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WIP - new Game - Krypton -save superman's home world !!!!!


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Hello Atarians, 


find attached my new game - done completely in assembler. Now I can leave good old batari basic behind.

It's a space shooter, Krypton(Superman's home world) ist under attack . You have to fight all enemies intruders and save the planet .

Between each stage you have to collect 3 Superman shields , but be careful of hitting by the flying square things.

I managed to do a title screen with music . The music routine was hacked out of E.T game., music was composed by my self.

I tried to catch the style and design of the Superman movie ( Man of steel). Planet surface of Krypton was designed after the original movie from 1978.


7 Levels so far, for testing purposes you have only to kill 2 enemies for the next stage, normally there are 20 enemies to kill for the next stage.


Any feedback would be great. If you have additional ideas for the game- write me. There ist a little bit of rom space left in the 4k rom.


Greetings and have a nice day.


Tom from Berlin






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Maybe the source is a chance to see how modern programmers implement their code, as opposed to how disassembly's of old games and historically how they did things?

If anyone has an archive of "modern" "homebrew" Atari 2600 game disassembly's I would love to see it, maybe a git archive? 

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3 hours ago, Darthtom said:

the new build from today 10-25-2022. I improved a bit but also simplifier the code and game mechanics . Balancing is very difficult. 

Please give me feedback. 



alien.asm.bin 4 kB · 1 download


It's fun! Couple of points:


1) You should be able to start the game from the title screen with the fire button. @ZeroPageHomebrew talks about games being "couch friendly".


2) It would be better if the game didn't immediately return to the title screen at the end of a game, to give the player a better understanding of what has happened.


For example, in one of my first games the game returned to the title screen and I didn't understand why. I had to rewind the game in the emulator to find out what had happened. I recorded the event in the video below. We can see that the pink alien appeared on the left without warning and in the space of just a couple of frames the game was over.


Bu all in all. I enjoyed playing it 🙂




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On 10/25/2022 at 10:56 PM, JetSetIlly said:


It's fun! Couple of points:


1) You should be able to start the game from the title screen with the fire button. @ZeroPageHomebrew talks about games being "couch friendly".


2) It would be better if the game didn't immediately return to the title screen at the end of a game, to give the player a better understanding of what has happened.


For example, in one of my first games the game returned to the title screen and I didn't understand why. I had to rewind the game in the emulator to find out what had happened. I recorded the event in the video below. We can see that the pink alien appeared on the left without warning and in the space of just a couple of frames the game was over.


Bu all in all. I enjoyed playing it 🙂





i fixed some things and now its coach compliant , have a try. 

Source code on demand available. 

@Zero Homebrew: ready for the show ? 


Greetings Tom from Berlin



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I fixed some more issues.  


Now it's coach compliant ( Thanx James for the wonderful definition you made) 

better game balance , the square enemie do not appear , if your player is on the left border of the screen

Game stops after dead, fire button to restart. 


Some more suggestions to add or improve would be nice :)


Greetings Tom




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  • 3 weeks later...

ZeroPage Homebrew is playing an Exclusive WIP Update of Krypton on Wednesday's ZPH stream LIVE on Twitch, hope you can join us!



After Dark:

  • Jumping At Shadows (2022 Demo | Jaguar) by Reboot / Lawrence Staveley @CyranoJ & Ander Lex @agradeneu (Code) / Ericde45 @Ericde45 (Sound Engine) / Ander Lex & Szadi Art (Artwork) / Roald Strauss (Music)
  • Stormbringer (2022 Exclusive Retail Premiere | Jaguar) by Lawrence Staveley @CyranoJ (Jaguar Port) / David Jones (Original Programmer) / Benedikt Scheffer @Cabbage (Packaging Artwork)




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