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Intellivision Amico’s trademark changed to ‘abandoned’

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15 minutes ago, Matt_B said:

My take on the Diablo Immoral situation is that ActiBliz are a particularly egregious money grubbing corporation, even by the standards of a games industry that also includes Ubisoft and EA, and that their fans acted like a bunch of crybabies when they started to figure that out.


There you go, you really can have that one both ways.


So I just need some clarity. They don't have phones? :P


9 minutes ago, Razzie.P said:

Meh, we're not all completely sold on some of the stuff in the wave, though.   Like that new product they're coming out with.  Here's a video, if you wanna see some potential concerns that some people are having --


I have less problems with this than most. It is a glorified Retron77 with a cart dumper. At least the Flashbacks didn't attempt to act like it was something it wasn't.


I don't see the point in plugging in a cart just to emulate something. Remove the cart slot, lower the price, and sell me ROMs. The problem with that is they can't sell carts which will cost more than doing the ROM thing. 


But what do I know? @Tommy Tallarico said to not underestimate him, and he's totally shown that me and other people have no clue.

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3 hours ago, jerseystyle said:

Oh, you were JOKING this whole time? Okay bud. 

Rewind this thread back to when I posted my first comment, I tried having a normal conversation even if this thread wasn't the most indicated for it ( I didn't know that at the time, plus there was no 2600+ dedicated thread for people to post so I didn't know where it would be appropriate to post my opinions), what happened, I got bombarded with an endless amount of sarcastic and trollish responses, every time I tried to clarify something I was met with even more  ridicule, at some point you might as well join in on the fun since no attempt at honest dialog is gonna change the dog pilling, like a losing hand at poker sometimes it's better  to just fold than to continue a bad round.

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2 hours ago, roots.genoa said:

Indeed, you were joking the all time, and still are. When that thing got announced, it got at least half a dozen topics, one for each subsection of the forum since 7800 fans don't browse 2600 forums for some reason. 🤦‍♂️

Bro cut me some slack, this is the first time I've ever joined a gaming forum, before this my engagement with the gaming community was strictly through  YouTube and Twitter, he'll the first few day's when I arrived here I could barely understand the UI of this site ( or where It was appropriate to post about x subject on x thread).

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3 hours ago, roots.genoa said:

Indeed, you were joking the all time, and still are. When that thing got announced, it got at least half a dozen topics, one for each subsection of the forum since 7800 fans don't browse 2600 forums for some reason. 🤦‍♂️

Me thinks someone struggles with jokes.


24 minutes ago, digdugnate said:



banned from NeoGAF, but only through YouTube and Twitter, huh

I've heard NeoGAF are phone gaming racists. They ban those without a phone. So does it still count?

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11 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

Me thinks someone struggles with jokes.


I've heard NeoGAF are phone gaming racists. They ban those without a phone. So does it still count?

That doesn't even count and you know it, I tried to start an account on Neo Gaf a few months ago ( long before coming here ) and was banned  the very same day because some Sony  fanboys ( shocker I know , people nicknamed that site SonyGaf for a reason, don't even remember why I even bothered trying to join that forum) didn't like being challenged on they're stance on the ABK deal , disagreeing with them  and they're groomer leader EvilLore  is a guaranteed  perma ban over there. Also stalker much, are you gonna follow me everywhere now because I triggered you or something?

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1 hour ago, digdugnate said:



banned from NeoGAF, but only through YouTube and Twitter, huh

Takes a special kind of terminally online ( and obsessive stalker apparently) individual to dig up  this old nonsense, you could have just asked me  about my ( failed) experience with gaming forum's, but no you just had to post  this here publicly to get  some brownie points .

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JPF997, you use the term stalker but I do not think it means what you think it means!!  Dude you seem like Mr_Me's missing twin but with a less monotone spin to how you respond!!  You come in hard talking about the 2600+ and Pat and Ian for some reason.......say you joined AA recently and this is the only game forum you have joined then you get outted when it is shown that you literally joined (or tried joining according to you) then got banned...yes clearly everyone on this thread is the issue and you are the innocent victim in all of this!!!  


If you wanna talk Amico that is what THIS thread is about....but you seem to like to play the victim while also trying to inflame people with extreme off topic banter..........I will give you this though, you are an amazing train wreck to watch for being "new" to the AA forum as you claim!!!  



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11 minutes ago, lawdawg710 said:

JPF997, you use the term stalker but I do not think it means what you think it means!!  Dude you seem like Mr_Me's missing twin but with a less monotone spin to how you respond!!  You come in hard talking about the 2600+ and Pat and Ian for some reason.......say you joined AA recently and this is the only game forum you have joined then you get outted when it is shown that you literally joined (or tried joining according to you) then got banned...yes clearly everyone on this thread is the issue and you are the innocent victim in all of this!!!  


If you wanna talk Amico that is what THIS thread is about....but you seem to like to play the victim while also trying to inflame people with extreme off topic banter..........I will give you this though, you are an amazing train wreck to watch for being "new" to the AA forum as you claim!!!  



Sure let's talk about the Amico, that piece of crap will never come out, all the fool's who invested money in that scan are getting exactly what they deserve (nothing), Atari creep is an embarrassment for all Atari and Intelivision fans, nobody should ever trust Tommy Talarico ever again, what more is there to be said?

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2 hours ago, JPF997 said:

Bro cut me some slack, this is the first time I've ever joined a gaming forum, before this my engagement with the gaming community was strictly through  YouTube and Twitter, he'll the first few day's when I arrived here I could barely understand the UI of this site ( or where It was appropriate to post about x subject on x thread).

Yeah, I get it.  We all have missteps like that.  It happens and it'll pass if you let it.   


At some point, though, you're gonna have to accept that "ok, this went a bit sideways..." stop arguing with everyone, and just let it go.  Move on, have other conversations, blah blah, yadda yadda and you'll find everyone else has let it go, too.   But if you keep with the behavior that you've been showing, constantly reminding us all that its "someone else's fault," name calling and such, then I can promise that EVERYONE ELSE isn't just gonna miraculously stop.  So it'll continue to be a back n' forth between you and everyone else until you're booted or banned or thread locked something like that.

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44 minutes ago, JPF997 said:

Takes a special kind of terminally online ( and obsessive stalker apparently) individual to dig up  this old nonsense, you could have just asked me  about my ( failed) experience with gaming forum's, but no you just had to post  this here publicly to get  some brownie points .


my point being that you don't get to play the victim and say you've never been on a gaming forum when it's obvious you have been and anyone with thirty seconds on their hands could figure it out.  no l33t hacking here.


now off i go to talk about Guiness records i didn't earn...

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1 hour ago, JPF997 said:

That doesn't even count and you know it, I tried to start an account on Neo Gaf a few months ago ( long before coming here ) and was banned  the very same day because some Sony  fanboys ( shocker I know , people nicknamed that site SonyGaf for a reason, don't even remember why I even bothered trying to join that forum) didn't like being challenged on they're stance on the ABK deal , disagreeing with them  and they're groomer leader EvilLore  is a guaranteed  perma ban over there. Also stalker much, are you gonna follow me everywhere now because I triggered you or something?

Calling people groomers, using “triggered”… uh oh. 

You seem like the type who has problems with lots of people. Most people don’t.  Maybe reflect on that.   

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2 hours ago, jerseystyle said:

Calling people groomers, using “triggered”… uh oh. 

You seem like the type who has problems with lots of people. Most people don’t.  Maybe reflect on that.   

I think it would be best for all of us if we just pretended like the last few days didn't happen, I'm ready to move on, this was all just one big misunderstanding that spiralled out of control all because of one bad post.


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2 hours ago, JPF997 said:

Sure let's talk about the Amico, that piece of crap will never come out, all the fool's who invested money in that scan are getting exactly what they deserve (nothing), Atari creep is an embarrassment for all Atari and Intelivision fans, nobody should ever trust Tommy Talarico ever again, what more is there to be said?

What's wrong with @The Atari Creep? He loves atari more than you!

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On 9/11/2023 at 3:31 PM, JPF997 said:

I still remember seeing Pat the NES Punk and his  personal henchmen Ian hating on this site  just because Albert allowed Tommy to exercise his free speech  rights  until ( and this is very important ) it became obvious that it was all a scam, if it where up to those two no one would ever be given the benefit of the doubt and would immediately be shut down just on the suspicion that a project might become a scam.

Category: "JPF997 doesn't like Pat Contri" (1)

On 9/11/2023 at 4:05 PM, JPF997 said:

Of course I know how that story turned out, Tommy is a fraud and people lost they're money, but that's just it, that's one scam out of who knows how many successfull crowdfunding campaigns,  if it where up to Pat and Ian system's like the Polymega or indeed even  the VCS would never have been allowed  to go to crowdfunding and eventually be released, the moment any problem would arise during production they would immediately demand that the project's be shut down and they're creators be silenced from social media unable to defend themselves.

Category: "JPF997 doesn't like Pat Contri" (2)

Category: "JPJ997 insults Tommy Tallarico" (1)

On 9/11/2023 at 4:21 PM, JPF997 said:

Long before I joining Atari age I remember watching Pat's videos where he constantly shit on this site just because the owner allowed Tommy to have a platform to speak on, at the time I kinda agreed with Pat  (because it was obvious that Tommy was a snake) but then seeing how Pat also went after the Polymega and the VCS I started to understand that he just hates underdogs in general, as long as mighty Nintendo is on top nothing else matters to him, if it we're up to him all crowdfunding would be viewed as a potential scam and be banned immediately, I mean just take a look at his most recent video shitting on the 2600+, the amount of lies and hate he spews towards a product that isn't even out yet is unbelievable.

Category: "JPF997 doesn't like Pat Contri" (3)

On 9/11/2023 at 4:27 PM, JPF997 said:

Now I don't want anyone here to think I'm defending Tommy, I just believe people should generally be given a chance to prove themselves before being branded as a fraud ( which is something Pat and Ian love to accuse others of being most of the time without evidence to back it up ).

Category: "JPF997 doesn't like Pat Contri" (4)

On 9/11/2023 at 4:44 PM, JPF997 said:

Yup I probably shouldn't have brought up those two drama whores into this conversation, now I'm afraid some people might actually be thinking  that I'm defending Tommy Talarico of all people , I just wanted to vent about Pat's latest abortion of a video where he just goes after the 2600+  relentlessly like if it was as bad as a tiger handheld, not gonna lie i was basically thunderstruck the whole time I watched it.

Category: "JPF997 doesn't like Pat Contri" (5)

On 9/11/2023 at 5:33 PM, JPF997 said:

Okay I'm officially leaving this conversation before I'm accused of being something I'm not and/or be judged because of a dumb misunderstanding, have a nice day.

Category: "JPF997 is going to leave" (1)

On 9/11/2023 at 6:31 PM, JPF997 said:

Huh no insulting Tommy was like the best thing Pat ever did in his career, everything else is pure mediocrity, I probably should have posted my frustrations with the CU podcast in some other place, placing it in the Amico topic section was a bad idea ( really just wanted to see what other people thought about his rant against the 2600+, that's all ).

Category: "JPF997 doesn't like Pat Contri" (6)

On 9/11/2023 at 7:14 PM, JPF997 said:

His 2600+ coverage seemed fair ? How about him completely forgetting that the system support's 7800 games (until of course it's time to bitch about the console not having a 7800 controller included in the box ), how  about coming up with conspiracy theories like assuming that every game currently marked as untested is secretly unplayable and that Atari is purposely not telling costumers that until it's to late, I could go on but hopefully you get the point, to say Pat's coverage is fair is a flat out lie and you know it.

Category: "JPF997 doesn't like Pat Contri" (7)

Category: "JPF997 doesn't like Pat Contri's opinion about Atari 2600+" (1)

On 9/11/2023 at 7:21 PM, JPF997 said:

I just knew it would all turn out all right, thanks for confirming it Al, also it seems like I accidentally inserted myself in a conversation I wanted no part in ( here on the Amico sub ), rookie mistake, I'll try to be more careful about where I post my critiques next time.

Category: "JPF997 is going to leave" (2)

On 9/11/2023 at 8:12 PM, famicommander said:

What about the games they claim are tested working which they couldn't possibly have actually tested? The light gun-only 7800 games (not the ones that can use a joystick, the ones that only use the gun) are marked as working despite the fact that there aren't any HDMI displays that are compatible with a 7800 light gun. To me that calls into question the entire list. Are there other games marked tested that technically emulate correctly but can't be played due to the hardware limitations? Are all possible difficulty and b/w switch variations accounted for?

Category: "JPF997 doesn't like Pat Contri's opinion about Atari 2600+" (2)

On 9/16/2023 at 6:40 PM, JPF997 said:

Why/how is this farce still going, it was obvious since at least 2021 (being very generous here) that they were never going to release anything, how long can a fake company continue operating with a limited amount of money and no products to sell ( money stolen from gullible fool's might I had ), you would think having to pay taxes would have made them declare bankruptcy and sell the remaining Intelivision asset's to someone else by now ( would be hilarious if the buyer was Atari, considering all of  Tommy's constant boasting that he was going to win  the imaginary console war between the Amico and the VCS ).

Category: "JPF997 is on topic" (1)

Category: "JPJ997 insults Tommy Tallarico" (2)

On 9/19/2023 at 1:15 PM, JPF997 said:

 Guess I owe everyone here an apology, after researching this topic a bit further you guys were right, Tommy didn't deserve any benefit of the doubt, the old mods allowing him to spread his bs here on Atari age for as long as he did was a mistake, clearly he abused his right to free speech and maliciously spread lies and misinformation to manipulate the more gullible user's to donate they're hard earned money to a scam that was never gonna produce anything of value ( unless you count fake physical games as value ), Al should have shut Tommy's mouth up the moment he started "crowdfunding" for the Amico.

Category: "JPF997 is going to leave" (3)

On 9/19/2023 at 1:25 PM, JPF997 said:

I still think people like Pat and Ian are not to be trusted though, just because they we're right about the Amico and Tommy doesn't excuse all the other stuff they've done, the way they handled the Diablo Immortal  situation in particular is what made me lose a great deal of respect towards them, after that I've always taken they're opinions with a massive grain of salt  ( I think that's the correct expression to use in a situation like this right,  Americans seem to use this expression a lot in similar contexts).

Category: "JPF997 doesn't like Pat Contri" (8)

On 9/20/2023 at 5:18 AM, JPF997 said:

 1) Huh i never said I was against Pat's right to free speech, he can say all the bs he wants and I will call him out when he does, it's that simple.


2) Either you have no knowledge of the Diablo immortal shilling that Pat and Ian did ( and how they reacted to being criticized for it ) or your a corporate cock sucker, there's not in between when it comes to this topic.

Category: "JPF997 doesn't like Pat Contri" (9)

On 9/20/2023 at 11:24 AM, JPF997 said:

They don't, I made a mistake a few days ago  when I was still new here of mentioning them in the wrong thread   ( this one ) when all i  wanted was to discuss with people what they're thoughts regarding Pat and Ian's latest video on the 2600+  were (i also mentioned how they had previously defamed the Polymega and the VCS on multiple occasions),unfortunately this event   unleashed a few trolls around here that now think it's funny to accuse me of somehow being an Amico/Tommy shill or something to that effect.

Also there are no updates on Amico trademarks or FCC certs at this time, sorry.

Category: "JPF997 doesn't like Pat Contri" (10)

Category: "JPF997 doesn't like Pat Contri's opinion about Atari 2600+" (3)

On 9/20/2023 at 11:45 AM, JPF997 said:

Super angry? Brother I'm as relaxed as someone can be, exposing frauds is just a  fun/enjoyable thing to do when you have a little  spare time 😎

Category: "JPJ997 insults Tommy Tallarico" (3)

17 hours ago, JPF997 said:

You guys take all this nonsense so seriously, edgy humor is nothing new to the internet, you should learn to relax and just enjoy the Atari Wave (we're on Atari age after all )


Category: "JPF997 tells people how to behave" (1)

15 hours ago, JPF997 said:

Not dealing with you  troll's any longer, back to viewing more entertaining content



Category: "JPF997 tells people how to behave" (2)

Category: "JPF997 is going to leave" (4)

8 hours ago, JPF997 said:

Rewind this thread back to when I posted my first comment, I tried having a normal conversation even if this thread wasn't the most indicated for it ( I didn't know that at the time, plus there was no 2600+ dedicated thread for people to post so I didn't know where it would be appropriate to post my opinions), what happened, I got bombarded with an endless amount of sarcastic and trollish responses, every time I tried to clarify something I was met with even more  ridicule, at some point you might as well join in on the fun since no attempt at honest dialog is gonna change the dog pilling, like a losing hand at poker sometimes it's better  to just fold than to continue a bad round.

Category: "JPF997 is going to leave" (5)

5 hours ago, JPF997 said:

Bro cut me some slack, this is the first time I've ever joined a gaming forum, before this my engagement with the gaming community was strictly through  YouTube and Twitter, he'll the first few day's when I arrived here I could barely understand the UI of this site ( or where It was appropriate to post about x subject on x thread).

Category: "JPF997 tells people how to behave" (3)

3 hours ago, JPF997 said:

That doesn't even count and you know it, I tried to start an account on Neo Gaf a few months ago ( long before coming here ) and was banned  the very same day because some Sony  fanboys ( shocker I know , people nicknamed that site SonyGaf for a reason, don't even remember why I even bothered trying to join that forum) didn't like being challenged on they're stance on the ABK deal , disagreeing with them  and they're groomer leader EvilLore  is a guaranteed  perma ban over there. Also stalker much, are you gonna follow me everywhere now because I triggered you or something?

Category: "JPF997 tells people how to behave" (4)

3 hours ago, JPF997 said:

Takes a special kind of terminally online ( and obsessive stalker apparently) individual to dig up  this old nonsense, you could have just asked me  about my ( failed) experience with gaming forum's, but no you just had to post  this here publicly to get  some brownie points .

Category: "JPF997 tells people how to behave" (5)

3 hours ago, JPF997 said:

Sure let's talk about the Amico, that piece of crap will never come out, all the fool's who invested money in that scan are getting exactly what they deserve (nothing), Atari creep is an embarrassment for all Atari and Intelivision fans, nobody should ever trust Tommy Talarico ever again, what more is there to be said?

Category: "JPF997 tells people how to behave" (6)

Category: "JPJ997 insults Tommy Tallarico" (4)

19 minutes ago, JPF997 said:

I think it would be best for all of us if we just pretended like the last few days didn't happen, I'm ready to move on, this was all just one big misunderstanding that spiralled out of control all because of one bad post.


Category: "JPF997 tells people how to behave" (7)

Category: "JPF997 is going to leave" (6)





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