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Intellivision Amico’s trademark changed to ‘abandoned’

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41 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

Well this is what amounts to exciting news. I'm sure some will ne ready to run the haters' nose in it!

It is great that they got that whole FCac thing figured out. You will be playing Night Stalker before Phil Adam can say in a few weeks.

Unless that IP has been sold off.  😳😳

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12 hours ago, Wayler said:

19 years on this site you say 🙄..... 


That very thing is only just about the most famous thing that AtariAge is known for, outside of AtariAge. Probably the first and only time I read more than a thousand pages about dental equipment. Took me around 3 months but it was worth it. Along with the Amico, it is the reason I'm here in the first place. 


Start from here: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/235430-how-has-this-not-been-posted-yet-retro-vgs/



Continue from here: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/247145-coleco-chameleon-hardware-speculations/



And say, have you found your living conditions adequate in a barrel? I'm thinking of getting one, as long as it's filled with booze first. 


Yeah, I spent almost all of it on the Atari Jaguar and occasionally on the Atari 2600 or 5200 forums. I mean, not like every day of course... there were even entire years I didn't log in.


I know about the dental equipment, that's why I put the smiley face.



EDIT: Man... I am so going to give you guys shit if this thing actually ships, literally, after three days of you guys being all like... you're not cool enough because you didn't follow the Amico drama with all the other sweaty fat gamers in their parents basements. GAMING RACIST!!!


Seriously though, I would buy it... but I am going to give all of you guys shit if it does actually ship.

Edited by 82-T/A
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1 hour ago, 82-T/A said:


Yeah, I spent almost all of it on the Atari Jaguar and occasionally on the Atari 2600 or 5200 forums. I mean, not like every day of course... there were even entire years I didn't log in.


I know about the dental equipment, that's why I put the smiley face.



EDIT: Man... I am so going to give you guys shit if this thing actually ships, literally, after three days of you guys being all like... you're not cool enough because you didn't follow the Amico drama with all the other sweaty fat gamers in their parents basements. GAMING RACIST!!!


Seriously though, I would buy it... but I am going to give all of you guys shit if it does actually ship.

They blew through $17 million. They should ship something. That is what is mind boggling. They've also had an extra three years to get in finished, when it was supposedly finished in 2019.


You probably haven't seen the latest update from the current CEO. Their new focus is getting the games out on mobile. Those who ordered a console will get early access to stuff on their Amico Home app.


Releasing isn't a win here. They claimed they were going to disrupt gaming and targeting 3.2 billion people. I actually hope it does release as I've said before. I want to see their data in action. The Amico fans are already as crazy as Jagheads. At least Jaguar had an actual console make it to market. All the Amicolytes have gotten were game boxes with no games in them.




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19 hours ago, 82-T/A said:


Haha... check this out:







Coleco Chameleon... was supposed to come out in 2016. But I guess it never happened. That case looks strangely familiar... :)


Yeah, just looked it up... they cancelled it quick... didn't even make it to June of 2016 and they cancelled.


yeah, I think I might have heard about that someplace else ... 


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2 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

They blew through $17 million. They should ship something. That is what is mind boggling. They've also had an extra three years to get in finished, when it was supposedly finished in 2019.


You probably haven't seen the latest update from the current CEO. Their new focus is getting the games out on mobile. Those who ordered a console will get early access to stuff on their Amico Home app.


Releasing isn't a win here. They claimed they were going to disrupt gaming and targeting 3.2 billion people. I actually hope it does release as I've said before. I want to see their data in action. The Amico fans are already as crazy as Jagheads. At least Jaguar had an actual console make it to market. All the Amicolytes have gotten were game boxes with no games in them.


The VCS you mean (You said Jag heads)? ... or are you telling me there's a new Jaguar console out there? Hahah...


Yeah, 3.2 billion... well, this is all marketing hype to get people to support the kickstarter. Again, these things need to be properly managed. And that's the problem when you have something like a Go Fund Me rather than a project manager assigned to it by the investor. You get people who spend lavishly because they are living for the moment. When you have situations like this... many of the employees will also live in the moment because they realize that if there's a failure, they can just go somewhere else... it's the person at the top that needs to be fiscally responsible to ensure the project is successful. The same goes for households, and even the President in the Federal government... it seems like most people are failing at this because, well... we are 32 trillion in debt in the United States, and household credit card debt has now achieved an average of 20k, which is insane.


But yeah... obviously, it takes an act of God for 3.2 billion people to know about the Amico. I don't even think there are that many people on Facebook, probably not even TikTok.



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3 hours ago, 82-T/A said:

Man... I am so going to give you guys shit if this thing actually ships, literally, after three days of you guys being all like... you're not cool enough because you didn't follow the Amico drama with all the other sweaty fat gamers in their parents basements. GAMING RACIST!!!


Seriously though, I would buy it... but I am going to give all of you guys shit if it does actually ship.


But seriously, you really should watch this video, it's well paced, impressively sourced, and more entertaining than you might expect. It's coming up on 7 million views. 




Amico was only supposed to have shipped 2 million consoles by now!


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9 minutes ago, Flojomojo said:


Amico was only supposed to have shipped 2 million consoles by now!


Maybe you're reading it wrong and the "M" means "maybe."   So they're saying they were going to ship "2 Maybe" by 2023.  And didn't they just ship a third to someone for youtube videos, which would mean they succeeded?


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23 minutes ago, Flojomojo said:


But seriously, you really should watch this video, it's well paced, impressively sourced, and more entertaining than you might expect. It's coming up on 7 million views. 





I have a lot of questions... but first, no way I'm spending 2 hours watching a video about the Amico.


But my first question is... why does this Tommy guy have one of his 1980s recessed swivel lights hanging from the ceiling. It's not hard to push that sucker back in and replace those old ass yellow incandescents with some hi-tech LEDs. Second, how did the podcast guy suddenly get feces smeared all over his shirt?


I will take your word for it though... the guy is wild.


Also, I've only played Roblox once, and it was because my daughter was begging me, and I ended up winning the prom queen on Royal High, to the dismay of my daughter who was pissed that I won on the first time I ever played with "noob arms" as she said. But I don't really know the whole story about the Oof thing... but she said that the guy who runs Roblox is screwing it up, and everyone is pissed. She apparently said the main guy died of cancer or something, and ever since then, the second in command has been screwing it up. Also something about tacos and Chipotle burritos. She says she plays Minecraft now...


Also... Challenge Accepted... my wife has been rewatching How I Met Your Mother... it's a pretty good show, but damn... Ted Mosbey is a wuus... and Erickson should never have gotten rid of his Fiero.

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3 hours ago, Flojomojo said:

yeah, I think I might have heard about that someplace else ... 


See, I get missing things. This is a thread and debacle I missed until after it had ended.


At one point someone claimed to have been with Mike and Tommy, and they were discussing Tommy's idea that badically sounded like Amico. This supposedly happened prior to RetroVGS/Chameleon.

2 hours ago, 82-T/A said:

But yeah... obviously, it takes an act of God for 3.2 billion people to know about the Amico. I don't even think there are that many people on Facebook, probably not even TikTok.


2 hours ago, 82-T/A said:

Also... Challenge Accepted... my wife has been rewatching How I Met Your Mother... it's a pretty good show, but damn... 

I watched the show because my friends were into it. It was okay. I jumped in late and predicted what the series was about after watching the first episode. They claimed I was wrong, until well the final episode. 

1 hour ago, Rev said:

But you will spend countless hours posting on a forum. 

That means we are doing something right you GAMING COMMUNIST!


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4 hours ago, 82-T/A said:

why does this Tommy guy have one of his 1980s recessed swivel lights hanging from the ceiling. It's not hard to push that sucker back in and replace those old ass yellow incandescents with some hi-tech LEDs.

We have been wondering that for years. 🙂

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1 minute ago, MattPilz said:

I wonder what return address would even be used these days.

There's still a person taking requests with an address in Mission Viejo, California. I can't say I'm happy with not getting 100% of the money back, but the fact that I'm getting a significant portion back for everything is better than I would have expected at this point. Hopefully others will have similar success getting refunds still.

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8 minutes ago, Bill Loguidice said:

There's still a person taking requests with an address in Mission Viejo, California. I can't say I'm happy with not getting 100% of the money back, but the fact that I'm getting a significant portion back for everything is better than I would have expected at this point. Hopefully others will have similar success getting refunds still.

Are they making you return the boxes or are they like "eh, we don't want 'em either, so don't bother?"

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13 hours ago, 82-T/A said:

Seriously though, I would buy it... but I am going to give all of you guys shit if it does actually ship.

And I think you'd be given a lot of shit for paying a premium price for what's essentially gonna be a plug n' play with a few games that feel like free to play mobile stuff, and very, very low chance for any future support.   It'll be a classic AtariAge Shit-Giveathon!


9 hours ago, 82-T/A said:

I have a lot of questions... but first, no way I'm spending 2 hours watching a video about the Amico.


Yeah, I'm with you.  I don't really care enough about the thing to watch these lengthy youtube rants.  BUT... from what I've heard, that one is very well done, and is not so much an "Amico video" as more of a documentary about how someone in the gaming industry built his career and entire persona on basically nothing but lies (I'm sure many people here will let us know if I'm dead wrong about that)  So if that sort of train wreck interests you at all, it might be worth a shot.



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58 minutes ago, Razzie.P said:

Are they making you return the boxes or are they like "eh, we don't want 'em either, so don't bother?"

I would have preferred that so I didn't have to pay shipping, but the boxes were required. Again, I lost money with these refunds, but I feel like getting most of the money back now versus none of the money later is preferable.

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On 6/19/2023 at 4:24 AM, mr_me said:

It is my opinion that it doesn't violate fcc regulations because fcc regulations cover products in the market.  These prototypes are not products for sale, the Amico is not yet a product.  I'm not going to say I'm right and you're wrong, it's my opinion. If they want to show someone, whether a potential contract manufacturer or investor, what the final product looks like then those labels need to be there.  In some cases the logos are embossed in the plastic and part of the moulding.  They don't have to be there but then they aren't showing a complete prototype.  The zero fcc number indicates to me that certifications may not be complete.  I also suggested that certifications status should be part of the field market test program agreement.  And they should be clear whenever asked about certifications.



Uh .... so it was always a matter of opinions .... and "may not" ?????

On 6/19/2023 at 6:20 AM, jerseystyle said:

You’re wrong because the FCC itself says they can’t be there. I showed you the docs where they say this. You can’t put that logo on “just for pretendsies”, that’s not how this works. You keep acting like it is okay and/normal for them to do this and it isn’t. You are completely wrong here. 

Bingo!!!!! And thank you for spelling it out so clearly!!! 
I cannot believe it ... mr_me is wrong, who would have thought !?!?!


This has been the issue with mr_me all along on many issues around the Amico .... minimizing/pretending it's ok, all under control, business as usual, expected, keep the faith, don't despair .... even now after 3y of hot air .... holy maccheroni (btw that is the correct Italian spelling of macaroni) !!! 


To be perfectly effing crystal clear to mr_me: the lack of FCC certificates means they ain't shipping anything and they weren't for the past 2/3y even when they said they were ready to do so ... no matter how you (mr_me) slice it and dice it and attempt to rationalize it only when an FCC cert shows up then there's hope they would ship something (they could still mess up after that mind you), before that anything said about them "being ready" it's also just an opinion which as the saying goes "Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks."

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2 hours ago, Bill Loguidice said:

I would have preferred that so I didn't have to pay shipping, but the boxes were required. Again, I lost money with these refunds, but I feel like getting most of the money back now versus none of the money later is preferable.

I’m happy you are getting something back, my friend sent 6 emails. Can’t even get a response.

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41 minutes ago, phoenixdownita said:

Uh .... so it was always a matter of opinions .... and "may not" ?????

Bingo!!!!! And thank you for spelling it out so clearly!!! 
I cannot believe it ... mr_me is wrong, who would have thought !?!?!


This has been the issue with mr_me all along .... minimizing/pretending it's ok, all under control, business as usual, expected, keep the faith, don't despair .... even after 3y of hot air .... holy maccheroni (that is the correct Italian spelling of macaroni) !!! 


To be perfectly effing crystal clear to mr_me: the lack of FCC certificates means they ain't shipping anything and they weren't for the past 2/3y even when they said they were ready to do so ... no matter how you (mr_me) slice it and dice it and attempt to rationalize it only when an FCC cert shows up then there's hope they would ship something, before that anything said about them "being ready" it's also just an opinion which as the saying goes "Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks."

What's your point here.  I have little expectation that they can release a console.  But the reason isn't because they don't have certifications, that's the least of their problems.  There's no point in getting certifications for the hardware unless they know they can get it manufactured.


Regarding the fcc sticker on the units out for field testing, my opinion is not without reasons.  The image below is what people here presented as the relevant FCC rule.  First thing is that because the Amico is a wifi/bluetooth device the SDoC procedure doesn't apply to it.  It requires certification, and the certification procedure requires an fcc id label on the shipping product. The sticker on the prototypes simply shows what it will look like, the fcc id number is not fake, it is zero, indicating it's not an fcc id number at all.  Second, is that these rules applies to product, the word "product" is used rather than "device".  The units that are out for field testing are the property of the company, and not end-user products. 


More important than the sticker is if the fcc allows these types of field market testing with uncertified units.  And if they do, the testers should be made aware they're not certified, whether the stickers are there or not.



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