Baillet (Loriciel/Psygnosis) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Conrad Barski (FlipOut!) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Andrew Burgess (Atari) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Carl Forhan (Songbird Productions) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Aaron Fothergill (Amiga/Atari) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Tal Funke-Bilu (Atari) - Interview - Arcade Attack

The Atari Jaguar Game By Game Podcast - Interview - Arcade Attack

Johannes Graf (Atari) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Lars Hannig (Atari Jaguar Homebrew) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Jeffrey Johnson (Wave 1) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Dan McNamee (Atari) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Phil Nixon (Rage) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Mario Perdue (Breakout 2000) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Nicolas Persijn (Rotary Controllers/Jaguar Fan) - Arcade Attack

Joe Sousa (Atari) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Darryl Still (Atari/Kiss Ltd) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Faran Thomason (Atari/Nintendo) - Interview - Arcade Attack

BJ West (Atari) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Francois Bertrand (Atari/SEGA) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Stephen Mitchell (Lore/Atari) - Q&A - Arcade Attack

Mark Hooley (Atari/Imagitec) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Silvio Porretta (Atari/Neversoft) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Shaun McClure (Atari) - Interview - Arcade Attack

James Hampton (LucasArts/Atari) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Mike Mika (Atari) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Olivier Nallet (Jaguar supremo/Quantic Dream/EA/Valve) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Kristi Louise Herd (Imagitec) - Interview - Arcade Attack

Frederic Houde (Ubisoft) - Interview - Arcade Attack



Is there anyone missing you'd love me to interview? Thanks everyone, Love Adrian!

Edited by Adriano Arcade
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How about someone from Telegames with respect to the Jag? 


I've read about many other businesses and people who have supported the jaguar past the atari years, such as Best Electronics, MyAtari, Songbird and others, but I've never seen the story of Telegames and how/why they acquired the rights to certain Jaguar games, and why they still go through the trouble of periodically doing new runs of Jaguar and lynx games decades after the hardware is unsupported. Most people who do this sort of thing, such as Carl at Songbird, are active in the community here and you know they are big atari fans in general, but I have no idea who the people behind Telegames are and why they do what they do.

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On 5/25/2022 at 8:16 AM, Adriano Arcade said:

Is there anyone missing you'd love me to interview?

Interview @doctorclu and talk about Bubsy. Seriously!


Over the years I've had a few people tell me that I get them excited about things they'd never care about (or even notice) otherwise. It's not even something I put conscious thought or effort into. I just enjoy talking about things I personally enjoy.


Sometimes they're deep, profound subjects that shape our very being and the world around us. Other times, it's silly stuff like deep cuts from 25-year-old wrestling c-shows that nobody even watched back then.




After suffering a blow to the head, poor Barry believed himself to be a professional golfer. His PGA card was "in the mail" he assured the audience, before challenging his would-be wrestling match opponents to a putting challenge instead.


When it's 2am and I need a quick laugh, this dumb stuff's a hole-in-one.


But I didn't fully understand what people were telling me until I experienced it from the other side. A few years ago I started poking around AtariAge, discovering all the interesting stories, projects, and uhh- fumes- within. It's been an endless supply of niche interests and rabbit holes in general, spanning my many interests as a gamer and general tech nerd.


...then there's shit I never expected to become interested in. Bubsy. I had no idea there was so much to that damn bobcat, enough for a blog 275 entries long spanning 14 years... and counting! I don't even go looking for it either, just every few months it'll seem like all roads lead to Bubsy. For example the last couple things I recently I discovered there was an official Bubsy t-shirt (with the ! on it) back in the day, and yup - he managed to find one. 


It's genuinely endearing, and fascinating. I'd love to know the what/when/why and how of it all. What got it started, and how it lasted through all these years, and what the future holds. Any holy grail items yet to be obtained? Met any interesting people during this journey?


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Another super-fan I noticed when I first started poking around AA was this guy... Dude (or dudette) loves World Tour Racing. 



I vaguely recall an external webpage with even more WTR info (not wtr-review.html in that post, it was something else) but it's been too long to recall what/where exactly. I just recall being fascinated by such interest in what appeared to be, an average F1 racing game.


Similarly though by the end of that deep dive, I found I had become interested in the game myself. There's talk of a pre-release version of the game with licensed real-life personalities, and a track editor that's "much easier to use than the version in the official release and is very intuitive and quite impressive." How is that possible?


I think these things have become all the more mysterious now that we've got so much information at our fingertips, it often feels like all the world's knowledge has been uncovered. YouTube's filled with longplay videos of just about any game you could think of from this era, or so it seems. It takes posts like this to reveal what's really missing. I'd love to see all the possibilities afforded by the track editor in WTR, how it affects the frame rate, etc.


That's about all the freeform spam I've got in my right now. In short: as much as I love reading interviews from game developers discussing their experiences back in the day, it can be equally fun to hear from these super-fans that develop such a keen interest in things few others even notice.

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DoctorClu was an industry veteran and developer? Hm, did not know that...;-)


But seriously, I am missing interviews with Marc Rosocha and/or Michael Bittner of Eclipse, especially to cast some light on that mythical "texture mapped 30 FPS racing engine".


Or Michel Ancel, creative force behind Rayman. Interview with Duranik would be great too.

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20 hours ago, Buffalo Biff Burgertime said:

Interview @doctorclu and talk about Bubsy. Seriously! ...


...then there's shit I never expected to become interested in. Bubsy. I had no idea there was so much to that damn bobcat, enough for a blog 275 entries long spanning 14 years... and counting! I don't even go looking for it either, just every few months it'll seem like all roads lead to Bubsy. For example the last couple things I recently I discovered there was an official Bubsy t-shirt (with the ! on it) back in the day, and yup - he managed to find one.

Daaaaumm... has it really been 275 entries?   LOL!


Interview about Bubsy fandom?   Would be a blast.

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Is current telegames the same telegames that published atari 2600 games in the early 1980s?  If so, that's a company with some serious staying power, and the owners must be somewhat elderly now if its the same people who have been running it this entire 40 year timespan. 

Edited by sirlynxalot
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15 hours ago, sirlynxalot said:

Is current telegames the same telegames that published atari 2600 games in the early 1980s?  If so, that's a company with some serious staying power, and the owners must be somewhat elderly now if its the same people who have been running it this entire 40 year timespan. 

Had to look it up too, but two different companies.


Sears Tele-Games 1977-1983?


Telegames of the 90s and after.

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