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RTO - my "production" take on the multicart


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Proof of Concept for the MicroSD Card. Once again... it will look better. ;)

I wished the Teensy had a spring-loaded slot, but it doesn't. To remove the card, you need to grab the lip of the card and pull.

I've also ordered a few Teensy boards for some beta testers.

@Rev I need those shells... hopefully they're on the way... I need to make some CNC programs to route some inner supports, and the holes of course.


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3 minutes ago, RockLobster said:

How goes the RTO project?   It's the only live system (one that's hooked up) I have that doesn't have a flashcart, ODE or modded to play old libraries!  I neeeeeed it.  :)

The RTO Project is completed and works fine! if you want build yourself the flashcart, use the files on official github repository or, if you want one from the customized version that 5-11under is building, this is the right place to ask for! ;)

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5 minutes ago, aotta said:

if you want one from the customized version that 5-11under is building, this is the right place to ask for! ;)


Well well well!    How can I read up on the current capabilities of what @5-11under is building?!?   


Also, is the current build one that can be reflashed or updated w/o special EEPROM tools?



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I suggest you to read the rto related threads (included the present) and you'll find all the answers. That's the sense of this forum 😜



well, probably the answer to "how update the firmware" is not so clear in the discussions, but is in the github repository. Anyway, in short: the firmware is inside the Teensy 4.1 board that is the "core" of the multicart, so any update will be a loading of new code in the Teensy board, and the usual way is via usb connection to the Teensy and Arduino IDE tools.

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First of all, it's an RTO... some links are on the first post. Basically, it's a MicroSD flash cart. I have put my own spin on it, increasing the display size to 1.3", and changing the reset circuitry and logic.


Firmware will already be loaded by me, although if there is a need or want to change it, that's easy enough to do, via the Teensy's mini USB port, and Arduino software (or Teensy uploader if you have a file that someone has already compiled).


The MicroSD card will be supplied by the user, and will be easily removeable. The user will need to provide .bin and .cfg files for each game. I think there's a default .cfg file, but I'm not sure how that works, so so far I've been supplying .cfg files for each .bin file. If you only have .rom files, they'll need to be changed via the rom2bin.exe program available in the jzintv emulator. Files can be in folders for quicker access. The way the RTO works is that the games/folder menu is on the cart's screen, and game selection is made by pressing appropriate up/down/select buttons on the cart. Also, there is no need to do a power down/up or manual reset when changing games.


I'm currently still waiting for Rev to send me the shells, and after assembly, I'll be sending out a few to beta testers just to be sure, and then I'll prepare for a wider release. The initial batch will be reserved for those who express interest in this thread (you'll see a "Thanks" by me to show that).

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36 minutes ago, 5-11under said:


The user will need to provide .bin and .cfg files for each game. I think there's a default .cfg file, but I'm not sure how that works, so so far I've been supplying .cfg files for each .bin file


I confirm the RTO use the configuration files as Jzintv that are linked in first post of this Joe's topic: 

RTO looks first for the ".cfg" file with same name of selected BIN in same folder and, if not found, looks for the "0.cfg" file (the "standard" and most used rom map for Intellivision's carts) into root folder and use it. If neither the 0.cfg exists, the RTO shows an error message on display and halts.


Edited by aotta
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